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Posts posted by GraceAnnne

  1. @Dominiccjs lol ...i can relate! i had myself psyched out about the pain from reading so much on this thread. Honestly, it sucks, BUT you can do it.

    Drink LOTS of water and eat small snacks (fruit/nuts) on every break.  The healing process is a breeze. My back has healed better than any tattoo ive gotten over the past 10 years. 

    Also, Dan Molloy rules so hard.  That Kali backpiece he did on his wife is unreal.  Dont stress, its all worth it. 

  2. whoa, you folks weren't lyin! The back is tough! I was disappointed that I was only able to sit through 4 1/2 hours. 
    It was done by Ian Lutz who tattoos in Denver CO.
    He was in my hometown (Pittsburgh PA) guesting at a local shop, so we were able to start this project on my turf.
    Next sitting is in January at his shop, World Tattoo.
    LOTS more to go, but excited for the journey. 
    Also...the outline on the love handles?!?! HOLY HELL! I never knew pain like that existed lol
    i have my inner thighs/feet/chest all done and i didnt think pain could get much worse but WOW!! 
    i could have almost passed out when he was hitting those spots. I felt like such a baby!!!


  3. Hi Everyone. Really happy to stumble upon this thread after reading a lot of bs testimonials and info on other sites.  Over the past couple days ive read almost every post and jotted down a bunch of helpful tips.

    Before coming across this forum i wasnt too stressed/worried about the pain of a back tattoo being that i  have the majority of my body covered.  Although after reading everything it seems the back is a whole new ballgame, and regardless of pain tolerance it is crazy tough.

    So thanks for the honesty hah 

    i have a few questions i haven't seen come up yet and hopefully yinz have some pointers.

    First, as of recently my skin is horrible(turning 30 sucks) and has a hard time healing tattoos.  When i was younger i never had a specific healing regiment, i just kept it clean with dial soap and let it dry deal, which always worked great.

    The last couple years my tattoos take extra long to heal and i often loose parts of them.

    I used tagaderm for the first time on my last large piece and it healed perfect.  Some folks on other forums said they used tagaderm on their entire back and it was the way to go....

    I personally do not know anyone who has used it for the whole back.  Any thoughts? 


    Also, i am a back sleeper so its going to be tough adjusting to sleeping on my side.  Im afraid that even if i fall alseep on my side im going to end up on my back. Will that cause a lot of irritation to the tattoo? 

    Last question, i saw on this forum and other places on the web recommendations to take something for the pain before starting.  Is that really necessary?  Its hard for me to take something as simple as Tylenol without feeling strange so im afraid if i take anything (esp. a serious painkiller)its going to make me really wonky.

    Thanks in advance ! Even though i have a million stresses right now, i am really excited to start this new chapter in a couple weeks.

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