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Brock Varty

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Everything posted by Brock Varty

  1. Believe me.....I am all over anything either of them put out. I was thinking a real dark, broken, kind of decomposed full neck/throat piece. I really like Nicks Bio-Organic stuff and not so much of the more Bio-Mech stuff. Both are amazing. I initially was thinking Carson Hill or Nick for my neck. I like Nick's stuff a little more because I feel like he uses a bit more black and dark color than Carson does. I also like Nick as a person. He seems like a really smart, solid dude. I feel like he approaches things In a way that I like. The dude who did my right arm and who is working on my torso has a full sleeve laser coverup going on with jeff. So I get all the Jeff/Nick updates I can through him. I am by no means made up my mind on the neck though....anyone have any thoughts on Nick or other bio-mech/bio-organic guys out there???
  2. Thanks a bunch for the link. I am going to take a closer look at GVT when I switch up my program.
  3. i would like to think so...but any piece from a huge artist like Valeri will probably trump me. :(
  4. I would absolutely advise against anything visible at what I can gather is 18 years old or so. With that said...If she is a mature, respectful, sharp person...it won't hurt her job prospects. I firmly believe that if you are exceptionally good at what you do...tattoos won't matter. This obviously is not the case for everyone.... /2cents
  5. The weight stabilization is something that may or may not break GVT for some people. Most of the training that I take part in and that happens with the people I know is for bodybuilding purposes. So, I know some of my friends and people in the gym like GVT...but most of them prefer something like cutting their working weight by 50% and increasing reps by 50%. I actually would kind of like to give GVT another try. As of right now I am in the last part of a very heavy phase and would be thinking about 4-6 weeks of something different and then one full week off. I am going to ask around on what people prefer to do for a routine mix-up. If anyone has a good GVT resource...I would love to see it. I actually usually use a variation of the Heavy Duty system. When I am coming out of that I usually utilize a six week block of time like this. Week 1: Linear Periodization Week 2: Reverse Linear Periodization Week 3: Undulating Periodization Week 4: Linear Periodization Week 5: Reverse Linear Periodization Week 6: Undulation Periodization I sometime like to use a combination of the three in the same week...sometimes even in the same workout. I thought I should add that I am only 25. Being that young enables me to work really hard in the weight room 5 or 6 days a week. My sleep cycle and diet are both in check and I feel like my nutrition is doing really good. Going anything less than balls out almost makes me feel like I am throwing away all of my non-Gym effort.
  6. This looked amazing...realy looking forward to it. Thanks for sharing.
  7. There is something about Scott Ellis's water that kind of puts me off. Assuming the pictures listed are his work. I don't know what it is about the water, I just find it odd. I really dig the rest of the piece though. On another note...thinking of trying to get my neck done by Nick Baxter...anyone have anything interesting about Nick?
  8. Agreed. In it for profit and not love of tattooing. There is a time I wouldn't have cared if a tattooer didn't have much visible work. Now that I am a bit older and tattoos are a much larger part of my life....I don't see it that way. I have a huge amount of respect for the tattooers who love the industry, give back to the industry, and in general are in tattooing because they love it. Anything less than a complete physical commitment I see as kind of a tourist. You need to be visibly tattooed as an artist to have my respect. It is a sign to everyone that you are commited to what you do.
  9. This is a cool piece. It's not my thing...but it is sure good lookin'.
  10. What are you getting? If I was to go to Dana...I would want to go huge(i.e. whole arm/leg).
  11. What season is it in now? Also, I know they don't have it on Netflix Instant...but do they have it on DVD still?
  12. I assume that you are referencing GVT here. The reason I never liked GVT is because I feel like you shouldn't want to or think you can do anything else after 2-4 working sets. In my opinion(which may or may not matter), real gains are made when you physically can not move another ounce after 2-4 sets. If you can do another set...you didn't go heavy enough. /2cents Edit: On a side not, I have known people to like GVT for a little training variation. I personally don't care for it, but I can't deny that it works well for some purposes.
  13. I watched the first four or five seasons when it was on Netflix and have not been keeping up with it. I actually don't even own a tv anymore. When I did though...I really really loved that show.
  14. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=537755179583877&set=a.197285293630869.58055.145111408848258&type=1&theater This is my right arm shortly after my last session. Some parts are still raw in the picture. The back of my arm is a cover up of some shitty script... The artist is Tim Morris at A Brand New Tattoo in Eau Claire, WI. I am honored to be friends with him. He is an amazing person and really solid tattooer.
  15. @BROCKTAT2 .....don't post anything but I follow a bunch of really good tattooers and some other random folks.
  16. Im pissed at myself that I haven't seen your work before. Stellar stuff dude....really really good!
  17. If you present yourself to others in a respectful, clear, and impressive manner...visible tattoos do not matter. I don't want to work for someone who would not include me in a job opportunity because of my ink. Mind you, I have nothing that can't be covered, but I am sleeved. I have NEVER covered my arms in any way and no one has ever said a single negative thing to me about it. I currently work in a fairly liberal company so take what I am saying with that grain of salt. If you are a smart and sharp person...ink will not matter. Edit: I am getting my hand done in the next couple of months and I have zero reservations about it. Like I said before..I am absolutely commited to tattoos/tattooing/ etc. Even if it means I lose a job or have trouble finding one.
  18. The area I live in is a chain of towns with roughly 110,000 people in the area. There are 19 tattoo shops in the city and that isn't counting appointment only shops. 19 street shops!!! Needless to say, the kind of behaviour you outlined in your post is something that happens every day where I live. There are only two or three people with quality work in town and only one who tattoos me. Everyone else is only tattooing for the money it seems. I would think that a shop owner would realise that this behaviour loses them clients. It is like a tv show with all of the drama...and to be honest...it makes the good tattooers look bad. It makes all tattooers and shops look bad.
  19. Ahhh...shows you how much I know! On a quick, unrelated note, is there a central list of tattooers Instagram names somewhere on the site? I know I am subscribed to about 150 different well known artist and I wanted to share that info if there is not something already like that.
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