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Posts posted by Hollie

  1. That’s truly awful, sorry to hear that. Sorry probably came across like an insensitive asshole. My New Zealand sailor mouth gets me into trouble over here LOL. All my family and friends are back in NZ so it’s been rough being so far away with everything going on. The business I was working for was kinda small so understand their reasoning but it put me in a horrible situation because of losing my insurance and being on a greencard etc. 

  2. @SStu Mike isn’t really my style. LOL but he is really good. Challenjer definitely could work with but he’s over 2 hours from me lol. 
    Not sure if you checked out the dude that did mine but he’s been doing it 23 years and owns Stained Skin. 



    Also he’s super versatile, he’s usually black and grey, Japanese style. But he took a crack, I trusted his experience and I’m super happy with the result. 

  3. I love the concept! This is really quite sweet. I’m kinda with @SStu on the text part. You could always have the text added later, somewhere else but part of the fun of getting a tattoo (in my opinion) is sharing the story behind it and some sentimental mystery is always good. I love the leaves, I just finished a half sleeve on Tuesday so depends if you’re planning on wrapping it or just doing the front of your arm.. I did both (ouch for the back but worth it).. you could introduce a bit more of the tree, eg where the branch is attached... I guess the trunk? To also represent stability and the roots of your family - just a thought. 
    Goodluck, again super sweet thought and concept is great 😊

  4. @SStu - yeah I feel like I’ve made comments about not getting another one before, and each time I usually go bigger so 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lol. My husband said I need to get the other side done to even it out now LOL. I still have a couple more flowers to add in a month or so but for now I’m done lol. The healing process I think is probably my least favourite as I always get the itches BAD and it drives me mental. 

  5. So not sure if this will work for others but this process seems to be working for me...its now completely clotted and almost closed in a matter of days..

    I had a reaction to the tegaderm that was originally put on my sleeve but I think its due to the build up of ink and fluids drying up. I was told to leave it on 3 days, I lasted two due to the redness and swelling purely around the adhesive edges. 

    However, due to the crease wound being open I was 10 out 10 paranoid of infection so I was desperate to cover it. 

    I washed the area with anti bacterial soap, dried it thoroughly, put a piece of tegaderm over it (I cut it, shits expensive). Following morning, removed the tegaderm and there was improvement however wasn’t closed enough, repeated cleaning process, let it air dry and air out for a few hours, cleaned it, reapplied tegaderm and removed the following day. 

    This was the result and I’m super stoked, maybe attending uni and learning a bit about wound care helped me after all 😂


    the little pink/red in the crease is actually now ink, not an open cut!


    Have another 8 hour session on Tuesday so will upload (hopefully) finished result. 

    but for now, here’s the work so far..



  6. It’s warm but I think it’s due to the area. It was worked pretty hard given how much shading it is... my other is kinda warm in the same area so I don’t think the warmth is unusual. 

    I put tegaderm on it last night and it seems to dried out a little compared to previous days... here are some more photos of it today. 



  7. Hey everyone!

    sooo. Fourth tattoo, decided to go 3/4 sleeve. Having some issues with a spot to the side of ditch (inside of elbow - I’m sure y’all will know this lol). There was never any scabbing or dryness that I saw however who knows what happened while I was sleeping!

    Its tender, a little raised and it just won’t close. I’ve used anti bacterial soap, and antiseptic soap. 

    contacted my tattoo artist (I have another session on Tuesday and today is day 7) and he said to keep it clean, and don’t apply lotion to it to try dry it out. He also suggested tegaderm - I’ve since put it on (after this pic) and it’s oozing - presumably due to it being open? Should I be concerned? Am I fighting an infection? No other symptoms eg fevers etc. 

    Appreciate any advice that comes my way!



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