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Posts posted by Pugilist

  1. @TrixieFaux - thank you for the reminder that stares are not always hostile. I find this so tough, because it's hard to know if people are admiring or being creeps. I usually say that I never get comments or stares about my tattoos because we live in a very tattooed neighbourhood (that's also really gay, so I am pretty uninteresting to most, haha), but for some reason this past week I have been getting constant comments. Earlier, when I was walking the dog, a man stopped me to say, "you have beautiful legs" (I am wearing a dress that's short-ish so you can see a lot of my thigh tattoos). And like, I had no idea if he was saying it in an admiring or sleazy way... I mean that is kind of a weird thing to say to a stranger, even if you mean well! I don't want to be ungenerous when folks say stuff like that, but when it's ambiguous I also tend to opt for protecting myself and not engaging, which is kind of a shame if people mean well.

    (That said, why is it that many of the comments I've gotten recently have been of the ambiguous nature above, and not like, "I love your tattoos", but instead commenting on the body part itself? I guess the comments sound ambiguous because they probably ARE, like these dudes are admiring my tattoos while assessing my body at the same time. I dunno.)

    Of course, he could have been talking to my dog, who does indeed have a sweet set of gams.

  2. Machine. At one point @DJDeepFried stopped by to visit and asked Horitomo, "So just machine today, no Tebori?" Horitomo looked at me and said, "You want Tebori?" with a little grin... I was like, "Nah, I'm good!" I would have gone either way, he chose machine and I am more than happy with that.

    This sounds like exactly the kind of thing @Graeme would do, and then I'd shoot him a dirty look. And he wouldn't notice.

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