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Posts posted by OaktownFunk

  1. I had the honor of getting a Peony tattooed by @Stewart Robson last night at SFO. What a great guy (and obviously world class artist)...awesome time talking with him. Amazing experience sitting there being tattooed while artist after artist came up to greet Stewart/Valerie and check out what they were doing. I was being tattooed by Stewart right next to Valerie tattooing a girl while watching Mike Rubendall and Henning Jorgensen tattoo about 10 feet away. Insane!

    If Stewart doesn't put something up, I'll try to get a good picture when it heals.

  2. ninkasi total domination ipa, Double dead guy is awesome. Dogfish head aprihop ale. 21st amendment monks blood is a good one too.

    +1 on the Monk's Blood. Probably the best American made Belgian Dark Strong I have ever tasted. Have you tried 21st amendment's Back In Black? Also excellent.

  3. While visiting some friends in Seattle I was lucky enough to try a few of the RR sours - Supplication + Consecration, I think. I've been trying my damnedest to try as many sours I can get my hands on, which is not easy in the beer wasteland that is Texas. Monks and Petrus are quite good. Rodenbach Grand Cru and Duchesse de Bourgogne are also pretty tasty. New Belgium Lips of Faith...not so much. It is impossible to get the Russian River stuff down here. I'll definitely be on the lookout during SFO convention....

    Last time we were in SF we checked out the selection at Toronado, which was pretty impressive. I seem to recall the Origin Pomegranate ale by Schmaltz Brewing Co being a particular standout...

    Definitely check out City Beer Store when your out here in SF. A GREAT selection of craft beers in there.

    City Beer Store - Welcome

  4. I like Sarah Schor's work, she's definitely on my list. I actually saw an owl head on this site done by Stefan Johnsson which is pretty much what I'm looking for with some minor changes. Thanks again for the replies.

    Are you talking about the Owl Head that Stefan did on that dudes scalp? That is one nice tattoo. Too bad you can't come out to CA and get it right from the man himself. Cool guy and incredibly talented artist.

  5. Interesting question and one I honestly have not given much, if any thought to. But, now that I think about it I was probably drawn to getting tattooed because of the imagery/art that I was into as a teenager. I was really into metal music (still am actually) and all of the album covers/artwork were things like skulls/dragons/monsters/general evilness...etc. At that time the only other place I was seeing really cool examples of that type of artwork was in Tattoo Magazines (this was pre-internet days!), so the seed was planted there.

  6. So, after seeing his work here on LST I decided to head down to Santa Cruz and get a piece done by Stefan Johnsson at Lovedog Tattoo a couple weeks ago.

    Our first stop was to the Mystery Spot. I hadn't been there since I was a little kid back in the 70's and that place is a trip. Unless standing in a dark shack on the side of a hill with your head feeling like it is going to explode is your idea of a good time...I would probably pass on the Mystery Spot. After that my wife and kids headed to the Beach Boardwalk and I went to see Stefan. The shop is cool and they are doing some amazing work in there...Stefan's stuff speaks for itself. Just incredible...I mean really insane. I noticed that Stefan recently added a photo of my arm into his gallery so you can see it here:

    Tattoo Picture 4 of 35 from Gallery: Tattoos by Stefan Johnsson Tattoo Gallery | Last Sparrow Tattoo

    All done in one session! The guy is a machine.

  7. Hey Lochlan,

    nah, haven't added the new work yet. I guess my wife and kids expect me to buy them christmas gifts instead of spending money on myself...go figure! :)

    BUT, I am planning on doing it early next year. Based on some work I saw on this forum and advice given by some other members, I'm hoping to travel a couple hours away to get the tattoo done. I'll be sure to post the before/after pics.

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