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Everything posted by irezumi

  1. Right on. I have some work from him from 93 or so. Power lines bro.
  2. Junko Mizuno makes some weird shit
  3. thought I already posted this but I guess not. Steamboat Springs, CO. Awesome park. Bowl was still dry even with snow on the ground.
  4. suddenly i see a gypsy head style girl scout w/ toys'r'us giraffe family print bandana in my next sketchbook
  5. With a girl scout merit badge on the head-dress for fraternal/occult theme.
  6. I moved a fold-out sofa up 2 flights of stairs, with twists and turns. Not sure if I want to do reps of that tho.
  7. giraffe head with fraternal/occult theme by placing mason hats on each horn.
  8. BUT THATS A COOL NAME TO USE BRO. And if you (autodude) were to use Seth as an example, you should also know that he had his brother and P Wee (both well-trained and experienced tattooers at well respected established shops) to help him out when he needed it, by being on hand in person to get it done right. for real though, there is no shame in seeking out a second apprenticeship to learn how to do it right. It would really benefit you and your ability to grow at better pace with a well-trained mentor. If the owner of the shop you're at now can't help you, then it's the blind leading the blind. so what if it sets you back a step from what you are currently doing; it will soon launch you 5 steps ahead of where you are now. The internet will get you absolutely nowhere.
  9. Can you train squirrels to scrub tubes? That could actually be an advantage in the situation.
  10. That dagger is on one of my best friends. I think I know where you got that. She got pissed that her nip was in the pic haha. Hopefully she wont see that I posted it on the internets a while back.
  11. Maybe you should find a new and more experienced person to apprentice under again. Sounds like you didnt learn very much from a shitty teacher.
  12. lets not get into a pissing contest. these quote reads as someone who thinks walk-in flash pickers and getting names are somehow less important and of a lower stature than someone who comes in as a regular to sit for a few hours on a sleeve. if you didnt mean it that way, fine, no big deal, move on. this back & forth shit is tiring.
  13. ease up buddy. it's ball busting, and everyone i know does it to each other. especially when a client uses a slang term that makes us cringe. also, there isn't anything wrong with $100 pieces of flash, and anyone who looks down their nose at someone who walks in and picks something off the wall gets less respect from me than someone who thinks less of that person.
  14. Clay getting some shine! He does amazing work. The Turk
  15. I know what you're saying Avery, but I don't think I'm too old to hang it up. The day you say "i'm too old to skate" is when you start getting old. Some of my best friends, P Wee & Joel Long from Bolder Ink, are over 35 and 40 and still skate, just like me. I'm pretty sure Grime still skates. Obviously Mike does too. All of us have broken an arm (or two!) but it doesnt mean it's gonna stop us from ever skating again. 3 years ago P Wee & I were at Vail and halfway through a day of riding when we noticed the guy in front of us on the lift was 60something and still ripping. PW turned to me and said "we still got 30 or so years left of this". This is how I see it too. I'm also not scared to look like the old man and wear wristguards and a helmet.
  16. I love that 3rd one. Nice.
  17. Moira Hahn
  18. depends what you're trying to cover up. every situation for a cover-up is different. i suggest just going to a local tattoo artist and show them what you need to cover. having someone with experience see it in person will be able to give them the chance to see what needs to be done, and with what type of tattoo.
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