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    Beans reacted to MarvelAvengers in Everyday life experiences   
    I went the superhero route not only because I like comics, but I felt that while some people be be anti-tattoo, how can you not like superheros. Typically if I'm wearing a tank top showing tattoos, it will be accompanied by superhero themed clothing along with my 2 young sons also wearing superhero themed clothes. I guess in my mind I feel more like a nerd than a thug. My last outing was at a 5K with the family and I had several people ask me about the tattoo and wanted to take pictures.
  2. Like
    Beans reacted to UglyButProud in Everyday life experiences   
    The situations when being around kids are the hardest. I was almost always shunned by other parents in every situation involving my kids and social interaction. It always took a while for other parents to get to know me before they stopped rushing in to rescue their kids from the "weird tattooed guy". Although I had tattoos for 10-12 years before my kids were born, it still took me some time to adjust to strong/negative reactions I got from other parents.
    The strangest thing anyone has ever said to me regarding tattoos was "you must be so sad every day that you ruined your life with all those tattoos"....... my reply was a surly, "yes, I asked our lord and savior to forgive me everyday, please pray for my soul" as she was clearly a religious kook...
    Even though I'm not from a small town, it was still rough in the late 80's, early 90's having a lot of tattoos. Rough as far as stares/comments and general disdain for "my kind".. I was a delivery driver for a beverage company for many years and my company thought it was a great idea to send the 6'3" long haired tattoo guy to all the worst, inner city stops they had. Their reasoning was "he won't upset the upscale store owners and who will mess with him in the bad areas?" It suited my personality, so it didn't take long to adapt. I think the people in the inner city areas were baffled by my tattoos but pretty quick to accept me as they knew what it was like to be outcast too...
    At one point, I got so sick of answering the same 3-4 questions I got asked 1000x a day, I had business cards made to give to people instead of having the same exhausting discussion over and over. They said:
    a: Yes, they're real !!!
    a:Yes, they're permanent !!!
    a:Yes, it hurt !!!
    a: No, I don't regret a single one !!!
    The back of the card had a rant about "if the card didn't answer all your questions, see a reputable tattoo shop near you" and the quote "the only difference between tattooed people and non- tattooed people is tattooed people don't care if YOU have tattoos or not"
    Anyway, I don't get as much attention now-a-days now that plenty of younger people have hands/feet/necks/faces tattooed and every pop star and NBA player is fully tattooed!
  3. Like
    Beans reacted to MarvelAvengers in Everyday life experiences   
    I have put much thought into this and the psychology and perception around tattoos and impressions that are made. I have to admit that I myself am somewhat judgment about placement in cases where content can be offensive. That being said, I feel the same way about offensive language on shirts etc... I myself do not get offended, as I was a Marine for 11 years and there is nothing I haven't heard before. But, I realize I share this earth and thing and there is a time, place, and audience for everything. Fair or not, it will limit employment opportunities and may deter customers so ultimately unless you own your own business it's a choice you have to live with. I have a few friends with many non traditional face piercings and neck tattoos that complain about not getting jobs. I don't know any of my Marine friends without tattoos. I made the mistake years ago of getting cheap tattoos with little meaning. I live in regret for many years until of a coverup. In the 20 years I never recalled 1 person commenting on it being cool or that they liked it. That being said. I think a high quality unique tattoo(s) with a thought of them will not make someone pass judgement as quick as bunch of unplanned themeless banger with awkward placement. Just my 2cents
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    Beans reacted to purplelace in Everyday life experiences   
    @jnin really? I've had opposite reaction when my legs are on show. I've had parents stop me and, say stuff like "do you mind stopping and showing my daughter/son your tattoos?" Or sometimes esp in places like shopping centres (you call them malls I believe in the states), where children are running around they stop and talk to me or just stare fascinated. Then parents come up and apologise, I just laugh and, say it's cool. Maybe it's because Belfast (where I get tattooed), really doesn't give a fuck about whether your tattooed or not? I've never had a parent move their child like that.
    Have this lovely sweet story, when was on way to get the Giger portrait done, walked through shopping centre. And this 4yr old was running from parents and just stopped dead in front of me. Started at the Oni Mask, he was properly transfixed. His mother asked if I could follow them around all day, because it was the quietest he's ever been :D That made me smile.
  5. Like
    Beans reacted to xcom in Everyday life experiences   
    @AverageJer, and @Dan This is why I enjoy been at the studios/shops because you can strike conversations with other people and artists about tattoos, I dont hang around those areas (I avoid loitering) but I do go in a few min early to shoot the shit around with the guys...
    You are not strange I like the attention and reaction as well. This is why is funny to me :) I never once gave a bad attitude to those people asking me question and when I have it handy I pass business cards around to people who ask me about my specific work. Some like to conversate about it some just want to ask a question and keep going.
    I just don't like the stereotyping and shit.... But I guess it comes with been Latino... :confused:
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    Beans reacted to Dan in Everyday life experiences   
    I have a lot of tattoos,both full sleeves on my arms,a neck piece,and most of my legs are tattooed,and I wear shorts and t-shirts 99% of the year.
    I have seen a nice trend here for a while now,and that is I have received a lot of positive comments and compliments from non tattooed people of all types,both strangers and my work clients,pretty cool IMO.But then maybe I'm strange but I like the attention & reactions I get and see from people about my tattoos anyway !
    and to AverageJer ,I agree,I like to talk to other tattooed people too,I feel like us tattooed people have a camaraderie of sorts IMO,some people are open to that and some apparently don't like it.
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    Beans reacted to AverageJer in Everyday life experiences   
    I live in Minneapolis and to honest no one ever notices or comments one way or another on my tattoos. I have very visible leg tattoos and it's a complete non issue.
    I sometimes will tell people I like their tattoos or ask them where they got them and generally people are polite but nobody every seems to want to talk about it which is weird to me because I mostly want to spend all of my time talking about tattoos, music, or NBA basketball.
  8. Like
    Beans reacted to ApprenticeLife in A day to remember...   
    Yesterday, I finally got tattooed by my teacher. I told him I wanted a tree on my leg and that was it. This is just the first session, all shading, drawn on with marker. The canopy on the thigh will come later. Afterwards, I got bandaged up and tattooed one of his clients, into a piece he had started last year. It was such an honor for my teacher to take a day out of his (booked out 6 months) schedule to tattoo me. Also, to have him allow me to incorporate my tattoo into his was amazing. I did this little mockingbird and drew the branch on, so it was also my first time freehanding something for a tattoo. I'm still buzzing from it all... or maybe that's just my leg healing? Haha thanks for looking.
  9. Like
    Beans reacted to ApprenticeLife in A day to remember...   
    Another angle to show how it wraps over the shin. Will be full color eventually and have some symbols carved into the bark, also in the canopy.
  10. Like
    Beans reacted to bongsau in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    Teenager conversation at the grocery store...
    Teenage Girl Cashier: "Like OMG this lady I know, like, she got a tattoo of a cobra snake ON HER CLEAVAGE. Like, OMG, you could see EVERYTHING. I mean, like, she was wearing clothes but OMG, like you could see her tattoo. Why would you get a tattoo so everyone could see it?"
    Teenage Bag Boy/Bro: "Yeah, well I heard you can get a tattoo for $100."
    Me: "Try double per hour"
    TGC: "Well, like, how long did your tattoo take to finish?"
    Me: "12 years so far"
    TGC: "Like, OMG that is sooo expensive."
    Me: "Would you rather be covered in cheap tattoos or nice tattoos?"
    TBBB: "Yeah bro, when I'm gonna get my tattoo, like, it's going to be the most expensive tattoo possible."
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    Beans reacted to tatB in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    agreed. and of the remaining likeable 1/3rd, I don't want to be around them 2/3rds of the time. and that 1/3rd of tolerable time with likeable people usually occurs after consuming 2/3rds of a 6-pack.
  12. Like
    Beans reacted to AverageJer in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    weird comments but in defense of the first example: my wife has tattoos and she did once become pregnant.
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    Beans reacted to Bmore in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    I was at a cookout recently with a crowd I wouldn't typically be hanging out with, and one of the guys there saw I had tattoos and started talking to me about them. He actually complimented me on them, but then remarked how some coworkers told him that 80% of people with 3 or more tattoos have done time. Hahaha. I found it pretty funny, but stuff like that doesn't typically bother me.
    The guy was kind of an ass, but we were ribbing each other all day joking around, so I think it was just his dry sense of humor. You never know with people though. He brought it up again later when the kids were around, and I just responded that I haven't been to prison...yet.
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    Beans reacted to misterJ in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    ahhhhhh douche chills. I love that term been a while since hearing it now that O & A got divorced. What scares me about @SeeSea's story is that guy probably thought he was super charming.
    Is it wrong that I don't view a tattoo as a major life decision (if not on the face). They are permanent, but they aren't like moving across the world or restarting a career. Hell its not even changing college majors to me, maybe I have a warped viewpoint
    Lately I've been getting comments about my "loud choice of undershirt" that has been making me laugh a bit. Why
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    Beans got a reaction from JBluewind in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    Disgusting, I hate religious zealots!
    I Had an older man approach me the other day and asked WHY I did that to my beautiful skin. I told him I had waited my whole life for a beautiful piece and I love it. He then asked about when I get older like 40 and changed my mind.......I answered that I'm 43 and I'm quite able to make permanent life changing decisions. BUT Thanks anyways. It's funny though, that he would feel so uppity about my work since he had been panhandling before I walked up. I also had another man ask me what my tramp stamp said. I said excuse me...1 I'm not a tramp and 2 I don't have any tramp stamps. He answered It might help you get pregnant. :( WTF?
    Oh then last night, Hubby and I were getting a beer at a local pub when some skezie guy started talking to me about my work then started stripping to show me all his....He then asked about hourly wages. It didn't bother me since he didn't ask how much it cost. I told him....He said HOLY SHIT! I NEVER pay more than 40 an hour and my guy even does it in my kitchen....I smiled and walked away quickly.
  16. Like
    Beans got a reaction from PopsBdog in Relationships and tattoos   
    That's rough, I suppose I'm extremely lucky. I'm currently a plain skin gal but am starting my fisrt 3/4 sleeve in one months time. (life long dream) Hubby is SO excited for me but he's getting a little green too, so he's making himself a conseltation to start his back piece. :) We are both fairly conservative as well as Christians. I think it's such a shame people should be made to feel bad for their personal choices, that DO NOT hurt anyone else. I might be naive, at this point but no one has a right to judge.
  17. Like
    Beans reacted to Michael J Goldman in Hello   
    I'm in the New York City area.
    I'm thinking of a memorial tattoo for my best friend. I have an idea for some elements...an eternal flame with my friends name in Hebrew lettering (perhaps intertwined with the flame) and the quote, " I have been, and always shall be, your friend."
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Beans reacted to CABS in A Sketchbook Full of Synthetic Skin Lets Tattoo Artists Safely Doodle   
    I would rock a Graeme trenchcoat.
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    Beans got a reaction from beez in A Sketchbook Full of Synthetic Skin Lets Tattoo Artists Safely Doodle   
    I saw something recently about full body tattoos fetching several hundred thousand in life when agreeing to hand over the skin apon death. I'm sure there is more to the tracking of the body but.....cool
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    Beans reacted to xcom in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    4th session. 9hrs.

  21. Like
    Beans reacted to sophistre in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    D'aww. Come on over and get some tattoos! :)
    Edit: Oh hey, @cltattooing put up a picture of what we got up to today.

  22. Like
    Beans reacted to Lance in A Sketchbook Full of Synthetic Skin Lets Tattoo Artists Safely Doodle   
    So this just reminds me of Buffalo Bill from Silence of The Lambs. Sans tucking...
    Instead of a woman suit, let's make a coat of @Graeme's back. Sorry Graeme, you look like my size ;-)
    @BrianH, excellent observational skills. Dat crack!
  23. Like
    Beans got a reaction from The Tig in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    Disgusting, I hate religious zealots!
    I Had an older man approach me the other day and asked WHY I did that to my beautiful skin. I told him I had waited my whole life for a beautiful piece and I love it. He then asked about when I get older like 40 and changed my mind.......I answered that I'm 43 and I'm quite able to make permanent life changing decisions. BUT Thanks anyways. It's funny though, that he would feel so uppity about my work since he had been panhandling before I walked up. I also had another man ask me what my tramp stamp said. I said excuse me...1 I'm not a tramp and 2 I don't have any tramp stamps. He answered It might help you get pregnant. :( WTF?
    Oh then last night, Hubby and I were getting a beer at a local pub when some skezie guy started talking to me about my work then started stripping to show me all his....He then asked about hourly wages. It didn't bother me since he didn't ask how much it cost. I told him....He said HOLY SHIT! I NEVER pay more than 40 an hour and my guy even does it in my kitchen....I smiled and walked away quickly.
  24. Like
    Beans got a reaction from AverageJer in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    Disgusting, I hate religious zealots!
    I Had an older man approach me the other day and asked WHY I did that to my beautiful skin. I told him I had waited my whole life for a beautiful piece and I love it. He then asked about when I get older like 40 and changed my mind.......I answered that I'm 43 and I'm quite able to make permanent life changing decisions. BUT Thanks anyways. It's funny though, that he would feel so uppity about my work since he had been panhandling before I walked up. I also had another man ask me what my tramp stamp said. I said excuse me...1 I'm not a tramp and 2 I don't have any tramp stamps. He answered It might help you get pregnant. :( WTF?
    Oh then last night, Hubby and I were getting a beer at a local pub when some skezie guy started talking to me about my work then started stripping to show me all his....He then asked about hourly wages. It didn't bother me since he didn't ask how much it cost. I told him....He said HOLY SHIT! I NEVER pay more than 40 an hour and my guy even does it in my kitchen....I smiled and walked away quickly.
  25. Like
    Beans reacted to bongsau in First time you saw a tattoo   
    The first time I saw tattoos, or counterculture for that matter, was on some spiky punk rockers. It would have been the late 80's. My parents told me not to stare and locked the car doors.
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