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Posts posted by KeithReed

  1. The nurses and phlebotomists that know what they are doing never had a problem with me. Inexperienced ones, on the other hand, have a bit of difficulty. If you need to "see" the vein then you weren't properly trained. One should be able to feel for the vein and not have to see it. I have to have blood work done every 2 months due to a medication I take so these are my experiences.

  2. People really put way too much thought into tattooing, these days. For some, more than ever these days, it is a scene. For some, it is a profession, some a hobby(collector or maker), and for some it is a way of life. My best advice, worry about what you do and let the rest fall where they may. If some asshole opens up down the street from your shop, be better and let the chips fall where they may. If someone walks into my shop, I use that chance to show them what my shop can do but I am not going around trying to solicit people to become "smarter" about tattoos. I work hard, I try to get better constantly and that has made a good life in this business for me. In fact, I know it has worked for quite a few tattooers. That's my 2 cents... Also, keep the government out of tattooing. Look at what they tried to do in DC when they got involved. No thanks.

  3. Half of the whole tattoo experience is GETTING TATTOOED! If you leave that out you will never understand. Most of my best tattoo experiences were on the customer side of things. I wouldnt trade those times or tattoos for anything regardless of whether or not those tattoos are dated now. Thats what made me the tattooer and person I am today. Not an abstract "love" of tattooing but actually taking part in it for the last 20 years. Its fine with me if you do not love tattooing enough to get tattooed, just dont expect any respect from those of us who do.

    100% The best response. It is about the experience. You learn, you meet people, and you make memories that will last forever. You can get a great tattoo, words of wisdom, or just a good time. Few people understand what tattooers go through daily so it is nice to sit with someone that does and share it. You can get tattooed by someone twice your age or half your age but there is a common ground and bond. It is mind boggling to me that a tattooer wouldn't want to have these experiences. If you are in it, then be a part of it.

  4. Dan, I'm right there with you. I was once critiqued by one of my favorite tattooers and he said I was stuck between traditional and new school and I needed to choose a direction. I still struggle with that today. Also, I'm not even sure what the big picture is half of the time. The funny thing is, that depending on who you ask, the answer will be different. Some guys want the exposure of magazines and websites while others want to go to the same shop everyday and be busy. We are in a business where there are no wrong answers, I guess. Just depends what you want to be and what you want to get out of it. I've always been convinced that hard work pays off and, ultimately, gets us where we want to be.

  5. For me, it is often different and depends on what I'm drawing. I don't have specifics but I do know that the more time I spend on the drawing (sketching, shading, redrawing, tweaking), the less time I spend on the tattoo, itself. Also, if you are a street shop tattooer, like me, you do not always have a chance to spend hours and hours on the drawing. There is something to be said for being able to sit down, draw something up and tattoo it. Most of the guys that tattooed me followed this formula. I tell them what I want it, they draw it on paper or on skin, and then tattoo me. So, I guess my thoughts are that everyone is different. How do we get better? We keep working hard and our work will get faster, cleaner, bolder, and better.

  6. Sorry to say but I'm getting sick of tattooers complaining about it. When you love something, concentrate on that and let the other BS fall where it may. We far too often look to the negative aspects of tattooing and lose sight of our love and passion. We have the single greatest career that I can think of. I love tattooing and I refuse to let the negative aspects of it get me down.

  7. If your wife wants to learn, she can make her own account but it sounds like she already knows more than anyone else here, or she's too stupid to realize the wealth of knowledge at her fingertips.

    Sorry to disagree here but there should be no wealth of knowledge here for an aspiring tattooer. I didn't get to jump online and get educated during my apprenticeship. I went to work, shut my mouth, watched, listened, and got tattooed by those I admired. I agree with every tattooer on here except that there is no need to take any of this, personally. People can ask anything and we can simply ignore it. This forum is going to be what we make it. A simple "don't feed the animals" approach is our best bet. PS... I'm convinced that guy doesn't even have a wife and these threads are all BS.

  8. I agree that this Lisa chick should be fucked with for sure! At the same time it's pretty shitty to go vandalize someone's shop just because they're a total fuck head. Maybe someone in NY and someone in San Diego can organize protests at her locations or something like that.

    1. I never said anything about vandalizing.

    2. If someone did vandalize her, I would probably applaud them. She shits on my craft and way of life so I afford her no respect. She is a leech and a parasite.

  9. I don't mean to be a jerk or anything but how naive are we? The companies listed for advertising do not give a rat's ass. They are major corporations that know people are going to watch this atrocity so they will put their money behind TLC. This show is happening. Also, why is everyone going after TLC? They are a television network. They have no soul, no respect, and certainly no care for tattooers. What else are we to expect?

    Now, our real hatred should go to the piece of shit whoring out our business. I posted her response to hate mail on page 5 of this thread. If we want to do something, we should organize something that directly fucks with her. That is the answer... This show is bullshit but this woman and her school is an abomination. She is the real problem.

  10. In answer to someone who was wondering why some of us from the 'OTHER' shows don't use their social networking to comment: why would I want point out to tens of thousands of people about a terrible thing and make them look, it gives TLC more power and free advertising, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna do that. The best thing to do is not watch, hell don't watch any reality tv for that matter. None of us knew about this new show, it's not like we talk to TLC unless it's for a legal purpose now and then. TLC is owned by Discovery Chanel and is a monstrous, soulless network. They buy episodes from a production company who pitches the idea and then makes it happen. Find the production company who made this atrocity and you will then find the source and creator of this. They probably pitched it to several networks but TLC paid them the most for it.

    You are totally right on this. The whole dust up on Facebook about banning/boycotting this has given it so much more publicity than it may have ever had. If we want to to protest then we should go to this school and give them what for. Otherwise, we should ignore it on every level. Change the subject if someone brings the show up and so forth. Anyway, I found this while trigging to figure out who this piece of shit is... Her arrogance is unbelievable and her disrespect for the business and traditions many of us work to protect is disgusting. This is from her website... Try to keep your heads from exploding

    Hate Mail

    by Lisa Fasulo (June 30, 2009) UPDATED July 2011

    I used to get hate mail all the time, then it got quiet for a some years, now I get it again since TLC is featuring us in a upcoming TV show. Hate mail is always the same, they are written by many different angry people ("Haters" is the common term these days) but they always had the same traits: horrible spelling, lots of profanity and zero punctuation and capitalization.

    The point is always the same:

    How dare I teach someone how to do this ancient artform?

    How dare I give someone the chance to support themselves doing an honest and fulfilling job?

    How dare I teach people how to tattoo safely and responsibly instead of kitchen sink scratching?

    And on and on they went.....

    I never took it personally though, since these people never met me or my family.

    The notion of tattoo school has never been a popular idea, so I guess my partner and I are sort of pioneers.

    I get a tremendous amount of satisfaction from empowering and motivating people to go out and do something they have only dreamed about.

    I am sorry that some folks out there had to clean shop floors for 2 years before they were allowed to hold a tattoo machine.

    Maybe some need to learn that way.

    I prefer the professional school atmosphere.

    I am proud that I can teach people a skill with which they can explore and grow from. Tattooing skin is the best and most interesting canvas there is!

    Little do the "haters" know, but I have become stronger for it because it really made me examine my motivations for teaching and renewed my dedication to teaching tattooing.

    Slowly, the idea of a professional school to learn tattooing is gaining acceptance.

    I guess I am not such an outlaw anymore.

    My feeling is that people who decide to tattoo are going to do it NO MATTER WHAT so if I can at least impart some wisdom as to safety/sterilization/BBP concerns then we have done a good job.

    We don't proclaim that students will be masters upon completion. In fact, just the opposite, that's why we call our class "Tattoo Fundamentals".

    We are just laying a safe groundwork so those who wish to pursue this career can begin from.

    So as for the hate email, don't bother....we don't read them anymore....and if our staff deems them dangerous, they get passed to the proper authorities :)

  11. I don't get it. I love tattooing on every level. Despite the changes in the business over the last few years, I still love it. I love getting tattooed even though I hate how much it hurts. I love putting a tattoo on someone. I love the bonds I have made from tattooing AND BEING TATTOOED. I'm not suggesting that everyone should have tattoos on their hands and neck like I do, but if you tattoo, I would think you might want to have some awesome work. My tattoos are constantly visible and I am proud of them and proud that I am lucky enough to be a tattooer. As to what others have said, I have learned tons from getting work done by great tattooers. I would not be the tattooer I am without having information passed to me by other artists. You can only learn so much by sitting in the same chair day in and day out. Also, I am never more inspired than when I visit another shop and get tattooed. It gives me an energy that is amazing. I often want to get right back into the shop and draw and tattoo better. Anyway, I love tattooing and can't imagine not getting tattooed while being in this business. It has never made sense to me but I guess to each his own but I wouldn't get tattooed by someone who doesn't have tattoos. Just my thoughts on the matter.

  12. I met George Campise, when he was at Everlasting, on a trip to San Fran. He was unbelievably nice. He invited me to sit with him while he tattooed and just talked to me about all aspects of the business and about himself. I was really influenced by his attitude and the way I was treated. He didn't know me at all, yet he treated me with an unbelievable amount of respect and courtesy. On the same trip, I got tattooed at Blackheart and it was an awesome experience and it left my wife with a great impression of the place. Scott really went out of his way to give us suggestions of what to do in the area. He even stopped tattooing his customer to call his father to ask some questions about Santa Cruz. I met Daniel Albrigo when he was working at Invisible in NYC and he was totally cool to me as well. He knew I wasn't there to get tattooed that day but it didn't matter. We talked about tattooing, our collections, and what not. I've always had really good experiences with Olde City in Philly and Jinx Proof in DC.

    I figure if these shops and tattooers can treat me with courtesy and respect, I can do the same to others.

  13. Shawn's comments make perfect sense. Your reaction to them leads me to believe that you look for things to offend you. He said he treats every customer with respect. However, he realizes that taking money from a jerkoff comes with a bigger price, so he chooses not to deal with them at his business. I follow the same thought pattern. Maybe it is because he and I are both from the Philly area. Either way, maybe you are too sensitive. People need to realize just how nice the tattoo business is now. It is much more customer friendly than it used to be.

    Customers should be treated PROFESSIONALLY. It doesn't mean like friends. Sometimes I become friends with customers and, other times, I never want to see them again. Regardless, I treat them professionally as they are paying for my service. I welcome anyone into my shop and expect that nobody treats them badly. On the other hand, I'm not really there to hold a customer's hand and pat them on the back. Sometimes customers are looking for friendship and usually I'm looking to do a good tattoo.

    Lastly, counter people have a lot going on in a busy shop. They are not paid to get the customers food and drink. At my shop, sometimes they ask customers and sometimes they don't. It isn't personal either way. If they have a lot going on they may not think about it.

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