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The new guy from Quebec


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My name is Philippe, I am from Quebec (the city in the province). So yeah, I speak French and no, i will not try to make some excuses for my bad english, but I'll do my best! I'm probably not as tattooed as the majority of people here, with the only one I have on my left pectoral (did it 3 years ago... damn already 3 years?) but will soon have my complete left arm done on a Alice in Wonderland theme (more like a nightmare than a Disney like). Most of the inspiration coming from the game Alice Madness Returns which I discovered a bit after the initial idea.

Anyway! I'm pleased to be here, already looked at some topic and will look foward for some more interesting subjets! Have a nice day ^^

Edit: Oh I almost forgot, I'm 23 years old and my next tattoo session will be on the 3rd of July. No swimming for me this summer :/

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Salut et bienvenue! Qui va faire ton tatouage?

Emmanuelle Gendron du Tattoo Shack à Qc ! Ces derniers tattoos m'ont vraiment plu notamment son cardinal. Elle évolue très vite pour une fille qui ne tattoo que depuis 3 ans d'après moi.


Emmanuelle Gendron from the Tattoo Shack in Quebec City ! Her last tattoos really impressed me especially her cardinal. She progress really fast for a girl who is tattooing only for 3 years in my opinion.

Edit: Thanks for the greetings and the like Mark !

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salutations ! comment allez vous ? Bienvenue au forum. êtes-vous au Québec ? Je suis en train de immigré à Montréal au dernière de cette année avec ma famille... comment est le marché du tatouage au Canada ? Merci, et bienvenu de nouveau au forum.

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Bonjour @Mushu. C'est vraiment bien à voir les autres qui parlent le français on cet forum. Je me demandais toujours si Canada avait eu beaucoup de personnes qui aiment les tatouages. Mais, maintenant, je realise que bien sûr il y a les personnes qui adorent les tatouages. C'est drôle, et je ne sais pas pourquoi je l'ai pensé. Peut-être j'ai pensé que Canada était très ètrange! Je vous demande, est le français qu'il est parle en Quebec plus differente que le français nous apprenons dans les écoles en Amerique? Ma prof de français au lyceé m'a dit que c'est vrai, mais ma prof de français à mon université me dite il n'y a pas beaucoup de differences.

Ok so this part is in English. Sorry for my bad french but I enjoy writing it, so dont judge so hard!

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salutations ! comment allez vous ? Bienvenue au forum. êtes-vous au Québec ? Je suis en train de immigré à Montréal au dernière de cette année avec ma famille... comment est le marché du tatouage au Canada ? Merci, et bienvenu de nouveau au forum.

I'm good :P Thanks for the greetings and yes, i'm from Quebec, which is the city with the same name as the province in Canada. Montreal is a metropole, so still a big city and don't worry about the barrier language because many people there only speak english. Would still be great if you could learn french there is kind of a linguistic "war" here. (Long story about the colonial French and the Britain but we sre still fighting to keep our language which is more and more difficult with each new generation, anyway...)

I can't really answer about the tattoo market in Montreal or Canada in general, I know some artist in the metropole are recognize like Olivier Glamort ([/url] ) and maybe Eric de L'Étoile with his dark style ( https://www.facebook.com/eric.deletoile.9/photos ) don't hesitate to go visit their shop.

I can still say that people are more and more interested in tattoos every day.

Canada is like any other occidental culture based country :P Same sh*t different places i guess. (Major difference is that it's cold like hell in winter). I don't know about your educational system in america in regards of learning french, but in my opinion French is French. There is differant accents like in France, Marseille, or even here from some place around the province. There is "joual" which is like the slang you have in america i guess. This is probably what some of your teacher are referring to.

And don't worry i won't judge, my english isn't perfect either but I appreciate the efforts you do :)

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salutations ! comment allez vous ? Bienvenue au forum. êtes-vous au Québec ? Je suis en train de immigré à Montréal au dernière de cette année avec ma famille... comment est le marché du tatouage au Canada ? Merci, et bienvenu de nouveau au forum.

Le marché du tatouage se varie de ville en ville...à Montréal il y a probablement trop des tatouers, mais ce n'est pas trop different que des autres villes. J'ai parlé avec un tatouer à un street shop près de chez moi et il a dit que même à l'hiver quand c'est lente, qu'ils font au moins un tatouage par jour, mais qu'il y a beaucoup des shops où ils peuvent passer des semaines sans faire un seul tatouage. Pour les custom shops, on doit attendre neuf or dix mois pour être tatoué par quelques artistes. Montréal est interessant parce qu'il y a un grand influence de France ici et plusiers artistes ici sont venus de France...Olivier de Glamort comme a dit @Mushu, Yann Black aussi de Glamort, Pierre C. de Tattoomania (lui et sa femme Val organise la convention de Montréal chaque septembre), Safwan de Imago, Eilo de MTL Tattoo, etc sont tous venus de France alors il y a des influences qu'on ne trouve pas normalement en l'amerique du nord.

(SVP m'excuser pour mon français écrit...je parle la langue assez bien pour un anglo, mais je la trouve l'écriture difficile.)

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Le marché du tatouage se varie de ville en ville...à Montréal il y a probablement trop des tatouers, mais ce n'est pas trop different que des autres villes. J'ai parlé avec un tatouer à un street shop près de chez moi et il a dit que même à l'hiver quand c'est lente, qu'ils font au moins un tatouage par jour, mais qu'il y a beaucoup des shops où ils peuvent passer des semaines sans faire un seul tatouage. Pour les custom shops, on doit attendre neuf or dix mois pour être tatoué par quelques artistes. Montréal est interessant parce qu'il y a un grand influence de France ici et plusiers artistes ici sont venus de France...Olivier de Glamort comme a dit @Mushu, Yann Black aussi de Glamort, Pierre C. de Tattoomania (lui et sa femme Val organise la convention de Montréal chaque septembre), Safwan de Imago, Eilo de MTL Tattoo, etc sont tous venus de France alors il y a des influences qu'on ne trouve pas normalement en l'amerique du nord.

(SVP m'excuser pour mon français écrit...je parle la langue assez bien pour un anglo, mais je la trouve l'écriture difficile.)

Je pense que vous avez ecrit trés bien, au moins meilleur que moi...hehehhe

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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@Graeme et @Mushu, je suis très jalouse! Vous parlez et ecrivez assez bien, mais pour moi, le français est difficile. Je peux apprendre assez rapidement, mais, c'est difficile a souvenir les verbes avec leur changements. Avec être, je ne me souvienne pas bien tous les "tenses and agreements". Je ne comprenais jamais le subjonctif. Aussi, mon accent est terrible, mais vous avez l'avantage de vivre en Canada, où habitent-ils beaucoup de gens qui parlent le français, et c'est leur langue maternelle. Lol en Californie, où je habite, les gens parlent l'anglais ou l'espangole seulement. Tout mes profs m'ont dit que le français est très stupide, et j'aurai besoin de l'espangole quand je serai plus agée.

J'ai beaucoup de fier maintenant, parce-que j'ai ecrit cette poste sans un dictionnaire.

- - - Updated - - -

added to the end of that, i normally do not need a dictionary to write in french, but i was pretty stumped trying to convey my thoughts in that post

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My name is Philippe, I am from Quebec (the city in the province). So yeah, I speak French and no, i will not try to make some excuses for my bad english, but I'll do my best! I'm probably not as tattooed as the majority of people here, with the only one I have on my left pectoral (did it 3 years ago... damn already 3 years?) but will soon have my complete left arm done on a Alice in Wonderland theme (more like a nightmare than a Disney like). Most of the inspiration coming from the game Alice Madness Returns which I discovered a bit after the initial idea.

Anyway! I'm pleased to be here, already looked at some topic and will look foward for some more interesting subjets! Have a nice day ^^

Edit: Oh I almost forgot, I'm 23 years old and my next tattoo session will be on the 3rd of July. No swimming for me this summer :/

Welcome! I picked up Madness Returns a few months ago in between new game releases and LOVED it! Such a fun game. Good luck with your upcoming tattoo!

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@Delicious French is stupid? If you see your professors again tell him that he can go f* himself :P I think it is more of an old grudge than an actual difficulty.

@Graeme Nous allons peut-être nous croisé à la convention de cette année :P Je n'ai malheureusement pas pu y assister l'an dernier malheureusement. J'aurais beaucoup apprécié aller à ma première convention de tatouages!

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@Mushu, your English is pretty good, here in the US we dont really get much of a chance to use our French as much as you problably get to use your English.

By the way where I live the only time I get to speak english is when some tourist ask me question on the road in the Old Capital. Otherwise it is only on the internet :P

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@Delicious French is stupid? If you see your professors again tell him that he can go f* himself :P I think it is more of an old grudge than an actual difficulty.

@Graeme Nous allons peut-être nous croisé à la convention de cette année :P Je n'ai malheureusement pas pu y assister l'an dernier malheureusement. J'aurais beaucoup apprécié aller à ma première convention de tatouages!

Plusieurs gens d'ici sera à la convention cette année et j'espère qu'on peut tous se rencontrer pour une bière ou quelque chose à manger...il y a un thread ici pour ça:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick question.. why can't i create a new threa in the tattoo advice section? I want to ask advice for a tattoo artist in Montreal for my little sister. She's turning 18 soon and she wants a tattoo (i reaaaally don't want ther to turn out with a piece of garbage)

She wants a lotus on her neck... like this one tumblr_m55xtyK9xk1qzoe4co1_500.jpg

I was thinkg that a dotwork style would be nice and she seems to like it. Still asking her to wait 1 more year to think it out, be having some artists' names already would be great. (I was looking in my area but couldn't find anything but "meh" work around here)

Help me guys?

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Quick question.. why can't i create a new threa in the tattoo advice section? I want to ask advice for a tattoo artist in Montreal for my little sister. She's turning 18 soon and she wants a tattoo (i reaaaally don't want ther to turn out with a piece of garbage)

She wants a lotus on her neck... like this one tumblr_m55xtyK9xk1qzoe4co1_500.jpg

I was thinkg that a dotwork style would be nice and she seems to like it. Still asking her to wait 1 more year to think it out, be having some artists' names already would be great. (I was looking in my area but couldn't find anything but "meh" work around here)

Help me guys?

To the best of my knowledge, there isn't anybody doing great dotwork around here. I'm sure she could find somebody to do it, and I'm sure somebody could do an okay job of it, but she'd really be better off finding somebody who specialises in it. If she's really set on dotwork, and doesn't want to travel much (Cory Ferguson in Oakville, ON is pretty great, in my opinion, but she'd need to travel to Oakville, and if you're travelling that distance, you might as well look at NYC), Mikel who normally tattoos in Victoria, BC is going to be at the Montreal convention in September and he does really nice tribal/dotwork/blackwork tattoos. I think he's friends with the Tattoomania crew so I'd also keep an eye out for him doing guest spots here.

Generally speaking, you can't go wrong with Tattoomania and Imago in Montreal.

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    • Thanks. And u just made me laugh, I guess my comment sounded conceded, and I did not mean to sound that way. I guess I'm in freak out mode because it's so on display. I don't think anything will ever meet my expectations because of where it is. So on display. My friend is actually going to my tattoo guy BECAUSE of this tattoo. Removal is not an option. I wont do that. I do have crippling anxiety due to having multiple sclerosis. I'm overly critical of this tattoo. The design is a sun with sun rays  that wraps around and up over my shoulder and a lotus below it. I don't like flowers. Just lotuses. Haha. So it's not your typical flowers down the arm tattoo. It's actually a unique design. I love yoga and zen things although from my post...I don't sound so zen. Haha. I've been going thru it now since summer started. I would say it's going in a while. I wear it out, got a compliment from someone at the gas station, I just don't look at it myself with it. It makes my stomach sink. Like I ruined myself. I'm ocd about it. I continue to get tattoos tho. I dont want to be a lunatic over it either. I always said I would never tattoo my upper arms and I did. And for the life of me, can't figure out why I did that. I was living in the moment I guess. So, if the reality of the tattoo doesn't meet my expectations,  what do u do for that? Add to it? Thank you for responding to me. I appreciate it a lot. I feel like I lost my mind over thos. I just got another tattoo on my forearm, and love it, it's smaller. Maybe that's why. I don't know. I allowed thos to be placed somewhere I never wanted ot, I approved it loved it afterwards and now....maybe cause it's so on display. I'm not used to having such big visible tattoos. Like, why cant I just be cool about it. I LOVE tattoos. 
    • "I'm very fit and complimented all the time how tone my arms are" So if you were fat and out of shape it would be OK?  🤣 Tattoo Anxiety is not unusual, but it really depends on how long it goes on for. Has it been weeks, months, years? You really don't have a lot of options. Despite what laser removal centers would have you believe, you'll never get totally rid of it. Any cover up will need to be even bigger and bolder, don't let any "artist" tell you differently.  Given the tone of your post, "I'm very fit and complimented all the time how tone my arms are," "My artist is extremely talented, there is not 1 shaky line, crooked line," "The line work is out of this workd, perfectly straight," "Everyone loves it" it sounds like the reality of the tattoo doesn't meet your expectations.
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