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Everything posted by bongsau

  1. bongsau


    Has anybody eaten at the Miss Ko restaurant in France by chance? Miss K? - Restaurant Paris 8 - restaurant gastronomique sur Paris - restaurant asiatique Paris Seems bizarre to use irezumi as a design theme for the branding of a japanese restaurant. Almost cheapening the whole process of getting extensive tattoo work. especially when you read that the "Miss Ko" image is the tattoo art design photochopped onto a clean-skinned model. smells like ultra-chic high society bullshit. how edgy and exotic, my taste buds are bursting! Whenever marketing/branding gets involved in the 'tattoo scene' there seems to be bad mojo...permanent art meets disposable consumerism. - - - Updated - - - sorry/not sorry/offtopic ok back to INSTAGRAM ! and square pics of your cute dog, pissed off cats, and the odd tattoo curiousity dennis_kool
  2. bongsau


    @daveborjes tight crucified skin tattoo, i'm following you now bud
  3. My back is feeling pretty raw oooof. I've used a light hit of A&D 3 times in the last week. Dry heal FTW ! My backpiece is near completion, which is a rewarding feeling as I could use some relief from constantly healing tattoo. Starting to feel like a reptile !
  4. holy fack bro !! very nice deep red in the leaves i'm really digging the waterfall and rocks on your right thigh it's like your tiger is giving your snake a nice warm hug n a hickey lol
  5. @abeukeveld just do your best to limit your arm mobility i.e. bending. keep the skin moisturized often w/ A&D or whatever lotion/ointment you are using. yeah it will suck and be difficult to use your arms like Frankenstein for a week or two...but the end result will be worth it for years to come. You can always hit the spot again with touchup if it heals really rough. Good luck :)
  6. Session #8 ...a respectable 2.5hrs (27.5hrs total...what the seriously?). I was a bit anxious about this session. It was the first session that deviated from our regular routine (Mondays @12pm, take the day off work, wake up early, workout/train/stretch, eat big-large, pack my thermos and meal). I worked a really intense half day at my day job in engineering. Slammed a coffee, ate a sandwich, arrived at 3pm and ate a bunch of rice and beets. Steve took some time to draw-on the dragon into the monk robe directly. Dragon was quickly outlined. Coloured in with gold and yellow. The robe was coloured in with a dark cherry red. I made it through a heavy 2.5hrs on the spine, shoulder blades and bbq-back-ribs. Damn, my right side hurts more than the left! We were both happy to call it for the day. I'm still bruised from the section below 2 weeks ago too... I'm feeling very connected to the details of this piece. The symbolism of the good luck dragon in the robe - I've been part of my kung fu school's dragon team for the last 10 years. Before Sifu passed, he reminded me that the Dragon is the signature form of his kung fu school and to keep his legacy going. It is with great honour that I carry the image and power of the Shaolin monk on my back. And as I was getting this work done, I drew strength from some of my junior kung fu brothers and sisters who are presently over in China training at Shao Lin. We came close to busting the needle bar at the end of the sitting, joking about my iron shirt technique haha. No seriously though, you could hear a nasally phase shift in the sound of the machine response, sounded like a jews harp! I'm back at it in early-June for Session #9 ...likely the final session in which Steve will tackle the robe trim details and skin tones and eyes on the monk. Then it's time to relax and enjoy what is looking like a busy exciting summer for me. Go lake swimming, camping and burn my shirt in any fire pit that crosses my path haha. Steve and I will regroup in the fall after the ink has settled in for touchups and we will hit ALL the black again to really saturate the shit out of it. Then the real fun begins...filling the remaining small openings in my suit with fun little tattoos. "Eric, I'm bummed we are almost done! I'm never gonna see ya again...I really enjoy tattooin ya man!" Shout out to Steve Batt in Edmonton, AB. One of the most underrated and skilled tattooers in Canada...seriously this cat is on a different level, constantly striving to improve and progress his drawing, composition and tattooing. amituofo :cool:
  7. couple hours yesterday on my upper back / spine / shoulder blades pretty bruised up ... holy fack bro lol
  8. Has anybody pre-ordered the upcoming book of Ivan Szazi tattoo works?
  9. Placement is how I've decided what's next...when you running low on your empty space you have to be mindful of the sequence you are getting your pieces, to not interfere with free space and placement of other upcoming works you have planned.
  10. Put another 4 hours into my bakpiece. Went and trained the kung fu class with a bruised back 24 hours later. Then my wife went away for the weekend...and I couldn't reach the tattooed spots. So...dry healing it is lol !
  11. Back on the table in 1 week. Colour, detail and patterns on the monks robe for my backpiece. Also may be planning a tattoo pit stop in BC with my wife on our way back home to Alberta from the lake this summer. May hit up Five Fathoms Tattoo in Vernon for her (well prob me too) and Timber Tattoo in Nelson to get some more work from Shawn O'Connor.
  12. Consider this... If you have a bad cold or flu...your immune system is run down. A tattoo is going to slam your system down even further and yeah you'll have a sweet tattoo but it's going to more painful to receive and your recovery from both the tattoo and the sickness is going to take even longer. Furthermore, you just got your tattooer sick...who then spreads it further to the other clients and tattooers in the shop and/or means he may have to cancel upcoming appointments. If you're sick...stay home, rest and reschedule your appointments. (On the flip side...yeah dayquil/nyquil works great to numb you out from the pain. But it will give you a bad stomach ache afterwards. So be pro-active, keep your body fit and healthy and your golden.)
  13. lord have mercy... grabbing my passport, on my way south, i'll be there by dinner time! (or is it supper, lol)
  14. I had the pleasure of meeting Matt Gone aka Checkerboard Man recently at the Edmonton Tattoo Show. He was super friendly, charming and with a nice dose of crazy...I mean who isn't crazy to go the lengths we all do to get the tattoos we want to express ourselves! I recall reading about Matt Gone in the early stages of my tattoo journey, I think it was an interview in Skin & Ink and he was on the cover (I was/am really into ska so I was stoked on anything checkered haha). That led to find out more about the checkered fellow and I found his stories, tattoos and motivation to extensively tattoo his body inspiring. It showed me what was possible with tattoos. It also echoe'd my sentiments about tattooing as a way to express myself, assert control over my body and love myself. I also liked how he wasn't simply a circus freak but a dude who was stoked on tattoos and committed to the process, working hard to reach his tattoo goals, no matter how insane they may appear to the average plainskin and tattooed individual alike. Here's a really cool article about Matt Gone where he talks about his tattooers...he's had some heavyweights do his tattoos like Stell (!), Roy Boy, Sailor Moses, Gil Monte...list goes on. https://www.bigtattooplanet.com/features/artist-profile/an-interview-with-matt-gone I really appreciated how candid Matt was about his tattoos and stories. As well as how encouraging he was to get people to strip down, not be shy to show off our tattoos. It was a tattoo convention after all! I connected with him on facebook this week. I guess one of the event organizers was there when I stripped down to a smile and got this photo taken with him. That exchange along with the spectacle we had at Matt's booth with my buddies with the Paul Jeffries works, had the organizers hire/invite Matt Gone to upcoming Alberta tattoo events. This was his first time in Canada and now has more visits planned for the future. more info (NSFW) MATTGONE.NET - - - Updated - - - still buzzing from the exchange I had with him, really fun
  15. Colouring Book & Matt Gone My front tattoos by: Bobby Trip (chest falcon) OllieXXX (belly tiger, R leg, various) Steve Batt (R arm, R rib, back) Miles Kanne (L arm, L leg) Casper (P-Knees) Shawn O'Connor (collar, various) etc Edmonton Tattoo Show 2015
  16. bongsau

    Tattoo Backpieces

    from L-R Cam (Paul Jeffries) Keith (Paul Jeffries) Matt Gone aka Checkerboard Man ! Eric aka Colouring Book (Steve Batt)
  17. I completely disagree. A common misconception is a fresh tattoo, right after the machine gets set down, is when a tattoo looks it's best. Truly, a tattoo looks better as it has aged and the ink particles have settled into the skin and smoothed out. It is a big part of tattoo composition to understand how to design the lines, use negative space and contrast to make a tattoo readable for many years to come. If a tattoo image has deteriorated only after a couple of years, it was not designed or applied properly. My $0.02 - - - Updated - - - haha @Graeme beat me to the punch!
  18. Bongsau in the middle, yup my tattooed ass got published in the online newspaper. The tattoos on either side are Paul Jeffries works.
  19. ...oh...Steve just got back from hanging with Roper and Shad in AZ. So I went home yesterday with some fresh tattoo on the back AND limited prints from both Roper and Shad. Man, best weekend ever.
  20. What a fun time. I didn't get tattooed at the Edmonton convention...nothing really struck me + I wanted to stay focused on my upcoming back session. But I did have a really fun time being part of the spectacle and energy of the show. The Edmonton Convention is weird, the tattooer list is not on par and hardly any international artists that you would expect at a tattoo convention. It seems to be mostly local shops (and not the shops I would recommend to my friends/acquaintances). I thought there would be more flash ready to go and the drawings ready to go were nu skool, cupcake/donut, realistic. Not my thing. But nevertheless there were some cool tattooers around... Miles Kanne - got to say hi and catch up, show off one leg and arm sleeves he did on me in 2005 and 2007 when he first started. Stace aka Water Street Phantom - super friendly, really unique japanese style that I think he is approaching respectfully for a younger tattooer. He had this killer shunga print, but my wife was not into haha. The comp'd us some pina colada flamingo Steveston air freshners Cody Dewald - a young bold black traditional tattooer, got to chat and watch him work on a few people which was cool. Horiryu Family / Strictly Tattoo Vancouver - watched a huge hanya back get lined in. But the muscle dude getting it done was cringing and his calf muscles were tensing. He wasn't enjoying it haha Bart from Empire Tattoo, Victoria - had some wicked traditional flash ready to go. He was busy. He comes to Lucky Strike in town fairly often to visit. Lucas Ford - got to meet him, really nice dude. He was also a judge in the contests...more on that later haha I met Matt Gone the Checkerboard man. He was quite charming but batshit crazy. Actually it was funny, I went to get a photo with him and some security/handler guy was like "buddy, Danny Trejo isn't ready yet for fan photos"...and I'm like "huh? I'm here to see Matt Gone". I told Matt how when I first started my tattoos I saw him on the cover of Skin & Ink and have been following his bodysuit progress for several years. I asked if I could take a photo with my shirt off and next thing you know I'm in my socks and underwear with Checker board Man: Matt said to swing buy his booth and gave me a t-shirt and wanted to take more photos together with our bodysuits. It was hilarious. They are all up on his facebook page now lol. I got approached by a photographer asking for a picture for the newspaper (Edmonton Sun)...I said you want the full meal deal? No problemo...actually hold on, here come my buddies with Paul Jeffries tattoos. So the three of us ended up in the Sun's online photographs from event. So yeah we got our tattooed butts in the paper lol: Contests... Cam and Keith both entered their Paul Jeffries tattoos in the best sleeve category. They both didn't even place and lost to a ghostbusters, spiderman and zelda sleeves (wtf). We thought it was a joke that comic book tattoos could win over classic Paul Jeffries work. Like c'mon! But hey maybe that's tattooing in Alberta or tattooing in this era, the bros love the airbrush photorealistic look but don't know the name of the man who put Canada on the tattoo map. Later on, my wife arrives and we enter our matching Chris David eagle tattoos in the best traditional category. Maybe about a dozen entries, several of which had like 8 colours and NO BLACK (wait is this best traditional? wtf). Well no big deal. They called us both back onstage, the judges wanted another look as we were battling to place. So yeah, they couldn't decide so we BOTH won the 1st and 2nd place!! Ryan Gagne tattoo also won, so it was a clean sweep for Government Street Tattoo in the trad contest lmao. No cash prizes, although advertised. So it was fun. It was a spectacle. I thought there would be more shirtless folks, it is a tattoo convention after all. People seemed pretty timid. Well except for the 3 of us and Matt Gone! I'm happy I went. We had fun. Lots of laughs and good people watching. People getting tattooed. I lost track how many times I dropped trough! And then we went to the Keg to celebrate our victory
  21. yeah man, I'm going to wait until the whole thing is finished before posting. Although my instagram "dennis_kool" has a pics of front and back of my suit at the moment ;)
  22. Session #7 down with another 4 hours (25 total). First colour session! Did the details in the boots and pants on the monk. The sash is now a vibrant purple which I'm particularly stoked about - my claim to fame is that I was the first purple belt at our kung fu school. The boots just run over a tattoo Steve did on me 10 years ago lol. Damn A LOT of white ink went in the pants, with some dark and mint greens in the pattern. Going to look mighty against the saturation of the heavy black once the tattoo settles in. It was a very difficult session pain wise. Lots of motion over the kidneys, spine, and bbq ribs. The session started with 30 minutes of re-lining and stylizing the lines in the clothes. zOuch! And once again, the session finishes with a Ramones song :cool: Back in 2 weeks for another big colour sesh...the monk's robe and pattern. And then 1 or 2 sessions after that to go over the blackground again, tighten up the seams. Also throw in a mini banger (hehe) in this 2"x2" spot under my butt I requested to leave open for the victory lap. So yeah, the plan is to wrap my Shaolin backpiece up in June so I can enjoy the rest of my summer. WICKED
  23. I have a Chinese monk with Japanese clouds and water surrounding. It's a bit of a hybrid, but it worked and fits me. If you find someone to do it, go for it, cool design.
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