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Everything posted by SStu

  1. can it be covered? = yes. will you be happy with the results? = depends on the artist. where do you live?
  2. welcome - and pictures, please!
  3. welcome - Patterns and religion go hand in hand. I think you're going to have a tough time getting all of that detail accurately into a 4 inch circle.
  4. SStu

    Whats up

    good advice, here . . .
  5. Oh, I doubt she had to pay anything at all . . . probably ended up making money off of the tattooist on the merits of all the "free" publicity he'll be getting . . .
  6. He's got stuff that leans more traditional, and he's got other that's more pattern oriented . . . which are you looking for?
  7. @peterpoose I didn't realize you've got a full open sleeve waiting there . . .
  8. SStu

    Hello !

    Welcome. Getting an apprenticeship will be the key, as training yourself is unacceptable and dangerous. Also, if you want to understand tattooing, and you want to be taken serious for an apprenticeship - you'll need to start collecting some yourself.
  9. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work - as long as the artist is capable.
  10. doing "normal stuff" kept me sane during periods like that . . .
  11. @sophistre I was only half-way through your post and already had that very same tattoo in mind. Unf*ck'in believable.
  12. not a bad start at all . . . welcome!
  13. SStu


    I would actually consider a venture for something like this, especially for some of my pieces - but I'm pretty sure that neither of my girls would be themselves interested in "hanging flesh" up in their homes. I, on the other hand, wouldn't mind that aspect of it at all . . .
  14. yup to all the above. 6-8 weeks for all the color to settle down and settle in.
  15. That's not looking too healthy . . . Did you get it done in a shop?
  16. The shop is definitely selling an image, and it's produced very nicely.
  17. Yep. No shaving prior to being completely healed. Blood rush pain for major lower extremity tattoos is normal. Just proceed slowly.
  18. welcome! Not sure what to tell you about your little fox (?), as I'm not really sure what your original objective was. How did you originally envision it to be?
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