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Everything posted by Hogrider

  1. When I'm on business, I respect the fact that I'm representing my employer and cover up. When I'm on my own time I don't worry about it. If you don't like my tattoos, turn your head. Nobody seems to be worried about offending me with their conservative, flat-earth, opinionated, narrow-minded attitudes, why should I worry about offending them?
  2. "Stopped checking up on this shit forum since this thread. Oh, fuck. Didn't exactly mean shit forum, just the large majority of people that post in it, are shitty people. " You didn't know that this is inappropriate? There's an old saying, "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining." Try being a man, which means not making excuses for your behavior. That's really insulting. We all do stupid shit once in a while, just own it.
  3. Anyone thinking of giving advice may want to read this thread, also started by the OP; http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-101/2140-anyone-care-help-tattoo.html Particularly this:
  4. Reread the thread, you got all kinds of advice, some of it joking, but a lot of specific ideas. You just didn't get the advice you wanted. Read below, it contradicts what you just posted. Sounds like you already knew what you wanted.
  5. And admit they were wrong??? Surely you jest.
  6. If he was really good he would have to advertise, he could rely on word of mouth!
  7. I resent your attempt to curtail my constitutional right to jerk off when and where I want! :cool:
  8. I don't think you'll put a crimp in anyone's style here. You are assuming that 50% of the people who walk into a tattoo shop are offended by porno. For me it depends; are you talking about playboy or graphic hardcore porno. Playboy I don't care one way or the other and I don't think 50% of the people who are getting a tattoo care either; hardcore porn, I agree and I wouldn't go to a shop that had that laying all over the place. As far as being judged by appearance, as a man with long hair, tattoos and motorcycles, I think I may have encountered some judgmental people in my day.
  9. I can tell by your language that you are a lady of class and breeding and easily offended.
  10. Well I'm not always right, no matter what I say! I stand corrected. As the old saying goes, "nobody wins a pissing contest."
  11. Agreed, but as I said there are ways of handling this without publicly calling someone out. Also sometimes in those long threads it's hard to tell what comments pertain to what post if people don't quote the post they are commenting on, but maybe that's just my early onset Alzheimers talking. My only point is that if you want a healthy growing community, insulting new comers is not the way to achieve it.
  12. True, or people could exercise some restraint or practice a little civility or send a PM letting the poster know how things work. There is another forum whose name I won't mention where newcomers are flamed unmercifully and they have a handful of the same people doing all of the posting. I don't see much of that here and I think that it encourages people to join AND stay. It's in everyone's best interest to have a thriving community.
  13. Or maybe he thought he would get a better response starting a new thread than being on page 83 of an old thread. Just because you CAN be a dick doesn't mean you HAVE to be one.
  14. I thought I was doing good going from no tattoos to a sleeve, but that blows my mind. Brave girl!
  15. Watch the videos and you'll have much more confidence. They start on Monday, are tattooing by Thursday and are shading by Saturday. Why do a long apprenticeship when you can be up and scratching, I mean running in just two weeks???
  16. I stand corrected. I agree with what you are saying.
  17. I have found in other mediums that the best art comes from letting the artist do what they want to do. I'm working on a sleeve and my only input is that I want japanese style. Other than that, I'm letting him do what he wants. I want to wear his art. I'm not saying everyone should do that, or that it is appropriate for every artist, but when I say, "I don't care" or "you're the artist" I really mean - I want your best work and your artistic vision.
  18. I like that he's wiping the blood with his dirty t-shirt and then setting it on his dirty pants while he scratches out the next letter. He gives dumb scum a bad name.
  19. So you can get a tattoo and a lap dance at the same time and you're complaining?????
  20. How long did that take? Multiple sessions? That is awesome!!
  21. Thanks. I think we probably have another session to finish some outlines and shading before we start the color. I love it, but to go from no tattoos to a sleeve in three months has been a hell of a shock to the system. Your octopus is outstanding. I'd love to get one, but we'll see. When I'm still healing from a session, I'm less inclined to think about anything beyond finishing the sleeve! I just let Jesse run with the sleeve. I told him I wanted Japanese and left everything up to him. I really think I made the right decision.
  22. With nothing to compare to I thought he had a light touch because I heal so fast. All three times I'm peeling by the fourth day. Here I am right after the 3rd session. probably four or five more to go.
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