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Everything posted by irezumi

  1. Then you signed up for the wrong reason. And apparently didn't take the time to read the forum rules/newbie guidelines as well. Hopefully you come correct next time/future posts.
  2. Ever since I became aware of what the world of tattooing is, I've also been aware of the closely guarded secrets and the policy of not sharing the gold. And it's a good policy. Not everyone deserves to see the end of the rainbow. And then there's other times where I see that keeping everything to yourself or the immediate close circle isn't always necessary, or that it's more like brass not gold. I also scanned the Rudy interview from the same old copy of TA that I scanned and posted the VyVyn article from in that other thread. I tried to make the scans less crooked this time. Seems to be the best place to post this.
  3. Scanned from an old copy of Tattoo Advocate Apologies for halfway crooked scans. Deal with it.
  4. I have a good friend that works at Mt Airy, hooked me up with a guest spot at both shops this summer. Had a blast.
  5. Out of town too often? This is hard work and dedication; what you are willing to sacrifice? Home life? Play time? Traveling? It better be all of those things. Have you spent money getting tattooed any the shops you went to? Or are you just going in asking strangers to teach you a trade? Go get heavily tattooed at one of these shops, and maybe they'll take you more seriously. Go every week. Invest in your future career; that is, if tattooing is right for you. It's not for everyone. Btw; telling us that you are looking at machines and 'kits' on eBay was about the dumbest thing anyone has posted all week.
  6. I wasn't sure if I should post this or not but I think my friend wouldn't mind. My other fave interpretation following the Hardy one. Any biters that steal this idea can get the gasface. Freddy Corbin. Summer of 2000 done in the back of an RV transformed into a tat shack. Lousy photo. It happens.
  7. I didn't know that he owned it or that it's right at his shop to see it. When I eventually make it to visit the west coast that is a must-do stop. I can't understand how people don't notice or appreciate that painting; what a shame.
  8. Yeah sounds like the spot. At that time there were about 3 shops in the surrounding area ; Tux's, Dragon Moon, and Gypsy's; your description fits the shop location Tux had at that time. Right on man.
  9. I was trying to sum this up in the numb-y thread but you nailed it right here. I don't feel the need to prove how tough I am to myself or anyone else. All my most painful tattoos so far were while I was sober, but I have no problem taking meds to keep myself relaxed, which is more important than pain relief imo.
  10. On the subject of a backpiece in a day... I can't seem to link it as a video, not sure why. It's Dana doing a black and grey dragon backpiece in one sitting. May have been posted before, idk.
  11. Funny, we were just talking about Guen in a different thread. She also has a good little diddy on TAM blog about making copied of other tattoos vs drawing original custom pieces. I'm done derailing the thread, carry on.
  12. Thanks Brian, good to know they have some credibility.
  13. You rule Bunny. You have such an awesome outlook and attitude.
  14. Nobody is gonna top Bunny in this thread As far as myself; deVita Tux Higgs Sonny Tufts
  15. I love her work, definitely has a defined style. Met her at the Montreal show a few years ago, really fun person. Super talented. - - - Updated - - - Zack makes some amazing tattoos; super smooth. Works at Anonymous Tattoo in Savannah. Super nice guy too. He has a lot of stuff on his IG, follow him at zackspurlock some stuff here too: Zack Spurlock | tattoos
  16. Saw this all over IG yesterday. I don't think it will happen. Also, if the best argument from the person proposing the bill's argument is this then it won't be too hard for it to just be rewritten as a regulation pertaining to tattooing visibly intoxicated people, not to everybody that wants a tattoo whether sober or not. And I would be fine with that regulation if that's all it came down to.
  17. The lady Of Waterlupe/Pray for Surf painting Hardy did is probably my favorite interpretation of it
  18. Old tattoos are way cooler than liver spots and varicose veins is my usual response to that question.
  19. You might as have asked if there are any good rose tattoos out there. It blows my mind that a tattooer just said that. This should be a no-brainer; there are about a million amazing tattoos on this theme and you shouldn't need to ask this question. Nothing personal and welcome to the forum.
  20. Closer to a recognizable Rogers frame, definitely. One that he based off of a Percy Waters frame. Bulldog should have a different shape to the back, more upright. Good eye. I'll bet from a business sense using a key word like bulldog machine gets more hits than rogers or percy waters machine, or maybe they just don't know what they are making.
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