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Brock Varty

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Everything posted by Brock Varty

  1. Point taken. Being a fairly young, low obligation person, makes it much easier for me to do those things. The other part of my response would be to stress the "as much as I can" part of what I said.
  2. Obviously my knowledge of traditional is a bit flawed. I just don't see enough with rocks that has the other qualities of traditional. Could you refer me to some very traditional work that includes rocks? Also, are there rules for including rock in traditional? It is possible that I am not seeing the traditional pieces I look at clearly. My minds eye see traditional as wind bars, finger waves, and not many more background elements other than the obvious(maple leaves & flowers).
  3. There most definetaly is a huge difference between someone in my position(single, 25 years old) and yours(you have a family and other obligations). Even for someone from my generation, my view on employers and jobs is pretty radical. Part of my reasons for visible tattoos is to do my part to help change popular opinion. I am a hard working person with strong values and goals in life. Anyone that knows me, knows that the visible tattoos are an extension of my personality and it is part of my mission in life. I want all people to not be judged at all. As long as you are equal to or better than the next person, no one has a right to tell you you can or can't do something. The funny part in all this....I am typing this from work. I probably couldn't afford internet to have my opinion heard without my job... I know that there are things that are a higher priority for some people than making a statement with visible tattoos. I made a decision that no matter if I had to live in a box and starve, I still wanted visible tattoos. I extend that same passion to everything I do. - - - Updated - - - There most definetaly is a huge difference between someone in my position(single, 25 years old) and yours(you have a family and other obligations). Even for someone from my generation, my view on employers and jobs is pretty radical. Part of my reasons for visible tattoos is to do my part to help change popular opinion. I am a hard working person with strong values and goals in life. Anyone that knows me, knows that the visible tattoos are an extension of my personality and it is part of my mission in life. I want all people to not be judged at all. As long as you are equal to or better than the next person, no one has a right to tell you you can or can't do something. The funny part in all this....I am typing this from work. I probably couldn't afford internet to have my opinion heard without my job... I know that there are things that are a higher priority for some people than making a statement with visible tattoos. I made a decision that no matter if I had to live in a box and starve, I still wanted visible tattoos. I extend that same passion to everything I do. - - - Updated - - - You are completely correct that it is what people think about you that matters. The problem is, if people never buck the trend, thinking will never change. It takes people saying "You know what, It doesn't matter what you think about me" to change what other people think. As long as people continue to have a problem with tattoos there will be people who get visibly tattooed to change their mind. In a real life scenario... Being visibly tattooed SHOULD never be a job factor. I realize that sometime you need the business of someone that would not approve of it. In my opinion if you are part of a company that requires the finances of an ignorant person, then you are part of the wrong company. I choose to support entities that positively support tattoos as much as I can.
  4. I think you make sense in your views, but they are fundamentally wrong. In my opinion, the only reason anyone is judged for placement is because of stigma associated with tattoos and criminality. Placement of a tattoo on hands or neck indicates nothing more than someone who is will to display an image that they feel strongly enough to put on their body, in a spot that everyone can see. What is inappropriate about that? I do realise that later in your post, you go on to say that you would hire them for a non-customer relations position. At least you aknowledge that the person with hand/neck work is still worthy of being employed. But, I think the problem is just that. why is someone worthy of working somewhere and not able to deal with customers because of how they look? These statements are both partially towards you as a poster and just people in general. The only reason people set visibly tattooed people apart is because of stigma or personal opinion. that personal opinion is also derived from the image that tattoos USED to have. I work in a large tech firm and deal with customers on a weekly basis. While I really like working at this company, I also would not work here if there was a problem with visible tattoos. I have my right arm and hand fully covered. No one, and I mean no one, has ever said anything negative and I only get positive reactions from customers I speak with. Obviously my company is an exeption when it comes to tattoos and their company policy. We actually do not have a personal dress code policy. Tattoos should NEVER be a factor in whether someone can do a job well or not. A tattoo doesn't change how someone works or who they are. It changes what people think about them. It is a painful joke that people associate visible tattoos with any kind of job ability. The two things are copmpletely seperate. /rant P.S. I am not trying to be a mouthy little bastard. I realize this is a topic with strong opinions and I am simply sharing mine. Like anything else, there are two sides to a story.
  5. I think you generally see rocks in traditional Japanese paired with an Oni, a Fudo, or another figure that has legs or sits on the ground. I have seen some rocks in Japanese work but would consider that stuff neo-traditional. @smoz Are you trying to keep your work strictly traditional Japanese or is there room for wiggle in what you want?
  6. I don't see a lot of wind bar/rocks/koi in Japanese work. I think that dynamic with the rocks and mayber finger waves could really set your sleeve apart.
  7. Welcome. Listen to Parkway Drive. That is all.
  8. I don't think she has posted a picture of her tattoo yet. I believe she was posting that picture in reference to here statement about her new tattoo not looking like that in the future. I think we still need to see a picture of her tattoo.
  9. Not sure if they have those in my area. I'll have to look.
  10. "How many people would go under if they couldn't get pre-made needles anymore?" "A lot" "This table wouldn't" That exchange is fucking gold.
  11. Great videos. It was a real pleasure hearing some of the responses. The exchanges over the "How do you give back to tattooing", were especially interesting.
  12. Lots of great advice in here. Be sure to let us know the path you choose. All of us would love to see your experience here help you out!
  13. God I love this forum. Magic up in here, magic.
  14. Keep the spots open or put in two Hannya masks...
  15. Stewart and Ms. Vargas both post here every now and then. There is a great video series that documents some notable tattooers that you may be interested in. Just Google "VICE Tattoo Age". There will be several different tattooers that have a few short videos on them. The ones on Valerie(god I hope I spelled that right) are really good. They profile her, a bit of Stewart, and some of Frith St.
  16. I have been addicted to shopping the goodwill and salvation army type stores in my area. There is one store called Hope Gospel Center that has a building full of furniture and building supplies where the procedes go to the church. I found a xray light box there for $70. It is a million times brighter than any commercial light box and is way bigger....I think I scored on buying that one.
  17. Im getting my right hand blasted today in a couple hours. It will be my first always visible tattoo so you can imagine I am rather nervous. I have sat on the idea of getting my hand done for a year and I am totally ready for it. Im just nervous.....anxious I guess. I'll post pictures later. Oh yeah...its a Daruma, water, maple leaves. It should tie in with the rest of my arm perfectly.
  18. Do you have a tattooer that you normally work with? If you do, then I would talk directly to them and brainstorm together.
  19. Hey Sara; you should post some pictures of your "collection". Everyone would love to see!
  20. We need to get Grant into Frith St.
  21. Me and a friend(who is also starting a full back with Kore) are driving in 10 hours away and renting a car/booking hotel etc. I would really like to see what he has planned before I actually make travel arrangements. My buddy is a tattooer so it is harder for him to find the time off...he is really the one who wants to see his study. Thanks for the pro tips. I will have to make sure I eat throughout. I always make sure I have plenty of sleep and drink lots of fluid so hopefully all goes well on that second day.
  22. He is doing a full back piece, neck down to bottom of ass and the entire right leg from hip to toe. Back is a Huge Tibetan skull and water, leg is a women with veils on like in some of his silk paintings and a crow on a skull. I told him to mix in roses and water as well. I have not seen any artwork yet and am waiting patiently...First sessions in late january.
  23. Welcome. Thats an interesting take on a wolf head. I really dig it. Was that your idea?
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