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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Jake

    Cat Pictures

    Cat pictures? Yeah we've got those. Bullet is the all black mini panther who belongs to me and my girlfriend. Mortician is the huge black and white one who belongs to Lochlan. Each cat is 20 lbs give or take. They're both Hemingway Cats/Polydactyls. Bullet has six toes per foot and I think Mort has 6 or 7 on each foot...
  2. Bummed I'm closing the night of the show and won't make it. I work most nights now so it's doubtful I can make a meet up. Pick a date though and I'll try!
  3. well when you put it that way.. BOOM!
  4. I feel like anything I could write here wouldn't do justice for how awesome that design is...
  5. Jake

    New Music

    try turntable.fm or spotify. plenty of ways to discover new music via those free sites/services.
  6. I love the artists he's chosen but damn- I'm sick of how often he calls things "cool." I like Hooper's talk about the Polynesian warrior tattoos influence and how they're fitted so well to the body and empowering. EDIT - just read Stewart's post above. He elaborates a similar sentiment much more eloquently.
  7. or how the man's chest naturally curves but the tattoo continues in a perfectly straight line over it as if it's flat. for reals though- check out the blackwork thread if you haven't been scared away yet Craftybigdog
  8. Jake

    Funny videos

  9. You summed up the problem quite nicely but I suggest you give up this conversation with him. Otherwise it's going to feel like you're beating your head against a wall.
  10. freddy's the only person I know who looks weirder WITHOUT face tattoos. old photos/videos of him trip me out.
  11. Jake

    Book thread

    I reread Crime and Punishment earlier this year. My girlfriend just bought Brothers Karamazov but hates it when I read her new books before she does so I've got to wait for that one... Those Ruskies sure know how to write. I'm guessing there's not a whole lot else to do when you're stuck in prison and/or siberia
  12. Jake


    A friend just invited me and I'm a little overwhelmed. I don't think I need another social media site in my life.... If it replaces FB that's fine I guess
  13. Jake

    Who are you?

    I normally wouldn't respond to something like this but what the hell. Considering how cool the two people I've met from here so far are (MsRad and Hogg), I figure why not? I'm Jake (obviously), 23 years of age, and into most forms of art. I used to play in that one band, and then those other bands, and now I play in a whole different band. There's always a bunch of shows I want to go to but due to working 5 nights a week rarely make it out to. I live in glorious Oakland with my girlfriend, fellow LSTer Lochlan, and our two 20+lb polydactyl cats. We eat a lot of good home cooked food (and are rapidly approaching home grown summer foods time too. thanks Tammy and Steve!) I ride my bicycle everywhere but I'm neither one of those douchy hipster bikers nor the spandex weekend warrior bikers. I'm just too poor to fix and maintain the '55 Ford I bought off of Lochlan. I'm getting my motorcycle license in 2 weeks though! I read a shit ton and fully support Kev's book thread idea. The last few books I read were Grapes of Wrath, Infinite Jest, Hamlet, and Lila (Pirsig's follow-up to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.) See y'all around the board!
  14. Jake

    Who are you?

    Fuck yeah! I'd get that tattooed just cuz it's awesome!
  15. Well, at least that was musically better than Rebecca Black's "Friday"...
  16. First episode up now!!! Favorite part - "hey we want our tattoos to look classic- we don't want them to look dated. you know? when somebody comes in and wants like an owl on their chest it's like "why don't you just get a fucking eagle on your chest?""
  17. I listened to a stream of it. Meh. The older stuff was better with electric guitars. There were a couple songs I'd listen to again but nothing that justifies purchasing it IMO.
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