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Everything posted by Ursula

  1. I have a bunny rabbit smoking a joint with a 13 in the smoke cloud. done by Angelo Miller at inksmith
  2. also here is a blog post with links to download every episode from this season.. NOT JOHNNY SINS | STRIKE GENTLY
  3. Ah yes I forgot about the IRS situation. I guess maybe Walt is gonna need some more money... Here's a video of Bryan Cranston talking about the episode.
  4. I know that painting! Neat to hear the story behind it. When I first met my fiancé he had a painting he did based on that painting Mike did and I always liked it. Oh tattooing, how small of a world yet how large. When I saw Mike's tattooing I knew I was ready for a back piece.
  5. DON'T READ THIS POST IF YOU DON'T LIKE SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The one I was talking about was the latest before the finale. Just watched the finale too. Pretty awesome. I had kind of thought all along that Walt did the poisoning, he was at a point where he had to do something drastic. I also like how they let you think Gus survives for a couple seconds before showing his face. Makes me wonder about a next season though, if there's no more need for the money and Gus is dead what will the story line be?
  6. Just thought you might want to know there is a typo in the first text block.
  7. I know a guy who did a walk in of Louis Vuitton on someone's face.. The guy wanted the tattoo so he would match his new shoes.... not joking.
  8. Is the season finale the one where the kid gets poisoned? Or is there one after that? Either way best show on t.v. right now
  9. That has to be fake.. I mean if there's people that stupid making babies I have no hope for the future
  10. @eisen77 Jealous!!!! We've got a couple of his paintings and they are so awesome. I hope to get tattooed by him one day too! Make sure you post pics when it's done.
  11. @slayer9019 yeah i totally agree it can make someone seem sketchy and make you wonder hmmm why can't he seem to keep a job at one location for a decent amount of time? I do know that some tattooers are very difficult to please so maybe his expectations of the workplace are too high, or maybe he's really hard to get along with so no one wants him around after a few months. Or maybe he's just an asshole who can't keep a job. It's hard to say. Either way it sounds like you've been happy with the shop you originally made the appt. at so if I was you I'd just keep getting tattooed there. I figure they should give you the $100 as a credit towards one of your upcoming appointments only because it seems like you are a loyal customer and I know if I owned a shop of any kind I wouldn't want a regular being treated that way. It sucks to loose a good client over something so silly, luckily for them it sounds like you can see past some other guy's misstep and not hold it against them, I'm sure there's a lot of people who wouldn't though. I'd be bummed out too if I thought I was getting a rad tattoo that I'd been looking forward too for months only to have that happen.
  12. Makes me want to punch things. Thankfully Ms. Barbie took care of that!
  13. What ever happened to getting tattoos for yourself and not so every person on the street freaks out. Being different is one thing, purposely doing all this shit to offend people? Waste of time. I always thought being punk rock was about being yourself, and not letting others put you down for that. I didn't know that it's now all about being a huge douche bag who's life revolves around offending everyone you can.
  14. If the guy is a reputable artists as you mentioned then the location shouldn't matter, it won't change his ability to do a good tattoo (unless that location is a rocky boat or a roller coaster haha). It sucks that it seems like he's being a bit of a dick about it though. Most artists I know who've changed shops have contacted their customers who have already booked appointments. I do feel like the shop that took your $100 does owe you that at least in tattoo credits, especially if you are getting tattooed there all the time.
  15. Does it still count as a unicorn if the horn is coming out of his eye socket?
  16. Since the other people's Facebook page has been shut down I thought I'd share this guy's work from Armoured Soul in Toronto, thinking about getting my next one from him.... NOT! I've met the guy, he's a total dick. My friend who knows him said he couldn't find work as an illustrator (which is what he went to university for) so he thought being a tattooer would work out. I also know someone who went to school with him, apparently he took some classes from Gary Taxali who would write things on his papers like "is this a joke" and "why are you even in this class".
  17. Next time I get a chance I'll try to post some more recent photos.
  18. Just came across this today. It's my man's back done by Jeff Rassier. It's almost done now, the picture is kind of old. Also can't wait to see that backpiece Stewart
  19. ugh at the same place i worked where we made the fucking hipster bag, there were a couple fixed gear dicks who didn't shower. One in particular would stand in front of the industrial size fan (keep in mind it's 100+ degrees outside so lots of sweat) and flap his shirt around to cool off. All he really did was waft his sweaty ball stench around the whole work room. I don't understand how being so called anti establishment means not taking care of your own body. WTF.
  20. Blame it on Portland! Land of the hipster home of the meme.
  21. I just saw this and couldn't not post it. I know it's not what most think of as a typical hipster but it's pretty great still.
  22. hahaha i forgot about the first one. Well played sir.
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