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Mark Bee

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  1. Mark Bee

    Book thread

    I found this little gem a while back. http://www.amazon.ca/Mail-Order-Mysteries-Real-Stuff-Comic/dp/160887026X For anyone who grew up on American comic books in the 70s, this book is a lot of fun. The author collected many of the items advertised in the back of the book and revealed what they are actually like. (X-Ray Specs, Grit Newspapers, Spy-pens, and much, much more.) Its a fun trip down memory lane, and deeply satisfying to know what these things actually turned out to be. The author is Kirk Demarais, and the afterward is written by Jesse Thorn, for those of you who are Maximum Fun listeners.
  2. Nice one, @BrianH! And I'll second your comment about meeting LST'ers.
  3. Neither. Dry healing works just fine for me.
  4. I'm heading off with my wife today as she gets to work on her half-sleeve. So, its not actually MY upcoming tattoo...although I will be in the shop....maybe a small one...
  5. @AverageJer Regardless, sounds like a great trip. Looking forward to hearing how it all goes. My wife, who lived in Tokyo for five years, has been reading this thread over my shoulder with great interest. I don't know how important a visit to a bath would be, given the sheer volume of things to see and do, but I think Japan is slowly changing, insofar as tattoos are concerned. But hey - I'm just speculating!
  6. I suspect using the public baths will be out of the question, though.
  7. I teach writing for a living. Reading that poster has my marking-hand twitching.
  8. I'm tempted to take this into my shop and start asking for "painterly" or one of the other terms. Oh! the laughs we'd have. I appreciate the thought from the OP, but I wouldn't bring this to any professional I know.
  9. So....This is pretty awesome. I ordered the Dietzel books, at considerable expense, and Canada Post lost them. What's even better? I'm shit outta luck. They won't do anything for me.
  10. That is great! Keep it up! - - - Updated - - - I don't have anything awesome, but I have been having fun testing out various pomades. Dare to dream, right?
  11. The lower leg was the worst thing I've ever healed. By a long, long, way. Be prepared for the possibility of a week of pure evil.
  12. This is a super-fun thread.
  13. @beez Great work! You must be thrilled. :)
  14. We have two cats - an 8 year old orange cat named Calvin, and a 2.5 year old orange cat named Darwin. It was hard not to post all 5784 pics of the boys, so I held myself to just three. Darwin is the one perched on top of the screen door.
  15. Mark Bee


    There's something to be said for randomness, too. But I get it if that's not your thing.
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