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Everything posted by hogg

  1. I'm also stoked that you got tattooed by Eddy, @Iwar!
  2. Lance outdid me, but Jill did my back, too.
  3. You have made excellent decisions.
  4. You get the best goddamned tattoos, @Wilhell.
  5. Wait, you're AP? Hahaha. That took me way too long to figure out.
  6. Great story, @Colored Guy, and cool idea for a thread, @cltattooing. I love the feel of a shop crushed with flash. I've been in a few shops that have next to no flash on the walls, and it always feels very odd to me--even elitist at times. Plus, there's something about seeing artists deal with walk-ins that I really like. The negotiation, the hustle (on both sides of the dummy rail), and the end result.
  7. @bongsau You are definitely earning this one. Your training is serving you well, and so far, so fantastic on your back.
  8. From one CD to another, welcome! Got any pics of your tattoos?
  9. @peaceridge: I'm a little confused. Are you talking about Horitaka or Horitomo? They both work at State of Grace, but only Horitomo does monmon cats. Just curious.
  10. I forgot about that guy! Didn't we have Rob thinking it was really him for a minute?
  11. This photo of a (very) young Filip is amazing on a few levels. First and foremost, he has a pretty good amount of work on him for a child. And secondly, how badass is that reaper he's putting on?
  12. Whoa! Huge congrats, @ShawnPorter. Gorgeous photo. Thank you for sharing it. I was just thinking about your story of the visiting Japanese co-worker who grabbed your arm to look at your tattoos, only to be (rightfully) shamed by you. Then you learned that he had a full suit! I miss your contributions around here.
  13. What is this horseshit? Remedy that post-haste.
  14. Ha! Murder She Wrote was filmed in Mendocino, CA. Which has kind of a Maine vibe, minus the feet of snow.
  15. Your leg looks so good, @Mark Bee. And @chrisnoluck, I love everything about that hand tattoo. The size, the layout, the execution, the subject, the placement. All perfect.
  16. My buddies from California moved there a few years ago and opened this place: https://www.facebook.com/hellagoodtacos SUPER nice people: a couple with four (!) kids. I wish I could go sample their food, so let me live vicariously.
  17. JEEBUS, @majorpenalty. I'll like that one 10 times out of 10. And I'm so into your PAD set, @KBeee!
  18. Which artist are you considering? There are a few Norwegians on this board with incredible tattoos who could help steer you to a great artist.
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