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Everything posted by TrixieFaux

  1. I can't "like" this the easy 1-click way since I'm on the iPhone soooo... Like!
  2. So sorry for what you are going through. I think you've gotten good advice re: tough love. If she can't live with you guys (because she is an adult now who needs to take responsibility for her own life) she will have to learn to be independent. At the same time though, if she is truly addicted to cocaine rather than just using it recreationally, she probably needs to live at a rehab or halfway house until she is detoxed and has some tools to put into place for triggers like being angry. Or maybe there's an outpatient program she could take advantage of? Once she gets out would be a good time to do what Dan S. Suggested by agreeing to pay in full for down payment and one month of rent with her knowing that the next month is on her.
  3. @tika has a beautiful one by Ivan Szazi in the LST Gallery: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/gallery/japanese-and-asian-tattoos/10756-ivan-szazi-jan-2007.html
  4. One of my Facebook friends posted this video by a girl about body image...she is addressing discrimination against overweight people: 'I Am Fat' YouTube Video: Meghan Tonjes Responds To Fat Haters
  5. @Delicious, the eyes are so pretty on yours. Love the lashes. Good for you letting the artist go w/what he wanted color and design-wise.
  6. Sorry to read of your loss @Androosh.
  7. since you brought up pie...(it's just the audio) "
  8. hm....after being around this forum for a while, as well as checking out Dermagraphique: A Tattoo Critique fairly regularly, I have come to realize that a couple of my first tattoos were, well, not what they could have been. I am not regretful exactly, I like all my tattoos, but it's like: if I knew then what I know now...I might have done a couple things differently. If I were you I would look around at the galleries and think about it some more but that's just one person's input. There are a lot of cooler looking tattoo ideas out there in my opinion. Totally up to you and if one day down the road you're not crazy about it any more you could always get it covered or add other things around it and chalk it up to experience.
  9. Yay, congrats! My hubby & I have a very sassy little 4 yo daughter... it's such an adventure!
  10. I try to avoid getting tan but it is sometimes hard when living in Los Angeles. I love swimming pools...so if I go to one I have my sunglasses, a big floppy hat, and sunscreen especially on the tattoos. Whenever there is a chance I sit in the shade. You could always bring one of those big umbrellas to the beach, I want to get one. It's nice to be able to have some shade.
  11. My mom says they look "trashy" too. She also advised that I get therapy...in an I'm joking but not really kind of way. I think I just told her that we each have our own personal style and it's okay if they are not the same. As for therapy I told her she would probably be the one who needs it since I'm happy and she's the one w/a problem w/tattoos! ;-) Oh, ps. @Dan S. -- I married into a Jewish family. They observe but are reform (rather than conservative or orthodox) and they are actually very laid back about the tattoos I have and now my husband has. My 73 yo mother-in-law has actually expressed a desire to get one. We would be happy to take her but she chickens out.
  12. Just got back from a consultation with James Spencer-Briggs...we are set to do a tiger on my arm in August!! So psyched.
  13. That woman in the store was so obnoxious... I would have wanted to say something like: If I choose to decorate my "temple" it should be no concern of yours. Although I probably wouldn't actually say anything and just raise my eyebrows in surprise. Why do strangers think it's ok to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. She hasn't learned yet that she can only control what she does. I am a teacher too...and an animal lover and vegetarian. At 43 I am about to get my 7th tattoo. Each one is larger than the one before. Screw 'em. You gotta be you!
  14. Thank you, I've been looking at his stuff ever since you posted this and it's rad. Another tattoo artist to love. I probably won't be able to get in w/him either, but I'll try! So far I sent an e-mail.
  15. I've been trying to get in touch w/him but just got a reply from Saved that he is not taking on anything new (pretty much what it says on his webpage but was trying anyway, doesn't seem I'll be able to get through the filter). He has such a recognizable style, I don't feel comfortable asking another artist to do that style as it is not their style. It kind of sucks that there is only one of him haha. I know there are a couple of other tattoo artists in the world who do similar black work with depth & symmetry but don't know of any in southern California. Let me know if anyone has any recs.
  16. har har, just saw this.
  17. yeah, it's psycho-stalker creepy. He sends twitter messages to her telling her she's "magical" and is covering his body w/her image and song titles... Reminds me of this documentary about Tiffany and a couple of psycho-stalkers she's been dealing w/since her teen idol days, "I Think We're Alone Now". I think Miley is in for a lifetime of being stalked by this guy.
  18. Poor guy, his skin is "crawling" a lot... maybe it's just the heroin withdrawal that's causing that. He's obsessed. He wakes up thinking about other people's tattoos "as soon as the sun starts shining"??! Wow. Needs therapy.
  19. So typical to start out w/such a tiny one. ;)
  20. Hey Cinder, what will you be teaching? I'm a teacher--currently in a kindergarten collaborative classroom. I have a couple of tattoos that are often visible, a few more that usually aren't, and plan on getting more. It has not been an issue at all, but I work in the inner city in Los Angeles where most of the parents of my students are also tattooed. As was recently mentioned in the tattoos & the workplace thread, it depends on your employer, but location is a big factor, too.
  21. For what it's worth--I don't think it would be an asshole move, but rather a display of character to refuse to tattoo a hate symbol. Glad for you that he didn't show up.
  22. I hear that. I've been to 4 different artists. Since I like my most recent tattoo the best, I think I'll stick with this artist for anything in the future even though I know there are many great artists in my area. At least I know whatever she does, it will most likely be similarly styled and with the same artistic eye as the one she already did. She'll know how to make it work.
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