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Kevin Campbell

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Posts posted by Kevin Campbell

  1. Chris- all I have to say about your Chris Brown encounter is "Wow." Kinda makes me want to make sure I only get "faggot shit" tattooed on me.

    And Nick, I'm gonna tell your old lady that you just called her a tramp.

    Yeah, I'm probably going to ask for "faggot shit" next time I get tattooed as well.

  2. Kevin, that is so ridiculous...you would think since they are celebrities and going to be scrutinized, they would put more thought and research into their tattoos. or maybe they put too much thought into their tattoos? also, aren't most ninjas NOT big followers of Jesus.

    Yeah, I would think they would put some thought into that kind of thing. Although after meeting Chris Brown, I kind of think that he might not put much thought into anything at all. He came in one day with a bunch of people, and kept talking about one of the girls with him getting "her pussy pierced", and then asked me to help him locate a tattoo. I asked him "what kind of tattoo are you looking for?" and he said "I don't know, just don't want no faggot shit". Then some kid asked for his autograph and he ignored the kid and had his body guard tell the kid to fuck off.

  3. At the shop I work out in Hollywood, Chris Brown and Rihanna came in (before he kicked her ass) and they both had some pretty ridiculous tattoos on them (some of which were done at our shop). On his upper arm, there was a Jesus in the clouds with ninjas popping out of all the clouds around it. I asked what was up with the ninjas, and he said they were to protect Jesus. I'm Jewish, so I don't know all that much about Jesus I guess, but I'm pretty sure homeboy doesn't ninjas to protect him when the shit hits the fan.

  4. That's so awesome that you wrote this. It trips me out because earlier today I saw an old design in a book of flash from the 20's, and some of the designs were so familiar that I looked through all my books of more recent flash painted by living artists, and was totally tripping out on the progression or lack thereof of some of the designs. A lot of the stuff looked like they had pretty much traced the old acetate and added a few flairs or whooptydoo's here and there, but otherwise kept the design pretty much the same. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I was talking with my friend the other day as we flipped through the new Ben Corday book, and he made a good point that I agreed with...If people stopped drawing tattoos today, there is so much rad shit out there that it wouldn't really bother us all that much. People were getting tattoos at the turn of the century who's designs still look good 110 years later.

  5. I know, I'm always so stoked when these girls come in, because they always come to me with the raddest shit, and show up like 10 deep. Here's another one I was pretty stoked on. It's only funny when you look at the back of the dudes arms. He said he was just "really into Dukes of Hazzard"...

  6. We had a guy come in a while back, and sadly at the time had a guy working here who was a bit unscrupulous when it came to moral issues regarding tattoo placement, and ended up tattooing a dudes dick beaters, both of 'em, as the guys first tattoos on his body. And mind you, they weren't tiny little kanjis or anything like that, I mean he did like full hand sleeves (gloves??), almost down to his fingers. I was pretty fucking pissed that I wasn't there to stop him, but what can you do. After that the dude kept coming back and getting more, but it was so weird to me that he was working from the bottom up. With a sweatshirt on, he looked like a badass, I guess.

    I just remember 10 years ago talking girls out of getting tattoos that were visible below the elbow and refusing to tattoo above the collar unless it was the only option left. I trip out that peoples first tattoos are behind their ear or on the back of their neck or whatever.

  7. I don't have an opinion on this, but I'd like to share a lingering resentment. I was at the Salt Lake City convention a few years ago, and had just gotten a tattoo by the fabulous Mike Wilson. I was trying to read the ingredients on this alledged aftercare product when this shmoozy sales guy proceeded to ask me who did the tattoo, pretend to know who Mike was, and in a very condescending fashion tried to edjumacate on how to heal a tattoo. As far as I could see, this asshole didn't have a single tattoo anywhere on his body. For the rest of the day, I could hear Brad Pitt muttering "Don't condescend to me motherfucker" in my head. Actually, I can still hear it now.

    Yeah it seems to me that for the most part, the people hawking these aftercare products have no tattoos and I personally believe have no business at all giving aftercare advice to anybody. I remember when that tattoo goo stuff came out like 10 years ago and I tried it out on a fresh tattoo I got a rash and it was super greasy and disgusting, and the tattoo healed like crap. As a matter of fact, every time I have tried out a tattoo specific aftercare product, the tattoo took way too long to heal, and when it finally did, it didn't look so hot.

    SO... Now I just wash the tattoo twice a day with fairly hot water and liquid dial, and once it starts peeling (after 3 days usually) I use aveeno unscented twice a day. Now my tattoos heal like Wolverine.

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