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    Maximalion reacted to cfgsteak in is there a code of ethics that i am missing when walking into a shop as a newbie?   
    I'm thinking you might be lucky that no violence ensued.
    I cant imagine what would have happened had Ursula been there...
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    Maximalion reacted to Duffa in What's the scoop on shops Down-Under?   
    @Maximalion - this is nothing compared to the HA's v RM in the 90's, now that was a war!
    @Amok - Not sure how much I can really say on it... it is still recent history and not being from the city of sin, I have no idea what is happening/what happened in relation to it so it may have to wait for another time. Sorry homie ;)
    @Dan S - the Highway 61 stuff is actually pretty damn interesting, but it may have to be in a PM. That shit is local to me on a number of levels lol.
    As I mentioned earlier it isn't that bad, or no worse than usual? In saying that, other members of society might have a different view/argument but it's only because they are now more aware of it because of the coverage. And I guess where I grew up and who I grew up with has given me a slightly different view point.
    It has a lot to do with the gun crime associated with it. After the Port Arthur Massacre, all auto & semi automatic weapons where banned, handguns no longer can be owned by private citizens (citation needed) and other laws surrounding firearms where tightened. Most of the incidents have involved handguns and semi autos so that's big news. Also these younger guys have none of the 'old codes' so innocents have been getting caught in the crossfire and people are rightly pissed about it.
    Back in the day it was pretty bad. No, you couldn't just open a shop and you had to have some sort of affiliation to be protected/left alone. Pretty much like most places I guess, Then (and I don't know how or why) Things changed and shops started to pop up that weren't biker controlled and everyone was happy. You still had your spots outside of capital cities (and inside to be fair) that where club controlled - place I grew up for example was where Old Rebels came to retire (ie. set up meth labs lol) and the only shops around where associated. Only now has that started to change. (it takes awhile to catch up out that way)
    In recent years however, especially in Sydney, new groups have popped up, organisations looking to get other income streams/ways to launder money have turned to the old ways and shit has been getting a little hectic. There has been a few incidents locally (Brisbane) but in my view nothing really out of the ordinary and nothing really, really bad. Gold Coast has had some shit go down though lol. Mind you, I don't really like the place so eh. And Adelaide has had shit brewing for a few years (you don't touch another brothers old lady is all I'll say) And then the normal territorial and supply disputes.
    I'm going to ask some friends who are a lot more knowledgeable on the subject, and if it works out I might try and set up an interview and report back. Please note, I'm no expert, I have some knowledge and I have really only scratched the surface on some of the issues. Lets see how it all pans out over the next few months/years ;)
  3. Like
    Maximalion reacted to kylegrey in books on tattoos and tattoo culture   
    Perhaps his copy is bent .
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    Maximalion reacted to Kevin Campbell in Dick blick / skin candy fiasco   
    The last person who called my glasses ugly got punched in the face.
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    Maximalion reacted to ShawnPorter in Old Tattoo Documentaries   
    Not at all man, I just forget to do it!
    I just got 'Tattoo Zeke- His life and time' the other day, so expect more good stuff soon!
  6. Like
    Maximalion reacted to ShawnPorter in books on tattoos and tattoo culture   
    Tattooing the Invisible Man- Ed Hardy. Hands down one of my absolute favorites.
    The Zeis book by @scottboyer and his partner will no doubt rank highly.
    Stoney knows how- invaluable.
  7. Like
    Maximalion reacted to sirblackfinger in books on tattoos and tattoo culture   
    Theses Old Blue Arms the life and work of Amund Dietzel volume 1&2 are pretty amazing books. I got Eye Tattooed America about a Year ago and I fell in love with it after first look, Ive probaly looked at it once a week ever since.
  8. Like
    Maximalion reacted to Avery Taylor in Tattoo advice, your artist and some people on the internet   
    I try to stay away from bashing the tattoo tv shows, but i think they play a big part in it. People decide that the tattoos need to mean something so they ask the artist to jam fifty different elements into a three inch tattoo. The artist says yeah i can do it if that is what you want, but doesn't jump up and down about how new and original the design is or most likely gives a suggestion to simplify the thing. Everyone of their friends and family has told them what a great idea it is, and now the person that they have came to get tattooed by is telling them that it isn't. They get all butt hurt about it, and go looking for some other people to reassure them that it is as great of an idea as they think it is.
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    Maximalion got a reaction from DirtyIrons in Hello   
    woot, Rusty ya made it to the party
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    Maximalion got a reaction from Bunny Switchblade in I slipped, ya'll have insurance right?   
    hey Bunny, I wondered where you been hiding...
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    Maximalion reacted to Bunny Switchblade in I slipped, ya'll have insurance right?   
    Nice to see ya here Maxx!
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    Maximalion reacted to PMCoyleIV in I slipped, ya'll have insurance right?   
    How ya been brother??
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    Maximalion got a reaction from PMCoyleIV in I slipped, ya'll have insurance right?   
    Howdy all1 I'm Maxx Tucker from Natchitoches, LA...and I'm just another goddamn tattooer
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    Maximalion reacted to Lochlan in NEW GAME: Guess what's wrong with this tattoo?   
    Alright the answer is here for why this tattoo mistake was posted though all of you have pointed out many new mistakes making it fun, thanks. Here's it is upclose....
    Look at the banner and just above that the leg. Now follow the line of the back of the leg(above the banner) behind the banner and when the line reappears to what should be the back of the ankle it is the front. Last time I checked calf's don't bend like that organically, hahaha.
    So there is one of my tattoo mistakes on my body. Who's up next? Bring the tattoo mistakes pictures!
    Thanks for weighing in on this everyone who did.
    Until next time...have a good day!
  15. Like
    Maximalion reacted to Lochlan in NEW GAME: Guess what's wrong with this tattoo?   
    The sea foam green is left over car paint from my old fifty-fifty, haha.
  16. Like
    Maximalion reacted to Ursula in 18 Years in the Biz   
    yes, yes they do.
  17. Like
    Maximalion got a reaction from PMCoyleIV in Hello   
    woot, Rusty ya made it to the party
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    Maximalion reacted to Kevin Campbell in Ink Masters   
    That's really neat that the dudes you go to charge 200 dollars an hour and have your best interest in mind. Us "shoeshine" boys don't always get to pick and choose what we get to tattoo.
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    Maximalion reacted to Shotsie Gorman in Old Tattoo Documentaries   
    Try Temple University's "skin and Ink Collectors!" a doc fromm the eightees
  20. Like
    Maximalion reacted to ShawnPorter in Old Tattoo Documentaries   
    One down. LOTS to go!
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    Maximalion reacted to Deb Yarian in Old Tattoo Documentaries   
    I have a great film of Paul working in his workshop talking to me and Don Lucas
    --- just waiting on Don Lucas to have it produced and released
  22. Like
    Maximalion reacted to ShawnPorter in Old Tattoo Documentaries   
    I wish the commercially produced stuff would get legit dvd releases; I don't want to step on anyone's toes but I figure I'll put them online until someone says "hey, I hold the copyright to those, you dick". Then I'll pull them.
  23. Like
    Maximalion reacted to Avery Taylor in When customers think they are friends, but don't treat you that way   
    This sign strikes me as a bit ironic since everyone seems to be Instagraming every single moment of every tattoo these days.
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