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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. This. You asked for advice. It's been given to you. You don't like the answers you are being given. Either listen and try to learn, or end up with a tattoo you don't like OR never find anyone who meets your weirdly specific criteria. Those are your choices.
  2. It's too early to tell. Let it heal. Also, trying to thicken a line will probably make it look worse.
  3. I get it, too. It'll go away. Just leave it alone.
  4. Bit of Robert Ryan flash, tattooed by Josh Henderson. Love it.
  5. Just leave it and quit obsessing. And as Hogrider said, don't get any other tattoos.
  6. When I first got my sleeve, I was looking at my arm and thinking, "OH, SHIT. MY WHOLE ARM IS COVERED." But I got over it. You will, too.
  7. Jesus H. That is really, really bad. Hope you can find a good solution.
  8. oboogie


    Good lord. Deleting your posts and pictures because you don't like the answer is such a stupid thing to do.
  9. It looks good. Just leave it. My sleeve is very similar, and I think it's beautiful.
  10. I don't go for a few days after I get tattooed. I do HIIT, and we're on the floor a lot. Gross.
  11. I slap it when it itches. I don't use lotion to speak of while it is healing. Too many people use too much. I dry heal all the time, and my tattoos all turned out really well.
  12. I just reported the troll. Brand new and you start attacking people who are simply asking questions? Nope.
  13. Just keep it clean. Don't but lotion on it.
  14. Just because he's been doing it for it for a long time doesn't mean he's good at it. I'm with Dan here. I don't think I'd go back, but that's up to you.
  15. You literally just posted this. People have lives and work. You'll get an answer. Anyway, we can't tell a lot from that photo. What do you want us to say? Are you wanting an opinion on the work?
  16. Do not pick at it. Just let it heal.
  17. If you are worried about what it will look like in five years, don't get it. Get a larger, better tattoo.
  18. Looks fine to me. Just let it heal.
  19. Abandon ship and move on. Seriously.
  20. My pup is still alive, but I have a woodcut portrait of him on my thigh. I love my doggies! Maybe something simpler is in order? It sounds unnecessarily complicated and incongruous. Also, reddit tattoo guy is full of shit.
  21. That isn't going to work in a space that small. As everyone has told you, live with it as it is or laser it until it can be properly covered.
  22. Behind it with white? What the what?
  23. Quit putting anything on it. Just let it heal dry.
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