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Brock Varty

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Everything posted by Brock Varty

  1. There seems to be an influx of people that don't really know anything about tattoos and want to jam 15 pounds of shit into a tiny tattoo as tax season approaches. It gets old...
  2. So...I e-mailed Saved NYC to get some more info on Hooper's wait list or what it takes to set something up with him. It's been about a week...anyone have experience with trying to set something up with Hooper?
  3. Just so you are aware @TerraVictusZach... we are super stoked to have you as part of this community, but, this is NOT the place to ask for any specific tattooing related technical questions. Any question regarding "how" or "why" or "what" should be directed to your mentor. Again, welcome! I hope your apprenticeship goes well. Stay positive and work hard!!
  4. I feel like this is the best advice @spyro can get at this point. Please man, listen to him.
  5. Until a few days ago I had been able to log in with the Facebook option and everything went smoothly. Now when I try to log in, I click the Facebook login and before it logs in, another screen comes up. It says it wants me to login to something called the "store".... If I just click cancel, it takes me to LST as normal. Just wanted to let you guys know, in case this isn't something you are aware of. If I need to get the exact message it gives me I will... let me know.
  6. Get "Carpe Thumb"....on your thumb.
  7. Either that pimple is huge or that tattie is tiny!
  8. Absolutely none of the "situations" or "examples" you listed work in the context we are talking about here. None of those involve or require a connection or deeply personal bond. There are mountains of reasons that tattooing and tattoos are about much more than what you see. There are things you feel when you are part of a tattoo connection that you can't get from anything else. It is a kind of brotherhood that you can only be a part if you share that bond with someone. You are not capable of giving a deeply personal experience if you have never experienced that with someone tattooing you. It is an absolute and non-negotiable fact of tattooing. Tattooers need tattoos. Period.
  9. I would like to get a little armpit piece from Taki or Horiken via tebori.
  10. If I had the chance to get some work done via hand method. You bet your ass I would be on that.
  11. As far as I know you can't delete a post. You surely can not delete a thread. Contact a moderator if your having a problem. Also @steve1461686340 might be able to help with a posting related issue.
  12. It is really bonkers. I asked him what he would do if he found a spider in the brand new truck he bought a couple years ago. His answer? "I would never get in that fucking thing again. I would sell the fucker and use then money to hire a assassin to fucking murder you". He was absolutely serious about the never getting in it again part. I have witnessed him passing out by just seeing one. I think it is weirdest shit ever...
  13. Wow. That would be unheard of where i'm from. I was driving back and forth to work every day when I was 15. I guess you saved 15 years of car related expenses...you certainly have a leg up on me. Damn.
  14. Ahhh. Very true then fine sir. I will put this out there though. If you know someone you want to get tattooed by, don't settle for something else. Waiting to get tattooed sucks, but there isn't much that is better than getting a tattoo from someone at the top of your list.
  15. Welcome! What kind of work are you looking to get done? You can choose either traditional Japanese or traditional Japanese.
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