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Everything posted by HaydenRose

  1. Great work! Reminds me a lot of Valerie Vargas, but from what I've heard, you may have been tattooing longer than her... Anywho, welcome!
  2. Geez, that's a drag. When I worked for a rape crisis center, the director had to visit a correctional facility because we were going to be doing some outreach on sexual assault. Anyway, they asked her if she had any tattoos and if she did to explain what they meant, blah blah. She felt extremely violated and the officers were making horrible comments. I'm sure you're a stand-up guy since you have rad tattoos, but it sucks that just because there are gang tattoos, all tattoos have to undergo the same scrutiny. And at the end of the day, your personality and character, etc. should be your judge, not the tattoos you wear.
  3. I saw this today and thought it was an interesting share. Neat idea, but not sure how effective it is at rooting out bad tattooers... Anyways, enjoy!
  4. HaydenRose


    Have you considered calling an insurance company and getting a quote that way? Oh no, that would make too much sense.
  5. The only reason I would buy a PS4 at this point is for the new games coming out in the next year. Right now I am squeezing in every last bit of Skyrim-romping I can before we cave and buy the PS4 in a few months (once it's available again, it's been a nightmare trying to hunt one down around this time of year). @Diehardonvhs I really want to play Papers, Please. I've only heard good things.
  6. He's amazing because he can copy a poor design verbatim. Makes sense.
  7. HaydenRose


    Wait... It took you 4 minutes to rack up enough posts to create this strange thread with an ambiguous question? I shouldn't even bother, but... Who is the artist? Why are you asking? Is this on you or someone else? ??????? *Goes back to the LTL thread to restore my faith in this forum*
  8. HaydenRose


    21 Vintage Postcards Of Krampus That Will Haunt Your Dreams Pretty fucked up... But it could make for some killer tattoos.
  9. Nice spread! Welcome! Pictures, perhaps???
  10. Welcome! Your sleeve is looking awesome. It's nice to see more people in NYC on here. And as a VT native transplanted to the NYC area and a fellow snowboarder/photography major, extra welcomes! Do you have plans/aspirations to get tattooed by any one in the area?
  11. Bleeeuuggghhh can we just remove this article from this forum so as to not spread this spewing uninformed BS. I hate people with that mentality, especially since my fiance is a musician and supports himself the same way as a tattooer. He recently had a regular gig and the guy shorted him because of something he didn't like (but he didn't tell my fiance anything, just gave him less $) and he had to give up the gig, because he can't afford to not be paid or worry about not being paid. That's true among all service jobs.
  12. I love the look of those roses! Very bold but still unique...
  13. My recommendation would be to get in touch with your artist, not google. That's the same logic as going on WebMD instead of calling your doctor.
  14. I always get so psyched for a tattoo and completely forget about healing it and all of the fun that goes along with that... I'm starting to catch on now (after 6 years) and scheduled my next one for the end of the work week :)
  15. I think it's been discussed in other threads by some people, but I always get the chills (like the flu) the first few days. And I always feel super low-energy the first day. But the chills are the absolute worst, and it makes sense that I get them with the body being compensated from the tattoo "trauma".
  16. Nice! I live near NYC and drive to Vermont all the time to visit family. It takes about 5 1/2 hours and a 3/4 tank of gas. It's definitely not that bad to drive. Like @Graeme said, I-87 is beautiful and an easy straight shot to this area.
  17. HaydenRose

    Book thread

    Made me think of this lol I hope someone gets this reference.
  18. Yes!!! I finally have an appointment for a NEW tattoo! It's been soooo long!
  19. HaydenRose

    Book thread

    I had a marathon reading impulse the last two weeks or so and plowed through a few books in a day each. Either I have no life or a lot of free time at work... Anyways, I read and recommend: The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman The Fault in our Stars - John Green The Wolf Gift series by Anne Rice, I just finished #2 The Wolves of Midwinter I finished The Drawing of the Three (WOW!!!) Bird by Bird - Anne Lamotte (for any one interested in delving into the craft of writing) And right now I am reading the Mayfair Witches series by Anne Rice because a fellow fan of hers demanded I do so, and I am ready to wipe away the shame of not having read them and claiming to be a huge Anne Rice fan. So... Yeah!
  20. I love how this thread is turning into a discussion on masculinity and no women have posted yet except myself. Excellent. I just emailed Kings Ave to book with Kim-Anh Nguyen in May for a one-shot butterfly (woo!). I have a feeling she will have the design I desire :)
  21. I promise I combed through the forum to make sure I'm not repeating anyone. I know we have the gallery album for Butterfly tattoos, but those galleries are lacking *sorry*. I have a hankering to get a traditional-esque butterfly on a whim from some good flash. It would be nice if it was "historical" (SJ, Zeis, Wicks, etc.), if that makes sense. Otherwise, feel free to share your favorite butterfly tattoos. Shoddy swirls and stars need not apply.
  22. When I first saw this thread I instantly thought of those twins! And I love the Syd Barrett story... I think it definitely relates, just can't articulate how at the moment.
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