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Posts posted by HaydenRose

  1. (I have her exact paw prints, pad colors and all, tattooed on my shoulder where she used to rest her paws. But that's one of those "meaningful" tattoo explanations that I know isn't tolerated much around here ;) )

    I also have my dogs exact paw print on the top of my foot. It's still the tattoo that gets noticed the most. I don't regret getting a "meaningful" tattoo at all since I got it before he passed away, so it was nice to have right after the initial loss.

  2. My understanding (and correct me if I'm wrong) is that SPF doesn't matter except a lower number will need to be reapplied more often than SPF 50. Granted it is waterproof, sweatproof, etc. I always just grab SPF30 or 50/Zinc combo sunscreen. I never noticed better or different results between 30 and 50 SPF.

  3. What about a computer with binary on the screen? I'm sure there are lots of ways to make it into a more appealing tattoo. If you really dig a plain binary tattoo, then by all means get it. No need to appease us. But if you're asking because you're rethinking, then definitely try to make the tattoo more visually striking. Do you have an artist in mind? They may be able to offer more informed insight.

  4. Best of luck with your recovery @MadeIndelible. I know every one on here, myself included, enjoys having you around, so go kick the habit and we will all look forward to your return! If there is any advice I can give its to always remember to take it one day at a time. Also AA/NA can work wonders if you're ready for it when you leave rehab. If you go that route, I promise you'll meet some really rad people who can support your sobriety for years to come.

  5. My experience with New Jersey has mostly been trying to avoid it on my way to NYC (Tappan Zee Bridge!) but I did have a nice brunch with a friend in Hoboken during one visit. I am stoked for this trip though. The Asbury Park area seems pretty cool. I'm sure it won't be our last time to the area.

    Jersey is great! It gets a bad rap in the media and whatnot, but having lived here for the past 5 years or so... I love it. (Although I'm liking Hoboken less and less everyday. Jersey City is where it's at!)

    Also... LST meetup? There is plenty of Jersey people on here now and NYC, of course.

  6. Thanks for the warm welcome guys! It looks like a great forum.

    I've come here to get myself educated before I get work done!

    Is work by someone like Xam or Valerie Vargas considered "traditional"? I know it sounds daft but I think it looks a lot more detailed and "fancy" than the stuff I like... Everyone says to go to all these artists (who are clearly amazing I might add) but to me they don't seem that traditional. Almost a bit cartoony! On the other side of things I've seen a bloke called Richie Clarke in Liverpool whose work seems very traditional but a bit too basic for my taste. I think I want something in between!

    Sorry if I don't make sense but hey, I'm here to learn.

    I understand what you're saying, but I know if you brought in some old flash or something heavy traditional, any of those artists would be able to accommodate you. Just be clear about what you like and don't like. Also Chad Koeplinger often visits Frith St. and would be perfect for your taste. But I'm not sure how much he's going to be traveling anymore. Frith St. has a lot of guest artists all the time. Also Jordan at Frith St. does great traditional work.

  7. I think you mean those Basic Bitches.. (Yes, I learned a new slang term recently. That is so.. so apt.)

    Wait wait wait. What does Basic Bitch mean? Because I've been seeing it everywhere but have no idea what the hell anyone is talking about.

    Now I feel less of a loser for being out of the loop if you only recently learned what they are. Kids these days...

  8. It is kind of the same thing with ours. She is getting larger but her height is the same. Even the vet basically said that it would be crap shoot as far as size is concerned. We took her at 7 weeks (we had her a week at that point) and she was 6.5 lbs. I took her back three weeks later for some more puppy shots and she was almost 12 lbs. I have to take her back next Friday so I will be interested to see how much weight she has gained since her last check up.

    Interesting! Apparently our puppy was 5 lbs when they rescued her at 7-8 weeks old. Now a week later, she has only gained a pound. So I'm hoping she stays in the 20-30 lb range.

    I did some research and apparently you can kind of guesstimate weight if you know if the dog is a small, medium or large breed...


    Take the weight of small or toy mixed-breed puppies and double their weight at 6 weeks. Take the total and double again. This is about what the puppy will weigh as an adult. For example, if your puppy weighs 2 pounds at six weeks, double it to get 4 pounds and then double again to get 8 pounds.


    Take the weight of your medium to large mixed-breed puppy at 14 weeks and multiple it by 2. Halve the weight of your puppy at 14 weeks and add it to the total of the weight at 14 weeks multiplied by 2. For example, if your puppy weighs 20 pounds at 14 weeks multiple 20 by 2 to get 40 pounds. Add 10 pounds (1/2 of 20) to the 40 pounds. Your puppy's adult weight will be about 50 pounds.


    Take the weight of your giant mixed-breed puppy at 6 months and double it. For example: if your puppy weighs 60 pounds at 6 months his adult weight will be about 120 pounds.

    I know with large breed dogs, they tend to double their weight each week, so as long as the dog is growing a few pounds each week, it probably wont blow up to some massive sized dog.

  9. I'm no psychiatrist, so maybe you're right, maybe you're not.

    Maybe I've decided to fight this battle and let other other battles pass. I keep hearing the word "compromise" being thrown around when describing relationships. Those that have never had to compromise are the lucky ones. I've compromised in so many other ways it's ridiculous. I don't feel that I "deserve" to have tattoos because of my compromises. I feel that it's a harmless way to express myself. My wife sees otherwise.

    BTW...I would almost kill to be back in Simi Valley. You should be grateful to be living in such a great place.

    Compromises are OK, but not when only one member of the relationship is compromising! Also, tattoos are permanent. They are part of you. I like to say Vermont will always be my home and is a "part" of me, but I've compromised and accepted that it makes more sense for my husband to live closer to NYC. That is the biggest compromise I've made in our relationship, but he knows if he ever takes away a hobby of mine (ex. getting tattooed) were going to have some issues. I would never dream of discouraging him from following something he loves unless it was damaging his health or the relationship. Just my $0.02.

  10. Thanks. She is the definition of a mutt but she is pretty awesome. The mom is a beagle/bassett hound/some sort of pitbull mix (that is where the short legs come from) and the dad is a Shar Pei (she has his curly tail). The only one that came out of the litter with predominantly Shar Pei features was the one male. This is a picture of the male and our puppy about a week after we got her when we took her back to visit.

    CUTE BUTTS! Haha

    We are adopting a puppy this weekend, and she is a true mutt. Mom is some type of dachshund mix, but looks more like a beagle/shepherd mix with a dachshund face. And dad is nowhere to be found (typical man... lol). However, the puppies look like some combination of shepherd/dachsund/terrier mix. Maybe even pug or boxer... crazy. Apparently she only gained a pound in the last week, but her paws are a little large... we will have to wait and see what she turns into!

  11. I have yet to hear an older woman with badass tattoos state that she regrets them. Therefore, I don't bother with this uninformed BS. If someone with tattoos done by a reputable, professional tattooer told me she regretted getting tattooed and sat me down and explained why, I would listen and consider her reasons. But those "plainskinned" bitches better shut the hell up about MY body and MY choices...

  12. I'm not a tattooer... so any reputable artists on here feel free to dismiss my opinion if you think I'm out of line, but...

    I think you should take a break from tattooing people and focus on honing your drawing skills first.

    I will say I like that fox tattoo, it's an interesting design.

  13. Well what your describing sounds like an infection, but never having experienced any of this, I don't want to say yes or no. Did you go back to your artist and show them the final result or any of these pictures? If you followed those aftercare instructions, then my guess is something went wrong on the artists end. (However for your next tattoo or if you get this one redone, I may skimp more on the lubriderm--less is more, and too much can cause heavy scabbing). Also letting the tattoo completely dry out before applying any lotion will lower the chances of heavy scabbing.

    My advice is... go back to your artist and see what they say. If they know what went wrong and think they can fix it, then get it redone. But if I were you, I may hesitate to go back there...

    If you are still scabbing, you will have to wait to get it redone. Usually the minimum time between sessions is 2 weeks, but in your case it may be longer if you have scabs still.

    Hope that was helpful... And welcome, I hope you stick around after your tattoo issue is sorted out!

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