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My name is Candy and I am relatively new into my tattoo journey. So far I have 3 tattoos. Really probably only 1 "decent" one but the 2 smaller ones still meant something at the time and still sort of do. My most recent is a celtic tree of life in the inside of my left wrist/forearm. This was my present to myself for toughing it out living so far away from my family and support network and to symbolise how much I've evolved. I have at least 4 more designs in my head and one currently being drawn up at the shop. The one being drawn up is a rather puffy ribbon bow and that with go on my upper back. I am wanting a nautical star on my right foot with leopard print instead of the standard colours (being Australian I think the standard colours sort of don't fit and leopard print is way more me). On my left foot I want a vintage lipstick case and cats eye sunglasses so even when I'm in my running gear I can still have my lippy with me. I also want a pixie and a fat smiling buddha on me at some point but those designs are going to be worked, reworked and reworked again because they'll be in honour of my 2 children. Pixie and Buddha are their nicknames.

I am so stoked to stumble across this forum and see all of the helpful info. It's one thing to google around for info but another to see a heap of people helping each other out.

Anyway, I'm going to segway this with a little issue. My inner wrist/forearm piece is 7 days old and I have lost most of the scab. I popped in to my tattooist yesterday and it was only a small section missing but now it's a rather large quantity gone. The design underneath is no where near dark enough. Is it due to the skin being super stretchy in this area or issues with aftercare? I can't contact the shop until Wednesday (small town) and was hoping to rectify any problems that may be in the aftercare so I can try to hold onto the rest of the ink.

Hoping I'm not pissing anyone off by turning my intro post into a help post ;)

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Welcome, and actually, we prefer it here if your intentions are for help that you do so in your intro thread.

My advice is to let it heal completely (usually two weeks) and then go speak to your tattooer. Tattoos always lighten up in comparison to first application, but any questions you might have your tattooer should be able to answer.

You mentioned you wanted a fat smiling "Buddha." You're actually wanting Hotei, a folklore deity. I believe he is considered to be an "enlightened" character, but he isn't to be confused with Guatama Buddha.

Finally, good luck!

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After 7 days the skin is still traumatized and trying to heal, sometimes there's "waxy" areas of skin that will appear as if the ink has fallen out, and any other number of such issues. I'd say wait a couple more weeks before jumping to conclusions about losing ink. That said, have you had any issues healing in the past? Or this time did you feel like something went wrong? Of course its possible but I wouldn't worry about it just yet.

Here's a thread that we talked about some of our favorite aftercare methods, obviously different for everyone but you can kinda see a common thread throughout.


Besides that, Welcome to LST! Enjoy your stay, look around and soak up some information. Your intro post is a perfect place to ask for advice so don't worry about pissing people off.

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After 7 days the skin is still traumatized and trying to heal, sometimes there's "waxy" areas of skin that will appear as if the ink has fallen out, and any other number of such issues. I'd say wait a couple more weeks before jumping to conclusions about losing ink. That said, have you had any issues healing in the past? Or this time did you feel like something went wrong? Of course its possible but I wouldn't worry about it just yet.

This seems to have all just fallen off and the underneath design is really a mid grey rather than a black. My son did scratch it a few days ago but I thought the damage was only in one small section. The falling off seems to have magnified since than. Thanks for the link to the thread. I'll have a good look at that. Relatively new into the tattoo thing but I have plans for many so I'd rather look a little foolish asking questions than end up with dodgy looking art ;)

Yes Cultexciter! A Hotei! I'd heard it called that before but couldn't remember the name!

I was thinking if my tatt still looked iffy after week 2 i'd pop in and see. I'm waiting for a call back to check out the bow piece anyway. It's been 13 years since I had my smaller 2 done so can't remember the healing process. Well if anything has gone wrong best thing I can do is research to see why and hope it doesn't happen again.

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If you did lose something, most quality tattooers guarantee their work and offer free touch ups as long as you follow the aftercare instructions they gave you so if you're still worried that idea may calm the nerves a bit. Where are you located? I'm not an expert on Australian tattooing but I know there's some cool stuff going on down there and someone would be glad to suggest artists and shops to check out.

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I'm in Kalgoorlie WA. Short of backyard jobs there is only 1 shop. I've had heaps of people recommend the artist that did mine so I'm pretty sure it's something in the aftercare or how I've reacted to the ink.

Is it possible that the revealed design dulls before it darkens again? because it looks really shiny The detail is still definitely there except in the one section my son scratched. When I popped in the dude mentioned a touch up but was mid session with someone so I thought I'd see how it goes and discuss any issues when I pop in to see the bow. I snuck my toddler (in the pram) into the shop because the guy said I could if I needed to pop in lol. I didn't want to push my luck having him in there

I followed his aftercare advice to the letter though. It may just need to be tweaked for me if something hasn't gone right. Live and learn they say :P

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The tattoo looking shiny is a completely normal part of healing so just give it some time to settle in and you'll see then if it needs touching up. As far as aftercare goes, follow your artist's instructions, but as you get more tattoos you'll get a better sense of what works or doesn't work for you. There's a lot of information here about healing tattoos, but there's no real "best way" to heal one, and in any case, I'd talk about different aftercare methods with your artist before trying them.

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The tattoo looking shiny is a completely normal part of healing so just give it some time to settle in and you'll see then if it needs touching up. As far as aftercare goes, follow your artist's instructions, but as you get more tattoos you'll get a better sense of what works or doesn't work for you. There's a lot of information here about healing tattoos, but there's no real "best way" to heal one, and in any case, I'd talk about different aftercare methods with your artist before trying them.

Yeah figuring I'm so new to it all, I was going with the artist's advice. My skin tends to dry out a heap on my hands and arms so maybe I might need to tweak the application quantity. Basically it's looking like the lines aren't as smooth as they could be and it's lost a bit of the detail. My other 2 seemed to heal fine although they are pretty small in comparison. I'll just have to spend some extra time in the chair when I get my bow and get it fixed up. No point being mopey about it and just have to see how it goes next round. Kinda bummed in a way because it's pretty lol

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Managed to get a semi decent pic tonight and not as much is needed to be retouched as I thought. I got hives down my arm yesterday and it swelled so I thought there'd be way more damage done.

Opinions please?


Okay apparently link is broken but it's in my gallery

Edited by MsCandyPants
link for pic was broken
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Not an artist but I would not worry yet. What are you using for aftercare? When in doubt cut back the ointments you are using and ask your artist

check out the after care threads there are several worth reading from start to finish, annd welcome to LST you know have the tools you need for getting great tattoos

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Thanks Scott R

yeah it's cool. I was following instructions to the letter. The hives incident wasn't really foreseen so not much I can do if it's messed it up. The shop isn't open until tomorrow as it's closed sun/mon but with 2 sick kids no chance to get there til Tuesday. I'll just keep letting it do its thing and keep it comfortable with the aftercare ointment. I'm expecting to be called regarding my next design soon so I'll have a chat to the artist then. They have a no prams/children sign on the door so I don't like just popping in unless I have a real reason to and have cleared it with them first.

Either way despite the areas where desperate retouching is needed I am freaking stoked with it.

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Hi @MsCandyPants and welcome to LST! I know exactly where you are located and that dry desert heat would suck for healing a new tattoo. What are you using for your aftercare? I'd suggest some Bepanthen if you can get a hold of it. It works wonders and I'm guessing having two little tuckers you may already be familiar with this product ;) enjoy your stay and again, welcome :)

- - - Updated - - -

oh, and like everyone else has said just let it do its thing to heal and take it from there. What shop are you going to if you don't mind me asking

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Thanks @Duffa! How's the sunshine in Brisbang right now?

The shop is called Wildcard (only shop in town unless you want to go back yard and I am not going that route). A dude named Chris who originally worked in SA did my tattoos. I can't use Bepanthan because it gives me hives so i'm using the Lucas pawpaw. It's what the artist recommends anyway because he's found it's less likely to make scabs super gooey and block pores. It's especially sucky right now because it's a really dry winter and because it's ssssso cold my skin is doing the try form extra cells thing. I get nasty dermatitis on my hands from the metals in the soil as well. Hoping I can get the application right on next tatt and after getting this one fixed. The super thick scabbing was awful and I'm pretty sure it's the reason so much damage was done when I got the hives/swelling.

Because of the super dry HOT climate from around November til Marchish I will probably avoid getting tatts than. Too freaking hot and it's like a hair dryer out there so I really don't think it'd be logical lol

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