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Everything posted by Hogrider

  1. No matter how you ask or phase your question, the answer is always the same - in trying to fix it, you'll almost certainly make it worse.
  2. It's going to be a mess if you try to fix it.
  3. There is NOTHING you can do until it heals. Wait 6 - 8 weeks, then IF it needs fixing, see the artist that gave you the tattoo. You know that the ink goes UNDER the skin, right? 6 - 8 weeks, no matter how many times you ask, or how you rephrase the question. Good luck.
  4. Go forth and exercise. I wrap it in Saran Wrap. Just a little A&D ointment to keep it moist.
  5. Have a drink of your favorite adult beverage or a hit of your favorite unprescribed pharmaceutical and relax. Tattoo regret is common and will go away. The only thing wrong with that tattoo is that you’re overthinking it.
  6. Not worrying about it doesn't change the facts. Too much sun causes skin cancer and your tattoos to fade.
  7. They don't want advice, they want validation.
  8. If it sounds too good to be true it is. Why is he giving away free tattoos?
  9. It looks cool. Wear it with pride!
  10. Yes, put away the microscope. Blow out means the ink has spread. There is no way to suck the ink back out. As @oboogie said, "fixing" it will only make it worse.
  11. 6 - 8 weeks to heal no matter how many questions you ask, or how you rephrase them. 😉
  12. I've never used anything except a little cocoa butter. Hundreds of hours of work all healed fine.
  13. First, it takes 6 - 8 weeks to heal. Unless it's oozing, painful and hot, you're probably fine. Second, YOU ARE DROWNING THAT TATTOO. Use just enough ointment to keep it moist. Too little is better than too much. I'd wipe off all the lotion, wash it and let it breath for a day. Then tomorrow, just put on a tiny touch of lotion. You may want to try a cold pack on it a couple of times a day too.
  14. Ink is under the skin and it doesn't leak out so I'm not sure what you are worried about.
  15. Hogrider


    There is always a chance, and yes it could be touched up. I’d recommend an adult beverage or pharmaceutical of your choice and chilling out. Absolutely nothing you can do until it heals.
  16. Hogrider


    No way to know until they heal.
  17. It looks like you are drowning that tattoo in lotion. You only need a small amount. Too much is worse than too little.
  18. No. You might reduce the chance by picking a good artist and avoiding tattoos on thin, delicate skin, but if you get enough tattoos, eventually you’ll have a blowout.
  19. American Traditional? Color.
  20. That pic is just too dark to tell. Maybe a good, well lighted pic would be helpful.
  21. It’s alway good to be cautious, but I wouldn’t be too worried one week out. Best of luck.
  22. Yea, the problem is most people figure, well it's just script so anybody can do that. Then they get a shit tattoo and can't figure out why it looks so bad.
  23. That's why you do research BEFORE you get a tattoo. 😉
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