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Posts posted by Pleadco

  1. I purposely limit the "potential" to chicks with tattoos. I find both tattoos and not attractive, however, if I am looking for a relationship, I can't do it with someone that isn't involved in the things I am. That being...getting tattooed. I accept all people regardless of tattoos or race or color...but to be in MY life, a girl needs to be tattooed. No judging being done here...

    Cool beans bud :)

    I never meant to be overly specific. It's cool that you've identified your interests and make responsible choices based on that.

    I personally have made the choice to live a life that revolves more around the relationships I have (wife, kids, friends) rather than the things that I do. If I were younger and single I would have loved to have been able to throw myself into jiujitsu or tattoing, but I by no means regret my meager skill set and happy family :).

    Cheers bud!

    Edit---"Nazi dick march." awesome.

  2. I totally agree with you on that actually. You are right it is just the same as judging someone with or without. I find gals way more attractive with tattoos, however its not a requirement for me. Its just what draws my eyes first. I could date a gal withouth tattoos and be happy, but as long as she is interested or supports how the tattoo industry is a huge part of my life. thats really all I need.

    But a majority of the time I guess I am guilty of "judging" based on tattoos vs. no tattoos. not in a negative way but just the fact that my eyes are drawn more to the tattoos!

    Most definitely! The art can be awesome and definitely draw the eye. Like a peacock with colorful feathers.

    Although that peacock may be a real asshole. :)

  3. I havent heard of many different feelings after getting a tattoo. myself after i get tattooed i tend to get a cold lol. when i get tattooed I get so calm that i get really cold during a tattoo and the end result is a stuff nose and feeling like im sick for a couple days. Its really odd but my gf is the same way.

    As i get more tattoos i do get a lil depressed but mostly because ill be really sad when i have no where else to tattoo. I plan on covering my whole body with the exception of my face and genitals. but everywhere else ill tattoo. and when i have no more room ill be very depressed.

    Getting tattoo makes me very happy and relaxed so to loose that ill be depressed. But as for this threat I havent gotten the post tattoo blues, yet. but i do get a slight cold afterwards!

    Here you go buddy. Always makes me feel better after watching.

  4. Yeah I know, I just can't think of what to put around it that'll fit well. I don't care for ships (on myself) and don't want more flowers. An eagle wouldn't fit well as content, my wife gives no shits about eagles. So I want to get something that balances on traditional and weird, since my wife is weird.

    I have enough time to decide though. I always get asked "What if you divorce?" (always lovely to hear) and I always say I'll get Raul Julia as M. Bison behind it and slap an "R." on it. And I will if I have the space.


    What Would Jean Claude Do? The answer is; Sonic Boom!

    You can work that underneath the chest piece.

  5. Grats to Scott :)

    I've been teaching my 7 and 9 year old kickboxing and jiujitsu. They are really good kids, but I'm waiting for the call from the school telling me that my daughter choked out a boy on the playground.

    At work I had a drunk, geriatric ex- SF 49'er smack my tattoo'd arm and ask "what is that stupid crap?" That had me laughing for a while.

  6. On an episode of Tattoo Nightmares they had a bitch of a time covering up a tat that had been treated with a removal cream. Not only did it not work in the first place, but it hindered the skin from taking the pigment of the new cover up. Being cheap was going to cost them anyway through the multiple visits needed to get ink into the skin.

  7. I kind of go off of a heirarchy of wants.

    1. is there meaning behind it?

    2. does it inspire me?

    3. is it in a style I like?

    4. does it blend with my other work (this is just a personal preference, and will often times get replaced by number 5)

    5. when you look at it, does it make you go,"hells yeah!"

    This is just me though. Some people really enjoy the random nature of no theme. Do you want your skin to tell multiple stories with different styles, or one longer story?

    P.S. My situation was pretty similar to yours fizz. Only recently have I been able to invest in the larger stuff, so there are a few small, all black pieces scattered around.

  8. I have a lovely wife that had no tattoos when we first met. She accepted me for who I am regardless of what was on my body. Now she has a few, and although I find them attractive, I could care less if she had them or not.

    Judging someone without them is just as silly as judging someone with. It's cool to have your preferences, I respect that, but it limits your options and potential good times.

  9. Hey howdy hey,

    I'm just a regular dude from a little town called Gig Harbor. Although I have been getting tattoos for over 12 years, I have shamefully only recently began educating myself on the history and different artists/styles. I currently am getting some work done at House of Tattoo in Tacoma, WA and hope to eventually travel with the wife, visiting places that just so happen to have shops I would love to get work done at ;)

    I really appreciate this site for it's wealth of info and art. Seeing the different artists post is a lot of fun, and illustrates how even though tattoing/tattooers are getting elevated to a rock star type status, they are just normal folks trying to have a good time and do something they love.

    Thanks for the shenanigans, and you stay classy San Diego.

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