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Posts posted by riot

  1. im going to a run dmc/beastie boys dance party tonight... total coincidence... cause i've known about it for like a month. but im gonna dance my ass off specially for MCA.

  2. ha ha. well sorry for the confusion, i was told that was who it was, so i took it as gospel. ha ha. obviously i need to do my own research next time. yea... i'm buyin a house... so the timing was not quite right.

  3. 575244_205531486225501_100003059541489_311247_730866908_n.jpg

    me, my friend neil, and the fabulous hiriyoshi III (he told us to call him yoshi :) )

    didn't get a chance to get tattooed by him, but we talked forever and he was so awesome and humble. it was at the national tattoo convention in cincinnati last month sometime... and he was telling me about how he had won an award there, and didn't expect it and he cried. ha ha. he was awesome.

  4. yea. anyone who serves makes like 2.5 and hour +tips. its super shitty.

    yea. us smokers get a bad rap, but i do, do my best to be considerate to people unless i know for certain that they smoke. the rediculous thing is making the tobacco company spend money on telling people NOT to smoke... i cannot believe that is legal. they obviously have warned us of the dangers, we just dont care.

  5. ha ha we made a deal, either i keep going on my hands, or i get my neck tattooed, he chose neck. everything else i do whatever i want. im willing to compromise. ;) now getting him to see that the money to get tattooed is totally worth it is another thing entirely... :(

  6. america...

    its cool to be a scumbag/tool/doucheface guy.

    its cool to take advantage of anyone you can.

    eating healthy food is a fad.

    everyone judges everyone, everyone is an asshole to everyone, everyone hates everyone.

    ha ha. america fuck ya.

    but everyone is allowed to do that shit and be who they want, so its all good. ;)

  7. i know quite a few people with face tattoos, most of the are tattoo artists... they ran out of space, or just thought it'd look cool i guess. i talk people out of face tattoos all the time! ha ha. the forearm is really one of the most flat, best spots you have on your body, so it makes sense people would go there first. i didn't, but makes sense. i have my fingers tattooed and i eventually want my neck, but i have too much free space to go there just yet. ;)

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