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Rob I

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Posts posted by Rob I

  1. It's a snake and tiger kinda time! 3rd session in, steaming through it! By Stewart Robson


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    Had this Jonah and Rock of Ages sleeve worked on yesterday by Juan "Superfly" Arreguin here in Leon Mexico.

    The only thing I am not sure is of this little filler that he did in the ditch - it is a skull but without black lines, just some blue lining and blue shading. I guess I will have to wait and see once it's healed. Other than that, completely stoked! Sorry for the crappy pictures.


    Looks really great. Would like to see more of it. Skull looks great in the ditch as well

  2. This past summer, I was sitting on the bench at Congress St tattoo, waiting for Chad Koeplinger to finish up the appt before mine. Turns out he was running a bit later than I initially thought and it was going be a little while till we could start. Soooo, I took advantage of the extra time and had Jebb Riley start a pretty huge panther coverup. Honestly, while I had been planning on covering up an older tattoo that I have, I didn't approach Jebb with that idea initially, but rather I just wanted get a nice medium sized tattoo by an artist I really liked, while I waited for Chad. After looking at his very awesome sketch book, I saw a really awesome little panther, and well, one thing led to another, and I couldn't be happier.

    The night of my appt with Chad, he just lined the panther. This past Saturday he added the roses (love them), and did most of the shading. 4 and 1/2 hrs, and not all of it peachy :)

    One more session to go for some more shading and color. Jebb is an awesome dude, and I had a blast getting this tattoo.

    btw- initials were clearly there before, and spared during the coverup (hoping to have him clean them up the next time) The actual tattoo getting covered is a medium sized celtic knot tattoo from about 20 years ago. It was done well initially, then I made the mistake of having someone else touch it up. It was scarred and screwed from then on.

    SORRY ABOUT THE SAGGY PANTS!! I was a mess at the end.

    ---fixed pics! Thanks @MadeIndelible ----

  3. I got a cobra wrapped around an ankh on Dec 29,2013 by Christine Vallieres at Old Town Ink in Scottsdale, AZ

    After my first tattoo, I thought about this one and what I wanted it to be. For me, it symbolizes rebirth of life and protection. I think snakes get a lot of bad rep but I think they are awesome creatures. I consider myself pretty spiritual so the Ancient Egyptian symbol of life fits with the snake imagery. Some people think it's an evil snake but it's not :p

    This tattoo, along with the one on my back of a scorpion and some Arabic script do mean quite a lot to me. I got them a year after I had a near death experience. I was hospitalized for a long time and lsot my job and almost had to return to living with my parents back in Connecticut. I beleive that I was given a second chance and was being watched over somehow. It made me think how precious my life is, how strong I actually was and how much people cared for me.

    that looks great.

  4. hobo's and congress st in portsmouth do this every friday the 13th, and they charge $31.

    These shops are as reputable as a shop can be and they do it as a customer appreciation day. Must choose from specific flash, and though the tattoos are small, and done fairly quickly, they are solid as can be.

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with the way they handle it, though I have yet to take advantage of one of these days.

  5. This is a pretty common thought from clients.......

    ......I explain to them that tattoo "collectors" are different than people with tattoos....

    I push clients to explore the world of tattooing and collect tattoos from folks who create the kinda stuff they dig. Especially if your already interested in travel. Work a tattoo appointment into a vacation..or a trip.... Get work from outside your bubble.

    So...whether it be from 3 guys in one shop.....3 shops on one block or 3 shops around the map.... The goal should be to get excited about your collection.

    Any shop that has tattooers tattooed by many, should endorse you getting tattooed by ANY...

    As long as it's good solid work.... Go get it... Anywhere you find it....

    Mr Bruce!!!! Awesome to see you here! We met at the Live Free or Die expo this past year, and I hope to get tattooed by you there next year.

    Happy Holidays!

    Rob Ieva

  6. I got started on this tattoo by Ron Henry Wells last while he was guesting at Tattoomania in Montreal and we'll finish it at a later date. Sorry for the not great photo, it wraps a bit so it's tough to get a good one. As always, it was a real pleasure to be tattooed by Ron, and the Tattoomania crew were very gracious hosts. I love tattoos. [ATTACH]9884[/ATTACH]

    this looks great man. I am seeing Ron again in February, and am getting pretty pumped for it. That ship looks awesome. I love his nautical themed work.

  7. That thing is fucking awesome!!

    Also, is it weird that I know exactly which reference image he used? Ha


    and as far as reference material, if you are thinking May 23rd, out of the 365 book, you'd be dead on. I even had him autograph the page for me. This was such a great experience, I will NEVER forget it. I hope he comes back, because I want to get something else from him.

  8. most of you have seen this already, but stolen from mike rubendall's instagram:


    awesome dude, awesome tattoo, super stoked, i think 8-9 hours of tattooing in one week (finishing my back and then this) is enough!

    this is so insanely fantastic!!!!!!!

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    I got this today from Chad Koeplinger at the Montreal convention. Ed Hardy-inspired hybrid rose right over the shin. I am super stoked on it and all of you should get tattooed by Chad not only because his tattoos are fucking amazing, but because he is a rad dude and getting tattooed by him is super fun.

    LOVE THIS GRAEME!!! So happy for you!!! Chad is awesome!

  9. Here is my first and only tattoo, so far that is ;)

    It was done in about 3 hours on my inner arm by Pat Patterson at Aces High in West Palm Beach, FL

    Looks GREAT!

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    Some progress photos on the piece Martin Lacasse is doing for me at Olde City Tattoo. Just started color at the end of the last session. Excited to start seeing it come together.

    Super nice!! I love Martin's work and hope to score a piece from him the next time he heads up to Congress Street in Portsmouth.

  10. I have brought cookies before and bottles of water.

    I always tip.

    If you know that the tattooer is fond of something particular, and you have access to these types of items, then I think a gift is an awesome idea, but only if you've been tattooed by them before. If its your first time meeting them, a gift could be awkward and out of place.

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