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Brock Varty

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Everything posted by Brock Varty

  1. I got "Country Boy" across my back....please don't laugh yourself out of your chair. If it's any bit of redemption, it is now covered by a Kore Flatmo full backpiece.
  2. Uptown tattoo is a good bet. Most of them have long wait lists though. You could contact The Ink Factory in Hudson WI. Jay Langer owns that place.
  3. Better yet... Get your lovers name tattooed across your face in 5" letters. That one always sends a nice message.
  4. I would buy anything he is selling. It could be a turd covered in burnt hair and I would buy it. - - - Updated - - - What would you prefer they say?
  5. I checked out your blog and really like your tattooing. Nice work man!
  6. I shouldn't ever click on this thread. Spoilers all over....
  7. Do not get anything you are using to treat the rash on your healing tattoo. I have skin problems in and around the area I get tattooed almost ever time. There is a ton of trauma being done to the skin during a tattoo; even the best possible application can't stop that. Your skin reacts in several ways. For some people, nothing. Others may develope a "rash" around the area. Make sure you are not over moisturizing your tattoo and keep it clean. I am sure it will heal perfectly...however, if you are concerned enough to ask on here, you could also consult your tattooer. The person who tattooed you should ALWAYS be the first person you ask about any issue regarding your tattoo and healing. There is a whole lot of people who claim to know what they are talking about, your tattooer IS the expert for you.
  8. I assume that you are located in Germany?
  9. I appreciate you sharing. You seem to have your head on straight. Kudos to you sir.
  10. I used "plainskin" at the shop yesterday...all I got was fucking crickets. No one had a single clue what I was saying.
  11. I have been on forums that have had great success making certain parts of the forum open to only people with a certain post count...
  12. I have a "guy" guy. He is my guy that finds me a guy for everything else.
  13. If you guys are not following his trip, you are fucking up big time. He is posting often and it is great. I am excited everyday to read his travel blog.
  14. I gotta say, I have never heard of a plainskin getting their first tattoo in the ditch. Also, that seems like a pretty unique idea...I think you did well on your first one! Now...whats next? Full backpiece?
  15. Brock Varty

    Hi :)

    As the other said...you know what you want, and you are going to one of the best shops in the world. Give your ideas to Emiliano and he will blow your mind into the stratosphere.
  16. @Ironmask I suggest exploring this site and seeing all of the quality work posted on here. We are always happy to have new people here, however, you may want to observe the way people work around here. This site is here to promote "GOOD" tattooing. As such, it is our missing to post and talk about quality tattoos. Although I can appreciate your enthusiasm, posting the work you are doing on yourself does not and will not ever be "appreciated" here.
  17. @Ironmask Please see a "real" tattooer. I would hate for you to end up with tattoos that you don't like, or worse, some good ol' hepatitis.
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