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Everything posted by SStu

  1. welcome, and pictures, for sure!
  2. Yep. Or go to a good dermatologist and get the moles removed - then head back to your tattooist once it's healed and fill in the spots.
  3. or, you could head up to Tampa . . . ARTISTS | Redletter1
  4. @sourpussoctopus = pack as light as possible. once you're at whatever your home base will be, take a few minutes to study a map and get familiarized with your geography, landmarks, eateries, pubs, etc.
  5. sleep on it now. just don't let whatever is stuck to it in the morning pull off/out any of the scabbing. soak it just long enough for the cloth or bandage to fall away.
  6. welcome! I can't assist with tagaderm questions, and the forum is kind of quiet for the holidays - but if you got it done 5 days ago you don't need to do anything else with it at all.
  7. SStu


    nice dedication. welcome!
  8. welcome! 1st tattoo, and on your hand? not generally recommended, even by most enthusiasts . . .
  9. no problem posting names and/or portfolios. be patient. find the artist/style that you'll be proud to wear FOREVER, and work toward that goal. Visit the shop personally if at all logistically possible.
  10. Most of the top notch artists have long waits. 2-6 months isn't bad at all.
  11. haha . . . AGAIN. - - - Updated - - - Yeah . . . my wife's IT job got out-sourced to Brazil.
  12. also in Austin = Jeff Ensminger Your options are going to ultimately depend on what kind of art you want to wear. Austin has a great variety of american traditional, japanese traditional, neo of both, black/grey pattern and dot-work, and realistic/portrait. You're in a good spot.
  13. SStu


    Robert Ryan
  14. Trying to score a ROA guest spot session with Robert Ryan tomorrow . . .
  15. SStu


    A good tattooer might be reluctant to just put something/anything on you for obvious reasons. You might not be happy with the decision 6 months from now. Find at least an idea or image that rings true with you.
  16. Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right.
  17. I think she's quite good - on the basis that her's is the style you want. Ultimately the artist only has to impress you.
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