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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. It's my dream to be in Casey's Corner. I just need some Daisey Dukes.
  2. Depending on how deep you want to go into legal troublemaking: Call the police and complain about "funny smells" coming out of that "bong store". Check the licensing laws for tattooists in your town/county and see if they comply. Check your lease. If your lease prohibits competition and you signed first, you can compel the landlord to evict.
  3. Sorry to hear, Jake. That sucks. That said, if you want tattooing to be made illegal and still plan to tattoo... (thus breaking the law)... why not just break the law and go break some hands? :D
  4. HOW.FUCKING.DARE.YOU. That was addressed to ME Dave. ME. Not YOU. THIS MEANS WAR! Wait. Nah. It's cool. Hah. I'm hoping to start my thigh soon, big some'bitch. (the tattoo, not the thigh. My thigh is pleasantly shaped) And I plan to really keep the nutrition aspect in mind.
  5. I was flipping through some old photo albums today and found a Cliff Raven card for his California shops. Pretty basic card, but awesome none the less!
  6. Post part 2: Super hot bath. Soak tattoo until I feel like Im about to pass out. Repeat for a few days.
  7. Pre: Bitch about getting tattooed. Post: Bitch about having been tattooed. Drugs: 1 muscle relaxer. 1 non-drowsy antihistamine. I've found that I tense up heavily after 3+ hours of getting tattooed, so the muscle relaxer keeps me from converting all of that tension into a sore body after the tattoo. Sore body + sore tattoo and no one wins. The antihistamine keeps the surface of the skin from swelling up so much and makes it a little more bearable. Food: Totally changed my ritual since reading my friend David's take on tattoo nutrition.
  8. Not to take it further off topic, but in my neighborhoods (work and home) here in Philly we have a growing amount of sleeved cops, with hands and necks getting more and more common.
  9. We prefer to call her my "child girlfriend" due to the age difference. I think she just got me time with Ryan because she likes his beard.
  10. I had promised myself NO MORE DANG TATTOOS in 2011 (which has seen the Abe Lincoln/Panther Paws tattoo, the Hand of Glory, the devil head, the skull and bee and the fingers- more tattoos than I got from 2008 to 2010 combined) but my girlfriend (the lovely Claire) told me tonight that my birthday present is a gift certificate* for some time with Robert Ryan. I guess there's one more to sneak in for 2011. *she was too lazy to go to Asbury to get the cert, so she is giving me money with a note that says 'for a robert ryan tattoo'. I'm getting too old for this shit.
  11. The one with the beam going up the middle finger- that poor guy got the palm done the day before me, and came back for the whole top of his hand as soon as my fingers were done. Glutton for punishment!
  12. We ate at Blue Hill in NYC for my birthday dinner tonight and were treated to a tour of the kitchen. So decadent!
  13. I'm sure all the business end of things makes it not as fun. I've been considering going to culinary school... but I think I love cooking too much to make it my business.
  14. Doing tattoos day in and day out makes you a professional. Like the person who did the tattoo above. As always I say "your team". If that person is more relevant to tattoo culture than some of us non-tattooers....
  15. Haha. That's the best I could come up with.

  16. Dressing a deer before the sun comes up, getting attacked by mosquitos and rushing back to the camp to ice the carcass can be unfun. Hunting in Alabama, having a boar in your sights and hearing the rattlesnake thats three feet from your foot start to rattled cause your dumb ass got a little too close can be unfun. But knowing HOW to do it is fun.
  17. One of my employees lives/works on a blueberry farm and recently hooked me up with some fresh picked blueberries; tonight I made blueberry with lime zest jam. The bottles are cooling right now; I should be making an amazing pb&j tomorrow if all goes well!
  18. I have a feeling a lot of us collect stuff outside of tattoos... most likely diligently and possibly obsessively. So this here thread is to talk about your collecting habits, should you feel so motivate. me: I grew up collecting comic books, movies and toys, and as an adult I've refined my toy collection exclusively to Pushead toys and related ephemera. I collect production pieces and originals. I was a skater kid when I was young and was obsessed with Pushead; he was an artist/musician/skater who wrote a monthly column for THRASHER called 'Puszone', was the singer for the band Septic Death, did single covers for Metallica... When I was 12, I sent him a letter, and he responded kindly, showering me with stickers, posters and the advice to 'keep drawing monsters'. 24 years later I was able to meet him, and again, he was kind and interested in my history as a 'fan'. I spend offensive amounts of money on one of a kind toys- he hand paints production pieces to make one offs and they're incredibly hard to get. But as someone who's met most of his heroes and was disappointed more often than not.. . being connected to someone who told me to keep drawing monsters is priceless. I keep a blog about my toys here: http://mypusheadaddiction.wordpress.com So... what do you collect?
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