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Posts posted by CaptCanada

  1. While I'll say I don't like homemade tattoos, I'll also say how many people got started with it? They are hmm, rough, to say the least. This did make me check out a blog about them, and damn some of these guys are dedicated to them. Many hours for a simple tattoo that could be done in a shop in no time.

    Also what's with the upside down text right above the knees. Looks worse then on the wrists.

  2. Well it's just a name, doesn't mean anything. I made a mistake (just checked a book that talks a little bit about him) that I said horiyasu is not a true horishi, he started with tebori but quickly changed to using a machine. But it's just a name, a rose by anyother name is going to just as sweet. Good tattooers are going to produce good tattoos, bad ones will make bad tattoos. In the western world you could call yourself salior xxxx, it's all the same.

  3. Yeah that does sound great, a collection that gets handed down and continued by each generation. My dad had every issue of playboy from when they first started until like 2001 or so. Could have contiuned that but, nah. Was weird though cause for a long time they were kept in my room. What he was thinking about when he gave a ten year old 40 years worth of playboys and getting mad when he looked at them. I only read them for the articles. ;)

    Random paperbacks do sound tempting, love the smell of old books. But shipping would be a killer.

  4. Yeah if you've never had a finger nail ripped off, it's insainly sensitive. I remember that even if I was sleeping and my finger rubbed against my bed sheet it would send shivers down my spine, until the skin toughed up. But still who thinks "hey I should take this chance to tattoo that" that's way to hardcore for me. It's in another ball game, I'm going to go back to my bottle and nice soft plush toys.

    [edit] Ohh yeah should add this as a spot I don't plan to tattoo, and the roof of my mouth. Fun Fact: The roof of your mouth is the only spot on your body that you can tickle yourself.

  5. I'm sorry but this is going to be a little bit off topic, don't mean to disturb everyones whiskey consumption. Was on YouTube watching "for a relaxing time" and this Tommy Lee Jones commercial for boss coffee popped up.... best one I've seen, I miss all of them cause I don't watch TV.

  6. Im going to second that the site hasn't been updated in a while. Bryan Burk has moved on to his own private studio, but great tattooer if you are looking for something traditional or japanese. :: BRYAN BURK TATTOOS :: His site confused me the first time I went to it, links are in the upper corner at the finger tips of the hand.

  7. Can't think of anything that I collect now. When I was a kid though I had a stamp collection. Had 3 poster size frames of stamps. Now though it always seems like I try to fight the clutter that builds up at my house. Been wanting to get a wood working collection going, but alas no where to build anything, and no clue with what to do with it when I move state side again.

  8. Yeah scotch is big over here, I do belive that yamazaki is the oldest distiller (don't quote me though). The guy that started it lived in scotland for a while gatherning information to come back to Japan and start a whisky with a scotch influince.

  9. Nah, we had it pretty sweet over here before people started showing up and start asking about "how do's" "what if's" ect.. Just sitting around talking about the history of tattooing, tattoo artists we admire, new tattoos we were getting, and what not, but never diving to much into the trade of tattooing. Here at LST, much like a tattoo studio, if you sit there pay attention and listen you will get little bits of information about the craft, weither you're a tattoo artist or not, but you need to be willing to listen.

    Edit: post about find stuff to complain about

  10. One thing that's odd. Normal humans will see the flaming pentagram asshole and will quickly advert their eyes. A few of us (me included) will look at the picture even if for a few extra seconds to see the quality of the tattoo. At least I hope I'm not the only one, but I know Jake studied him a little bit, those SS don't pop out at you right away.

    Also that soulmate tattoo the sumt is upside sown if you look at her hand in the normal position, making it worse.

  11. Shannon, if I understand you correctly which be honest your past few posts is a little bit difficult. We are not judging other people by the places that they have gotten tattooed. We're saying places that we don't want to get tattooed or to get tattooed yet. Not everyone on this board has jobs that take kindly to visable tattoos, or not everyone wants tattoos that are out in the open all the time (neck/face). A cock and balls on the top of the head, yeah it's an odd tattoo, but if that's what the guy wanted alright. If I misunderstood your post forgive me, but it just seems like rantings when your drunk. So take care and have fun.

  12. DCostello, how that ICP social network dating site going?

    Yeah, I've been wanting to know if he has found any hot dates. Cause If so, help a brother out and share some. I'm sure that all these hot juggalettes throwing themselfs on D, he has more then he can handle.

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