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Everything posted by cltattooing

  1. Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool B)
  2. Welcome! I like the family crest piece and the flower mandala a lot, good stuff!
  3. Helloooooooo and welcome :)
  4. Welcome! Can we see some of the work that you all do? I hear Siem Reap is beautiful!
  5. Actually, never mind. I am not the most qualified person to speak on this topic
  6. @David Flores Hear hear! What I don't understand is why everyone has to have their own damn shop. Why not go work for the qualified people already in town? Aside from how much more a tattooer could learn with that opportunity, running a shop is stupid hard work and a ton of responsibility. I honestly cannot imagine wanting to open a shop any time before my 15 years. Perhaps too many people in tattooing for the wrong reasons...
  7. whoa!!! I've met a different dude selling the same thing with the same pitch, that's nuts!!!
  8. exploding seems a little extreme, but that's television I guess.
  9. I think most artists take commissions for their drawings and paintings. I know a lot sell their originals and prints to pretty much anyone who wants to buy them.
  10. Cool tattoo, but how dare you get ink on your socks! Shameful! :)
  11. Man, that is really heart breaking. I'll see if we can get a tiger day together at the shop, this is definitely something I'd want to put a lot of money behind.
  12. Gonna go down to WarHorse today and watch Mr. Wood work for a bit, maybe I'll catch a snake! >:P
  13. I like that. Like a lot. >:]
  14. would I be a total jerk for pointing out the irony in this design?
  15. I just had a mole pop up on a tattoo that was already there, I thought that was super bizarre. And yeah, it is still black... @benlucastattoos GREAT job on the dragon! The face is awesome, great movement across the back, and good balance between fore/mid/background elements. Totally killer.
  16. Yeah, I've definitely heard things about people with older red and blue inks having problems after MRIs and CATs. If I'm not mistaken, a lot of (older) pigments have heavy metals in them, so that would make sense.
  17. @Wilhell wow, beautiful piece! I was admiring it on IG, always a pleasure to find out that great pieces like this are on LSTers
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