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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. I agree. I see a lot more interesting threads (tattoo related) recently. For a while I wasn't posting on here as much. Honestly, the Thomas Hooper stuff that keeps popping up keeps me coming back. And the Firth street stuff per usual.
  2. Oh man, I wish you could see the alumni page. Someone made that saying into a patch... I couldn't take it. Here are some examples of the shit people make:
  3. Sounds good! I went out the other day to our local reservoir. Nothing all day, then started firing right as I was leaving. Landed a few small mouth bass and one nasty catfish with a woolly bugger. I was not happy about catching him.
  4. I was in a band called Shark Week for about a year. It pretty much gave me an excuse to get hammered and talk shit to a group of people for 15-20 minutes. I think we have a last.fm. I got banned from that site a while ago so I havent been in years.
  5. I like that... but I want to do Judge hammers. It gives me an excuse to get them when I'm not straight edge.
  6. Someone on the instagram did an incredible fighter plane tattoo a few days ago... Did anyone else see this. I want to say it was Desa.
  7. Sriracha Challenge: 1 Bottle in 1 Day - The Sriracha Cookbook Blog LST Banhammer tattoos.
  8. we're all doomed. This is one of my ladys friends on the facebook. From what I gathered in the comments section, the tattoo cost 165 bucks and she has an obsession with Ed Hardy. Go figure.
  9. The pieces on the back of my arms get bumpy and itch randomly. Never raises though.
  10. I will be in attendance! As will most of us Bay Area posters... I hope.
  11. Skull eating panther panther with a skull hat panther embracing a skull Skull w/ sleeping panther on head. Out of ideas.
  12. Also saw an Odd Future shirt... that group of people is responsible for the death of "hip-hop" music and need to be put down.
  13. Went in to buy it, then remembered what Starcraft 2 did to me. I watch videos of people playing it on youtube when my girlfriend isn't looking.
  14. We should repost @Dan S ' s post in that one thread about fillers n' stuff.
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