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Posts posted by Pugilist

  1. @Graeme - I just love that design - one of my favorite so far. And I'm not just sayin' that because your Instagram bare butt is cute ;-) j/k! Really really nice.

    Step off, woman! I thought this backpiece was supposed to make him LESS attractive to the opposite sex?! ;)

    @BrianH - I know, right? Those were already done when I arrived at the shop and were the first thing I noticed - brutal.

  2. Me and @Pugilist had a running competition for a while about who had the most hours under the needle. I've since lost track of how many hours I've been tattooed for, but the answer is "a lot of hours". I have no idea how much money I've spent on tattoos, nor do I care to know because I'm sure if you gave me the sum of money I've spent on them...without even talking about cost of travel and hotels, time off work, etc...I'd be stunned and perplexed how I even came up with that kind of money. People wanting to know hours so they can roughly calculate how much you've spent is weird anyway, because it isn't about money, and anybody who cares about the cost of tattoos, especially heavy coverage, is never going to get tattooed like that because it's not like getting tattooed like this is something that comes from a rational decision-making place. You don't sit down with a personal or household budget and see that you can fit a bodysuit in there. It comes from a more primal place, it's closer to a need than a want. That's where the tattoo magic is.

    I think I stopped keeping track because you're winning. :(

  3. How'd it go, @TrixieFaux? Haha.

    So this weekend I finally put something on one of my arms, and then promptly went out and bought a couple of very light blazers/cardigans to cover my upper arms in warm weather. Our workplace has very inconsistent AC, so warmer months will definitely be tricky. It's funny how over the weekend half of my work tops suddenly became a problem... It also makes me laugh to think how all of my students always seem so proud to show off their tattoos, but I spend so much energy covering mine up! Ah, to be young again... :)

    Anyway, I have a couple of male colleagues who wear suits every day, year round, which is something that I have always found baffling about male dress (how do you DO this and not melt?) So I figure I should survive needing to wear shirts that go down to my elbows.

  4. The goal of my collection is to display the caliber of tattooing in Southern California

    You seem like a thoughtful guy with great taste, so please don't read this as me calling you out but rather being curious to unpack the above statement and understand it - what do you mean by this and how did you come to this "goal"? I have never thought of having a goal to the tattoos I get other than getting stuff I love, that speaks to me, and that feels right on my body. And it sounds like the Southern California black and grey stuff does that for you, which is awesome. So I am curious as to what you perceive the difference to be between getting tattoos you love and having a collection with a particular goal and theme in mind, like an art gallery?

    PS Chris Brand's backpieces are incredible, so I can see why you'd want one! I think focusing on finding a story/image that feels right for you might solve the problem that you were worried about in your OP.

  5. @Graeme Yes. Troll.

    And, why is it that so so so many people think that knowledge and information should be spoon fed to them? No work, no research, no investment or time spent on their end; yet they expect others to provide what they want to know with no questions asked. I blame it on the internet.

    Welcome to teaching for a living...

    But for serious, I want to turn this thread into pictures of coy fish tattoos.

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