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Everything posted by Ursula

  1. I wish I could be on the Canadian cash cab! I take a lot of cabs when I'm in Toronto so maybe one day! You guys lifting weights are intense! You're doing more than twice my body weight, I can't even imagine picking up something that heavy, I'd be one of those 'lady weightlifter throws up' videos on YouTube if I tried hahahaha. But yeah, the latest installments of the show have been awesome. It's rad to learn about tattooers that I've never heard of, or heard the name but never seen their work. It's cool to see that a lot of these guys are seem like rad dudes too. The Grime one really changed my view of him, in a good way.
  2. Ursula


    @Stewart Robson every time I come here I'm surprised to see you're still posting. Surprised and glad, you're deff one of the best. Now if we could only figure out how to get more like you and less of these we'd be set!
  3. All this talk of surgeons made me want to say two things A) if you think doing a tattoo is the same as doing surgery you are fucking stupid. B) yes I would be more comfortable getting a nose job from someone who's had one them selves, however you can't learn about surgery by having it done on you since you're not awake during the part that's going to teach you something. Now can someone please start or bring back some of the threads that are actually worth reading? Sick of logging on everyday and seeing 6 new 'I'm new here' threads and nothing else.
  4. You win! Too bad you don't have a pic for the ICP thread! I've done two tattoos, both are my initials. Both are awful. Not trying to be a tattooer, did one on my fiancee and one on Oliver's arm of awful amateur tattoos.
  5. I saw a thugged out looking black guy at the mall in jacksonville FL with the Polo Ralph Lauren logo right in the middle of his forehead. I also know someone in jax who tattooed Luis Vuitton 'LV' logo pattern all over a guy's forehead and side of face so that he could match with his new shoes. Fucking morons. I guess it is cheaper to tattoo luxury brand logos on yourself then it is to actually own anything from those brands.
  6. Y'all should just man up and buy a print instead of being cheap and wanting a $1 sticker !!
  7. So it says tattooing can cause skin cancer. Anyone know or ever heard of any heavily tattooed person getting skin cancer? I certainly don't. I also don't know anyone who's ever caught a disease from tattooing. I can count on one hand the number of people who've gotten staph from a tattoo and most of those people claim it was their own fault due to improper aftercare. I've never had a noticeable problem or side effect from any of my tattoos. I wonder what specific inks these scientists looked at? Not everyone used the same components when making ink.
  8. use seral paper or any other light coloured carbon paper and just trace it
  9. I don't know if it has info about his tattooing but he has a website called Headband Brothers, it'll come up in a google search. He does sell his amazing paintings thought the site which to me is as valuable a buy as getting tattooed by him!
  10. @Valerie Vargas - it's new thing they added last week, you just put @ in front of anyone's name, but make sure you put the space between first and last name like yours and Stewart's!
  11. Ahhh @Stewart Robson, always able to express in an eloquent way what the rest of us mean by "This shit it stupid and looks even stupider". Thanks again!
  12. ugh someone posted those noon photos in another thread... total shit. I think. The heart on the couple is one of the dumbest tattoos I've seen, ever. Just further proof that the general population has zero taste. At least on the last two the lines are clean, still ugly and look nothing like tattoos to me though.
  13. Visually I like hers better but I wouldn't get a tattoo like that, same reasons as before pretty much. The first chicks arm does just look like some child painted on her, I'm sure that was the idea though. I think it's stupid.
  14. Yup I know all about it. I'm waiting on a visa to get back home to FL, once I get it we have only 90 days to get married!
  15. You should get it as a wedding gift to yourselves!
  16. That one reminds me of a bob roberts painting, in a very good way.
  17. If I were ever to be single again, which is unlikely, I couldn't date someone who wasn't tattooed, or had only a couple. I find that when you are a women and you are heavily tattooed and you date a guy with less or no tattoos it creates this weird dynamic. Like the dude is always trying to prove he's tough even though he doesn't have tattoos. Or it just becomes this thing that they always want to talk about with their friends and whatever to prove how cool they are because their lady has tattoos, like living vicariously though your tattoos. Or you get the guys who don't have tattoos and only like you because you do have tattoos because it's cool or some dumb shit like that. I also couldn't date someone who has really horrible tattoos and thinks they are really good ones. In college when I only had maybe 5 or less I had a guy tell me I had enough and shouldn't get anymore, I instantly knew he'd never turn into anything real.
  18. They look like shitty t shirt designs except someone forgot the shirt part! I know some of you like the artwork but I just don't. To me it's nothing new, nothing interesting, nothing that should be tattooed. The back pieces to me just look fucking stupid and are going to look way stupider in 5-10 years when they turn into black blobs (first one already is black blobs ha!). The second back piece, I can't imagine how the white and pink will last more than 1-2 years. I'd be scared to get that much red in a tattoo without outlines.
  19. Personally I wouldn't care to have any of those tattoos or own any of that art as paintings either.
  20. Yeah I'm not even sure if the guys I knew at Ybor city still work there or what. I think 1601 and Ybor city are about a block away from each other so you should just go look at their books and then choose !
  21. Yup same here @MindblownTattoo . Any of the flash original or prints my dude and I own are either at the shop hanging or put away in a flat file. At home it's mostly paintings hanging with one or two special flash sheets up in the drawing room.
  22. Ybor City Tattoo www.tampatattoocompany.com That's the only shop I know of in Tampa that does decent work. I'm sure theres a couple others but I don't know the names. You could also take the 2 hour trip to Jacksonville and get tattooed at the World Famous Inksmith & Rogers shops there. Www.inksmithtattoo.com
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