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Posts posted by heathenist

  1. ehhh if i'm going to travel that far for a convention it would be the London Convention.. i get pretty tired and "over" conventions after the first day so we are just going to go hang out, get tattooed by Stuart and relax. my anxiety goes through the roof when i'm packed in an area with that many people. plus i reaaally want to visit spider murphys!

    Who really needs a convention in SF/Bay area anyway? There are so many great shops/artists to choose from, if I went to a convention in SF I'd probably only end up getting tattooed by locals anyways.

    Don't take this as me saying it's dumb to have a convention there, because it's great for people who live nearby who now have a chance to get tattooed from people all over the world. However, for someone who doesn't have the opportunity to get tattooed by people in the Bay area regularly, there are just so many options already without a convention.

  2. I saw this while lurking the b9 before it hit the 'gram. That girl is not messing around with getting tattooed. I completely back it. Surprisingly, people on that board get some real nice work done.

    Yeah for the most part, at least the people who are regulars to that thread, a lot of which also post here.

  3. Well I only shave my stupid face reluctantly, but good point. I guess I was thinking of my dorky friend wearing shorts in the winter and this kid at my college who ripped a bunch of holes in the back of his shirt so you could tell he had a back piece... but who cares, I'll let people get back to posting awesome tattoos.

    hahahaha, okay, yeah, that would give me major douche chills.

  4. Damn.

    @heathenist I wouldn't mind how that looks, but I always think it looks douchey when people noticeably alter their clothing or style to show off their siqqq tats.

    Why? You pay all that money for them, might as well have them look sharp. People shave their face everyday and its just a stupid face with no cool tattoos.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Kings Ave posted on instagram some horses and rose that Grez did. Holy shit! Whoever has that is stoked. Can't wait for my appointment with him in July.

    I don't think she posts here, but she posts on another messageboard I frequent. She also just got her leg lined with a skull and snake from Chris O'Donnell. Oh and she is a really good artist (not a tattoo artist) to top it off.

  5. In addition to the usual places (hands, face, etc) I don't think I would get a tattoo on any part of my body that is prone to excessive body fat or cellulite (upper arms, thighs, buttocks). I also won't get any on my chest or breasts. Actually, I feel like I wouldn't want any on the front side of my body. I'm more comfortable having them on the back. However, one day I would like one on my forearm blow the crease of my elbow. I guess I'm kind of wimpy when it comes to tattoos even though I like them.

    Where the hell does that even leave to be tattooed? Just your back (which should be reserved for 1 tattoo, or 2-3 collaborative tattoos) and calves?

  6. I use AoS lavender shave cream. I bought one of the big tubs of it for like $25 or something in March of LAST year, I haven't even gone through 1/4 of it, and I shave 3-4 times a week. It smells amazing and lathers really well, definitely worth the money. Don't bother with the preshave oil though, I got a few samples and it's pretty awful, clogs up the razor, doesn't work all that well. Instead, I use almond oil as a preshave, it's cheap, lasts forever, and works really well.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, I've heard pretty bad things about most shavettes, I'd caution against them, particularly the cheapo ones/cheapo blades, I'd say the same thing about cheapo straights, it's definitely something you want to buy quality, not some made in China $12 special.

  7. I haven't used this service, but was really looking into getting a straight for a while, but decided to wait until I had more time and money, but I came across this site which is very reputable in the straight razor community, this guy restores vintage straights and sells them really cheap. The only catch is that you don't know what you're getting in terms of how it looks. All you know if that it's probably a good beginner razor and it's already properly honed and in good condition. Also sells really affordable strops and brushes.

    Whipped Dog Straight Razor Shaving Equipment

    I've been using a DE for the last 2-3 years and I'm very happy with it. I highly suggest getting a shower mirror and shaving in the shower, it makes shaving out of the shower seem terrible.


  8. I haven't used this service, but was really looking into getting a straight for a while, but decided to wait until I had more time and money, but I came across this site which is very reputable in the straight razor community, this guy restores vintage straights and sells them really cheap. The only catch is that you don't know what you're getting in terms of how it looks. All you know if that it's probably a good beginner razor and it's already properly honed and in good condition. Also sells really affordable strops and brushes.

    Whipped Dog Straight Razor Shaving Equipment

    I've been using a DE for the last 2-3 years and I'm very happy with it. I highly suggest getting a shower mirror and shaving in the shower, it makes shaving out of the shower seem terrible.

  9. Shoulder to shoulder - ship on one side, lion wave on the other.

    Not sure if it's what you meant, but I think it would work even better on the chest, ship on one pec, lion head on the other. I think the wave filler would need to be altered a little, but I'm sure the right artist could make it work, just make sure your artist knows what they are doing.

    Is it cool to ask who is doing it? Not sure about the etiquette, but if you don't mind sharing I'd be interested.

  10. Anyone know exactly where/if Phil Sims is working in Tucson? Tucson just had a convention that he worked or at least attended, but the website didn't say if he worked out of a shop or anything specific. I'm moving to Tucson in the fall and if he is still tattooing I'd love to get something from him, even though it's probably a long shot, but hey I figured it's worth asking. Tried google and came up with nothing.

  11. I didn't have too much trouble up near the armpit, I really expected to, and kinda psyched myself out a little going into it, but really didn't think it was terrible. I'm not heavily tattooed (elbow up mostly covered and a big piece on my thigh), but so far the thigh was by far the worst, really not looking forward to getting my legs tattooed again. I don't understand how people get the backs of their thighs done.

    Then again, I've yet to even touch the torso, so I'm sure that will be fun.

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