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Posts posted by semele

  1. I've been traveling a whole lot recently: spent a week in the Pacific Northwest with my sister--my first time west of Chicago actually. I fell in love with Portland and hope I get to spend a lot more time in that part of the country--surely one day I will escape Ohio? It's so pretty out there! Managed to visit some shops and got tattooed by Cheyenne at Atlas, but it was a family/work trip and it was honestly really fun to go somewhere and not have the trip revolve around getting tattooed. Headed to Nashville next weekend to see a couple Lucero shows and so this classics nerd can see the fake Parthenon! Then New York, again. Fun!

  2. Your cat is a cat, but yes.

    One of my cats always craves attention when we leave her alone for a couple of days and while she left my fresh tattoo alone she decided that it was a good idea to wake me up in the middle of the night by pawing me in the eye. The time before she tried pawing me in the mouth but I guess she didn't think that was effective enough.

    Yeah, ever since I got back Monday one of mine has been on me constantly--I think he thinks if he can figure out a way to sit on my lap 24/7 I will never leave the house again. He tried the face-batting technique but bothering the wounded bits of me nets the most dramatic response.

  3. Hi folks.

    Secondly ladies who have chest pieces - did it drastically change how you appeared ? That sounds like a ridiculous question.

    Has anyone ever drawn on themselves to get used to it or am I just totally mental ?

    I have a pharaoh's horses chest piece! I worried vaguely about the change in appearance, too--and honestly it kinda does drastically change the way you look. It's a really eye-catching location, and was definitely the piece that made me consider myself heavily tattooed. That said, it didn't take me any time at all to get used to it--I'd wanted it for ages, so it just looked natural to me. May have taken other folks some getting used to. It is also hard to cover (mine hits above the collar bones) without looking a little conservative. I fucking love it, though.

    I also definitely drew on a stick figure pharaoh's horses a couple times, too.

  4. I enjoy speaking immensely, but my accent is so terrible and my flow of words forms perfectly in my head and stumbles out of my lips.

    I'd definitely love to learn another, but where do I go from French? Everyone says spanish but I have a grudge against it. Also, how do you keep all the languages seperate in your head when you know more then one? I get french and english mixed up all the time.

    You take Ancient Greek, duh!

    Learn whatever you want to learn: another Romance language might be easiest since there'll be some overlap in structure/vocabulary, but it's really interest or usefulness that will get you through the tedious memorize-y beginning part, so that's probably more important than ease. If you're a college student you might have free access to Pimsleur or Rosetta Stone through your library too.

    If I'm focused on something/thinking in that language I don't get them mixed up, but if I'm trying to say, come up with one specific word, I'll have to go through the list and probably still not come up with the right one. Or if people around me are speaking something I don't understand, then I'll think in every language I know simultaneously. It'll just be babble, too, like Greek "thank you" German "eggs."

  5. Love the language nerdiness. Two of my best friends are polyglots, one speaks: Tagalog, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Hebrew, dabbles in Latin, and is going to Brazil for two Months to learn Portuguese.

    My other friend speaks: Urdu, English, Hindko (? Idk the spelling, it's a Pakistani tribal language), Arabic, a bit of french, and Hindi.

    As for myself, I'm a good language learner, but so far have only done one other language, French. J'étudiais le français depuis j'ai 14 ans. Mais, pour un an dans ma lycée, je ne l'ai pas étudier. Puis, quand je suis allée au université, j'ai pris un classe de français. Malheureusement, j'avais doit arrêté pour une semestre parce-que je n'avais pas les temps. Mais, maintenant, j'ai fini mon troisieme semestre de français à mon université. La prochaine semestre, je prendrai le français aussi.

    Any who, Im planning on double majoring in French and Political science. And who knows, maybe pick up more languages along the way? But I've been afraid to branch out past french, and i hate spanish with a passion

    If you're good at language but don't like speaking, give Latin a try. No speaking, just reading and writing comprehension. Inflected languages are a challenge if you don't have any experience with them, but you'd have a leg up since you already know one Romance language. It's fun, and there are definitely uses for it, but it's not so great for say, going abroad and trying to figure out where anything is. I wish I had a couple more of those speak-y languages under my belt!

    I didn't have a mid-college slump, but I definitely had a mid-grad school slump. Of epic proportions. I believe there's still a seminar paper I owe someone from 2008, and every time I see that professor at a conference I give him the guilty face.


    I'm a massive language nerd. Majored in Spanish, minored in Russian, and have studied French, German, Spanish, Swedish, Cantonese, Portuguese and Japanese along the way. I'm jealous that @else and @semele have studied Greek.

    I knew you people were my people. My undergrad was in Linguistics, and along the way I've learned French, Polish (ok this was actually my first language), Serbo-Croat, Spanish, Hebrew and Yiddish, but I've really all-but-forgotten the last three. I dabbled with dead languages in my undergrad but now wish I had pursued them more! I am jealous of your Russian knowledge, @hogg - I am still very bitter that it's my mom's first language, my grandmother was a freaking Russian professor, and I never spoke it growing up. If I were to take up another language, that would be it.
    I took about 1 1/2 years of Russian... was pretty good at Finnish after I'd been in Finland for awhile. Took a semester of Spanish, 2 of Greek, 1 of German, 1 of Dutch... unfortunately, I barely remember any of it!!! Can still get the gist of most romance languages in written form but aside from that all those years of language were wasted!

    So jealous! I'm pretty sure I'm the least literate of you folks--I've got ten years of Ancient Greek and Latin, but that's it! One of my first tattoos was actually to mark finishing the summer Greek intensive course. Probably the hardest I've worked in my life so far! I pretend to know Modern Greek and German, but just reeeeaally basic conversational stuff. Damn. I better go get some Hebrew or something in a hurry...!

  7. I am SO RELIEVED!!!! I was watching this, waiting for your reply @semele !! My Greek is too rusty to have been able to know for certain... and I was stressing about it!
    I am SO RELIEVED!!!! I was watching this, waiting for your reply @semele !! My Greek is too rusty to have been able to know for certain... and I was stressing about it!

    Else, you took Greek?

    @blujax01 Oops, didn't mean to imply anything was wrong! I just thought it was a funny coincidence that that someone in my city was posting a tattoo from my field. :)

    I'll stop being a huge nerd now...

  8. So I got it right? "Come and Take (it/them)"? As I understand it, the exact phrase has no noun. It is to be determined in context.

    And are the strokes correct? I agonized over it as I have heard of too many language tattoos containing Chinese characters that read things like: "Peace, Love, Wonton Soup"

    The Greek is correct! It's a quote from a battle I taught last week actually. I'm not an expert on the various ways you can write Greek letters, but I can read it and it's definitely spelled correctly, so I think you're good! I think those strokes are identical to how it's inscribed on the monument in Greece, anyway.

  9. I'm teaching my first lecture course, after three years of teaching only language classes. It's even the same course that made me think, "I want to be a professor when I grow up," as an undergrad. It's an intensive, 2.5 hr/5 day a week version of it--which is a pretty intense workload, but it seems to be going well. I don't want to be in academia for much longer, but I am still SO STOKED that I got the chance to teach this one!

  10. Maria Sena is coming to NY in June. Was super close to emailing her and calling the shop, but decided it would be best to save every penny for my appt with Rose Hardy in July since my tattoos always seem to grow in size and price the day of. I'm real bummed ill miss getting something from Ms. Sena, so some one on here better get something from her while she's in NY!!!!

    I almost emailed her too--she's around right before my next appointment at Saved, but I gotta save cash too, cash and space. :( So I concur, someone around here better take advantage!

  11. You and Stephanie blasted through that tattoo pretty quickly! Can't wait to see pictures of the finished tattoo.

    Yeah, it'll be four sessions since the end of January. This tattoo has flown by for sure--I'm gonna miss those trips to Saved! Will not miss flying all the damn time though.

  12. I had a huge chunk of my lower leg tattooed on Tuesday, and HOLY SHIT healing the knee ditch sucks. Everything else is fine, though sleeping has been tricky the last two nights, but FUCK YOU, Mrs. Back-of-the-Knee. The tattooing itself was really pretty easy for the most part, but unbending my leg is the worst healing pain I've had to deal with so far. Kinda like someone is taking razor blades to that crease. I just hope that it heals well enough that I don't have to do this again. Okay, whining session = over.

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