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Everything posted by Hogrider

  1. Thin, delicate skin is more prone to blow out. Nothing you can do about it. It happens to even the best artists.
  2. It's thin delicate skin, just about as far away from the heart as possible. Leg tattoos can be hard to heal, especially if you won't or can't stay off your feet. I'm NOT a doctor, but if it was me I would prop my foot up as much as possible and put a cold pack on it for 15 minutes at a time every couple of hours. I'd also be taking Advil every 4 hours. I'd call your doctor back.
  3. Nope, it's just going to look shitty.
  4. You didn't scour too far or wide because there are probably a dozen threads right on this forum about this topic. 6-8 weeks to heal, no matter how many questions you ask.😉
  5. Take a deep breath and relax. you won't know anything until it's had 6-8 weeks to heal. That's some thin, delicate skin, so it make take a while.
  6. I know it's just part of being a cranky old man, but I think you should earn your tattoos. I once had to pay for a session I couldn't finish, but I wouldn't use the numbing cream. It's worth it to me.
  7. I'd go as far as to say I haven't seen many really good ones.
  8. No need for fancy, expensive tattoo lotions. The goal is to use as LITTLE as possible. I just put a little cocoa butter on my tattoos for a couple of weeks. Three times a day is too much. Those red spots could be from clogged pores. You just want to keep the skin moisturized. Better too little than too much.
  9. Your skin changes as you age; the tattoo does not. It's really just that simple. Whoever you're talking to doesn't now what they are talking about. You asked a question, I answered it.
  10. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I won't even go into all the reasons why that is such an incredibly bad idea. I wouldn't recommend tattooing your face either. Instead of two small red spots, you have to small flesh colored spots. It's really hard to match colors exactly and as you skin changes, the tattoo won't.
  11. Then why did you post it? Seriously. You asked for advice. You got advice. Now you're arguing with the advice you got.
  12. No you shouldn't be worried. Have a drink, relax and wait for it to heal. There's nothing you can do until then anyway.
  13. This doesn't really show anything except that the skin around the tattoo is red from the lasering, which in itself would hide the blow out. They would have to wait and show it after the skin settled down in order to prove anything. The fact that they didn't leads me to believe that it didn't look so great when healed. Good luck, lasering is expensive and painful. I'd be really careful about getting it. I also wouldn't put to much into what an abstract says. The devil is in the details.
  14. You can’t “fix” a blowout. You can’t, you can’t, you can’t. A blowout is ink that has spread under your skin. You can’t vacuum it out. How exactly does she say she’s going to fix it? blowouts happen, especially on thin skin, like your inner bicep. Your smart to wait. I’ve seen people go from bad to worse to even worse trying to fix something.
  15. You need to roll yourself a smooth one and calm down. That's a great tattoo, What exactly do you think is wrong with it????? It's good for you appetite too, at least that's what a friend told me.
  16. If you going to be a shill, don't be so obvious. Maybe find someone who speaks English as a first language to write for you too.
  17. Hard to say without seeing it. A couple of general observations. It takes 4-8 week to heal so if you're in that window, relax. Second, thin, delicate skin is most prone to blowouts; it can happen to any artist. Last YOU CAN'T FIX IT!!!! People ask all the time. The ink is spreading out in the skin, there is no way to undo that. You can't suck the ink back out.
  18. Hogrider


    Blow outs don't fade. It's ink that's spread.
  19. I had my sleeve extended about an inch after a few years. You could definitely tell right after it was done, but after a while, it blended nicely.
  20. You may want to put this on hold. What if you change your mind again? People have extremely unrealistic expectations regarding lasering off tattoos and starting again.
  21. Live with it before you do anything else. I've seen more people go from bad to worse to worser because they are in a big hurry to "fix" something. Take your time, plan it out, make sure you discuss what YOU think went wrong with your next artist, find out EXACTLY how they intend to fix it, get recommendations. First rule of coverups - don't make it worse. Unfortunately lots of people break this rule. I was getting a tattoo once and this woman came in with a coverup of a coverup of a coverup. When she left my artist said, "That looks like Arnold Schwarzenager climbing out of a tar pit." It was AWFUL. He did an amazing job on his coverup. You couldn't even tell it was a coverup.
  22. Tattoos don't heal on a schedule. 4-6 weeks is a general guideline. I had one that didn't completely settle for a year. It was the purple color that didn't look quite right. I forgot about it and at some point I looked at it and noticed that it looked perfect.
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