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Colored Guy

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Posts posted by Colored Guy

  1. A lot of artists I know are hardly on the PC side, male or female. This is because they claw out a living each and every day, no work = no pay day. There is no paid vacation, sick time unless you sell your soul to a bigger shop and work for $30 or $40 an hour while the shop charges $150 an hour.

    If Jack Rudy says that the moon is made of green cheese, then the moon is in fact made of green cheese. He wrote the book on a lot of things that have filtered down through the trade. He's one of those guys, when he talks, you shut up and listen.

  2. Unfortunately it happens. Tattoo artists are a little quirky in some way, I see this in every artist and not always in a bad way. They are not like a 9-5 Monday-Friday worker. My current artist is female and I hear the stories as she was coming up in the trade. Some of the customers are creeps too, I was there once when she asked someone to leave. He made some comment on the breast size of one of her artists. 

  3. On ‎12‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 2:40 PM, Dan said:

    nice tattoo !

    and I tried some  H2Ocean products a while ago and wasn't too impressed with it.

    actually IMO most the gimmick products "made for tattoos" is pretty much just that, a bandwagon gimmick,

    good old fashioned Aquafor, Palmers cocoa butter, and Aveeno work just fine for me for a lot less $$$$.

    Really digging that blue, sets the whole thing off very well.

  4. My girlfriend got her first tattoo a couple of days ago. She got light headed early into it. I told her to hydrate starting the day before and eat light before the appointment. She had brought a box of donuts for the shop. Some of that and water fixed her right up. I guess she opted out of eating and came right from the gym!

  5. On ‎12‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 1:25 PM, aant said:

    How many of you guys get tattoos done concurrently to large project pieces? My sleeve is in progress but I’m getting the itch to get other work done, and I’m trying to figure if I should just use whatever money would go towards soi mething else for sessions on the sleeve..

    Working on 2 pieces now, just finished up the arm cover up and still working on the back. 7 or 8 hours in the chair in 4 days. Wiped me out for sure. Next appointment is early next year.

  6. I always respected those that got big back work done. Then I had mine done... a whole 'nother animal. I already have a considerable back injury, that area was tender. I was eating a few pain killers too which helped. Today I won't take as many and I'm off from work. Been snoozing and hanging out with the cats.

    Had a new sensation after I got home. Sat up and watched TV for maybe an hour. Got into bed, all covered up and got a case of the chills that lasted maybe a 1/2 hour, teeth chattering too.

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