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Mel Noir

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  1. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to Deb Yarian in First Time in a long time!   
    I had a great time! they were great hosts, home and shop.
    I got to tattoo Angelo's wife, one of the Inksmith guys- Pauly, and a shop customer and friend. All the while having Mike and Angelo literally at my side to answer specific questions and make suggestions.
    You can teach an old dog , new tricks.
    A couple of more days in Jacksonville visiting non tattoo friends.
    I miss the shop and people already.
  2. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to Ursula in Tattoo Machine Secrets   
  3. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to MsRad in Knuckle Tattoos - Best you've seen or your current fav?   
    a friend posted this on facebook

  4. Like
    Mel Noir got a reaction from Ursula in Ebay suks   
    I don't have a feeling who redtardy is, why don't you just come out and say what's on your mind, BubbleBerry?
    Sometimes I see posts like this (and others from very recently), and wonder if a psychologist will be using them for profiling soon. We should probably keep these kinds of threads up to help with their investigations.
  5. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to Ursula in Ebay suks   
    meaning it's the best flash we've probly ever seen!

  6. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to Tight-Lines in Ebay suks   
    I fuckin love this guy.
    I feel like he looks something like this

    Dont get me wrong. Sloth rules. Do you like Baby Ruths?
  7. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to Ursula in No thread about this bullshit yet?   
    it should say
    god hates TLC
  8. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to jade1955 in No thread about this bullshit yet?   
    Why don't TLC make a show called " TV Production School".
    The casting would be from special needs schools and would give students the chance to turn out quality TV shows, just like TLC.
    One week at TV Production School should be sufficient, I recon.
  9. Like
    Mel Noir got a reaction from cfgsteak in Celebrity Tattoos   
    Haha, yes it rhymes with "plunge". I only say it because it sounds just a little less ridiculous than the word "vagina" when said in a Geordie accent! Actually, it doesn't. We just all sound hilarious either way.
  10. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to ShawnPorter in General Movie Thread   
    The theater I go to has a little device that you can check out from the box office that's like a remote. It's buttons alert the ushers of projection problems, talking, etc. Someone won't shut up, you click a button, usher comes in and tells them to be quiet.
    Me? I have the manager's number in my speed dial. Honest to god.
    I take my movie watching experience seriously.
  11. Like
    Mel Noir got a reaction from Ursula in General Movie Thread   
    Couldn't agree more Pat. I don't understand how people generally don't seem to understand that you're supposed to shut up in the cinema. Once I went to see some cheesy crappy horror film with a friend, and despite it being an 18 cert. film, I'm pretty sure we were the oldest people there. We didn't even find out what the film was about, and my friend almost got hurt in a fight that ended up taking place next to her seat. We may have got our money back, but we didn't get the afternoon back!
    Lesson learned, though: never go to the cinema on a Saturday afternoon, even if you have been busy through the week.
  12. Like
    Mel Noir got a reaction from AlannaCA in Celebrity Tattoos   
    Haha, yes it rhymes with "plunge". I only say it because it sounds just a little less ridiculous than the word "vagina" when said in a Geordie accent! Actually, it doesn't. We just all sound hilarious either way.
  13. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to cfgsteak in Celebrity Tattoos   
    I'm still trying to figure out if it rhymes with plunge...
  14. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to dari in General Movie Thread   
    Okay, I'm just gonna say it, Cars was better than Cars 2.
  15. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to No name in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I got this Baphomet head from Tim Lehi last month. Why? Easily my favorite tattooist, and I think he understands what I am going for. He has tattooed me a few times and always gives me suitable tattoos for me, like he knows me, ha.

  16. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to gougetheeyes in Question for artists or anyone about tattoo etiquette   
    Hawk, you are a scholar and a gentleman, who also apparently owns automatic weapons. It'd be incredible to see this all come to fruition, hope it does!
  17. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to hogg in The Unruly Art of Ed Hardy   
    My wife and I went to this yesterday: SF MOMA Artists Gallery: The Unruly Art of Ed Hardy. Really incredible stuff, much of which I'd never seen or only seen in books.

    He had lots of tiger depictions, too--always a plus for me. Anyone else here seen the show?
  18. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to Deb Yarian in Apprenticeship horror stories   
    I may be wrong but your post sounds like you feel somewhat entitled.
    ---- best shop wants two years of art training
    While art school is not a necessity, a lack of ability can often be seen in a portfolio.
    Do you think this is an unreasonable request?
    ----next best shops wanted $5000 and 2 years of unpaid training time
    Do you think they should just teach you at their expense and supply you with equipment free of cost and then allow you to practice on their customers -- doing substandard work while profiting from it as well?
    -----the cheapest wanted $2000 paid in advance
    Should they teach you, a stranger, I'm assuming- without any commitment ---- Really? $2000-- how much was your EMT training.
    -----next shop said they don't hire apprentices because they just steal everything
    You don't think that your walking in to a shop and expecting them to teach you at no expense to you coming and going as you please because of your limited time doing shitty tattoos on their customers amounts to anything but stealing?
    -----next, the drunk asleep on the floor
    Maybe he was pretending so you would go away?
    -----next, flea market guy
    You shouldn't be getting any money,YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO TATTOO! Perhaps you expect him to pay for all of your supplies , teach you at no cost - tomorrow- and then give up 1/2 of that 6x9 space that you scoff at?
    And last but not least --- the people of the great state of South Carolina have been getting tattooed for years --- do you know how? They drive. They cross county lines.
    Perhaps you should go to a university and then law school - ask them if you could attend it for free---- provide legal services while attending and keep all the money you get paid. They can supply your text book,briefs, research material, maybe even a new laptop --- also at no expense to you ---- so that you can get your law degree and rewrite the ordinance in Aiken County!
    Sound reasonable? Really?
  19. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to ian in Tattooer forgot about me?   
    Then that's all that matters. No need to defend yourself on the internet to people you've never met and probably never will....
  20. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to hawk in Question for artists or anyone about tattoo etiquette   
    Hey Mask0311,
    First off, I would love to see everybody sportin great tattoos wherever I go but unfortunately there are fewer people out there "keepin it real" and if I go to WalMart I can see a store full of bad tattoos these days.
    As far as this guy "blowin you off", it's an old game, as old as it gets with "runnin' the scam", some will spot you and size you up to start something at a high price that they never intend to finish when they have a string of butterflies they can knock out and make more on when you may have already paid in advance, basically you will get shuffled to the rear like you got treated at the 9pm bell. NYC went crazy with those scams when it opened tattooing back up and on this subject I could go on and on.
    As far as the tooth hurting thing, RUN!!! should have been your instinct and this leads me to tell you that there are tattooers out there who relish a challenge of turning bad tattoos into good ones, so don't worry about having someone else drive over the mess you have started.
    As far as your expecting better treatment/respect for being home from the military, your absolutely right, the military has always been our staple in tattooing and when everybody's home and the wars are all over we will miss that amount of biz and it goes from steak to pork chops for us tattooers and this is not to mention that there are those of us out here that understand your service to Uncle Sam.
    So, as far as "keeping it real" and to prove that not all of us are like this disgrace to our trade I will fix and finish your dragon at no charge with the stipulation that you provide the steaks that I will personally grill for you at my country home where I have a rifle range that I will provide 500 rounds of ammunition for you to shoot through my legally owned and registered machineguns after we are finished with the tattooing, on this deal you have my word. Your only hitch is to make it by land sea or air to Illinois and provide the bovine. It can be fixed and finished and picture posted to this thread should you come through on your end of this bargain and I mean all of this most sincerely.
    I can't do this for every person that's received your treatment or I would work myself into the poorhouse but this is my offer to you.
    Thanks for your service and I apologize for the hack who misrepresented our trade and culture and I hope to hear from you.
    -Hawk- of
    Hawks Tattoo's
  21. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to Julio Avila in Celebrity Tattoos   
    what the hell is clunge? sounds even worse than "gash"
  22. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to jade1955 in Celebrity Tattoos   
    Wardrobe malfunction?
  23. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to Ursula in ICP thread   
    one time when i worked counter at this one tattoo shop i photocopied pictured of myself, the apprentice and the owner and drew icp makeup on them and then replaces some flash on the wall with our juggalo pics.. so anyways mine was my passport photo and some dumb ass icp kids came in and freaked out when they saw mine saying i must be the most hardcore juggalette beccause i actually got my passport photo taken with clown makeup... they then did a couple rap songs for the apprentice and left without getting tattooed...
  24. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to Tight-Lines in ICP thread   
    My grandmother collects clown statues.
    I told her she was the biggest ICP fan I know.
    She disowned me.
  25. Like
    Mel Noir reacted to kylegrey in Celebrity Tattoos   
    Ha ha I thought only my wife said "clunge" .
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