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Posts posted by Anisya

  1. I've just been told many of those finger moustaches are not entirely permanent....don't know how true it is but apparently some decide to do a 'shallow' tattoo that lasts about 2,3 years....I didn't say anything as I honestly don't know if it's even possible....the guy telling me this is like 45 years old and his son has got this moustache tat, so he might have just lied to his dad....

  2. George Clooney has the much replicated tribal flame sleeve in From Dusk Til' Dawn.

    That's actually a tattoo I don't get! It doesn't do anything for the film, just distracts throughout and when we finally see it, in the last act, is quite disappointing...I know they've made it to show the character is such a 'bad ass' but we already know he is!


  3. I have no picture, but the Girl with a Dragon Tattoo is the immediate one that comes to mind. I liked the suspense of the movie, but imo the tattoo wasn't the greatest.

    Yeah, it was even worse in the original film. it is much better in the book ;)

  4. I know many of you are film lovers but there doesn't seem to be a thread about tattoos in films....I decided to start with my favourite from 'Eastern Promises'627c934b2f476a18668d7c754614dcde3e36a762_m.jpg

    (this picture doesn't include stars on each knee that he had in the film, as far as I remember)

    I don't think people realize that most tattoos you see in the cinema are the work of theatrical make-up artists....I think they've made a good job on Viggo and those tattoos are also very important to the film plot as we realize that we are dealing with real Russian mafia, not some plain criminal...and that there is some tragic history behind each of those marks....

    Anyone has a favourite tattoo from a film?

    Or maybe an opinion on how tattoos are represented by the movie industry? And why is there so much TRIBAL?? In the era of HD TV and digital cameras the excuse that some tattoos don't film well and it's best to use bold black designs is no longer enough to justify all those designs!

  5. But... girls with tattoos are ...hotter...

    'course they are!! But not all tatoos are 'tramp stamps' and having a tattoo doesn't mean you're easy and into kinky sex with strangers. What annoys me most is old pervs who think they have the right to talk trash to me 'because I like it'- an assumption made purely on the fact that I have a tattoo on the back of my neck....makes me sick!

  6. To give you a taste of what I'm into, before you take suggestions... a few of my favorite directors are Tarantino, the Coen Brothers, Wes Anderson, Christopher Nolan, David Fincher, and Stanley Kubrick.

    That being said, I just watched Pan's Labyrinth for the first time last night and I was pretty captivated throughout. The trailer, the dvd cover, and back of the box synopsis make it seem like a kid's movie, but it's far from it... in fact I'd highly recommend keeping kids far away from the TV while this one's on. The director, Guillermo del Toro, definitely doesn't hold back with the blood and gore. This film takes you on a bit of a dark adventure... if you're into that sort of thing, I think you'd enjoy it.

    The Devil's Backbone. Watch it if you like del Toro, don't if you don't like children. This one is more like a children's horror story. Nicely done (as in really quality film, the story more emotional than scary though)

  7. I personally have considered being tattooed on my face and if and when I do finally run out of space I probably will get something! Maybe not as drastic as the girl had gotten in that thumbnail but something I consider tasteful!

    I get too much attention as it is so in my case at least it really has nothing to do with getting attention....lol

    That is another thing entirely!

  8. A couple years ago (I think that's when it was) I was watching the video of the girl in that picture getting her face tattooed. The artist asked her a few times if she was sure and she said yes. Afterward, when she looked at it in the mirror she seriously looked like she was going to cry. this girl is a porn star and apparently the guy who tattooed her face tattoos a lot of porn stars working for the same people (a site that uses tattooed girls only)... and some of the videos of him tattooing them are in themselves porn. Shit is creepy as fuck and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these girls didn't want to get these tattoos in the first place.

    Oh. I don't know what to say really....but it kinda proves my point about it being a bit unhealthy...I would rather keep my opinions on porn business, freaks who get excited by tattoos (because they've heard tattooed girls f* better) to myself. So no comments on that one....

    As for face tattoos it is a matter of maturity. Some people can pull it off, some just can't. When I was younger I wanted to put I spider tat on my face. Glad I didn't have any money at the time, few months later I decided it would be stupid...phew...

  9. @Anisya - yes! And yes. There have been a small numbers of Trolls that have fallen victim to @hogg 's banhammer of fury. He gives them a chance or two before he starts swinging, but once it's swung they're out of here pretty quick

    I'm tempted to start a new thread to hear about those...but yeah, maybe some other day...

    As for the Banhammer band I keep my fingers crossed that it actually happens!!!! :)

  10. People often get tattooed with new-school designs that look like body paint rather then tattoos. Because of that 'artistic' work tattooing is seen by some as more 'sophisticated', 'civilised' and non-committal. So it is now suitable for housewives, teachers, bankers and other people, who would not get tattooed in the older days. They wouldn't dare. But that is just my own crazy theory (I'm trying to understand tattooing trends in my own country, and the reasons behind it). So if my theory is true, the more people want tattoos the more artists there will be. Supply and demand. Capitalism.

  11. OK, you got me on that one. I would agree that you probably are looking for reaction and attention when you get a huge tattoo on your face.

    Cheers (people rarely agree with me)

    Are there other visible tattoos except face, neck, hands? I mean forearms don't count in my book, no one would even blink an eye if they saw a tat on a guy's arm....even legs are not that visible and can be covered if need be. So yeah, when I say 'visible' I mean, like 'in your face' visible.

  12. I couldn't disagree more. That was never even a consideration for me.

    I don't suppose you're walking around with something like this:

    If not for the love of tattoo art (in this case obviously not) then I really don't know why would someone do that to themselves. But I don't understand piercings either, so maybe that is just me....

  13. I've started with my upper back and the tattoo climbes a bit onto the back of my neck. It's old (1999) and nothing nice, it is about time it was covered with a very mean panter (ha) but after covering it will get a bit bigger and higher up the back of my neck. So it will become visible every time I get my hair up or wear an old T-shirt that slides off my back. Not too bothered by that. I am more bothered by the fact that every time I want to have a look at it I need to use two mirrors! I want to have a tattoo I can see so my next choice is one on my tigh. I think the reasons to get tattooed are personal and shouldn't be forced on you by the public opinion! Having visible tattoos is something people do to get a certain reaction from the public and for that reason-I'm out.

  14. 'in some respect the commodification of this practices (tattoo) and their claims to be 'art' require as to treat them as no different then any other form of personal consumption in the West. In the words of one clear-sighted enthusiast, 'The guy with 10,000$ worth of tattoos is no different then the guy in an Italian designer suit wearing a Rolex.'

    Ed Hardy

    1. For each exclusive commodity there is a niche for illegal copies

    2. for every standardised and regulated industry there are people committed to operate outside of this industry, often in opposition to it.( think street art- most of it is a nuisance and it IS illegal, mostly quite bad too. But there's no stopping them, it's about personal freedom)

    3. Goods that are common cannot be exclusive but having no cash for Nike's trainers never stopped anybody from running. They'll buy Chineese exports.

    And I could go on and on with reasons WHY. The bottom line is the answer is as simple and as complicated as the modern capitalist society.

  15. Oh, and the belief that fast food is suitable for children, as far as they get free toy is just beyond my understanding. I hope it is marginal, not the normal behaviour but it strikes me as American. (not intending to offend. I suppose it comes from years of socialist brainwashing about the evil effects of capitalism, and those would be the first things one notices)

  16. Americans are bigger, that is one of the obvious, stereotypical thing one notices straight away. I don't live in the States but as for the food in the UK, comparing to W. European food, I can only say that I've gained 10kg in 2 weeks after coming to the UK. Honest I haven't changed what and how much I ate, the same types of food carrie so much more calories in here because it is produced with all sorts of unhealthy ingredients! Even salads are made with mayo! I think USA might be even worse. There is nothing in ready meal section I can eat. I suppose I'd be starving in the US....

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