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Everything posted by iowagirl

  1. I'm sorry about Anthea. I love kitties. My husband isn't much of a cat person..not like me and my craziness. Our first cat together was a stray that showed up at his place out in the country, hiding in the barn/garage from they coyotes. Friendly as all get out. It was winter and we'd open up the door and find the cat balanced on the ledge where the screen had gotten knocked out like hey hey lookit me! He was going out hunting one day and said if the dogs would accept the cat, he would keep it. (we didn't live together) He came home to find me curled up on the couch w/the cat and all three pit bulls. She ruled the roost from day one. We had her 11 years and had to have her put to sleep two years ago b/c of her health. Bella was a tortoiseshell. We got a tortie kitten from my parents, Britta, after we got married, and she's about 11 now too..crabby ole lady. Bella and Britta used to fight-Bella would wrap her front legs around Britta's neck, pick her up and body slam her to the ground. We have a grey and white female, Opilio, who is obsessed w/our daughter, but can't be bothered w/the rest of us. Last November I got another tortie from a shelter. I needed her and she needed me. Losing Bella left such a hole in my heart. So, I got her, named her Clementine Isabelle, and just completely adore her. My husband was angry, but all it took was the first time she jumped up on his lap and sprawled out on him, kneading her paws in his beard, and he was in love with her too.
  2. hahaha until coming here I never knew there were actual words for it. We just call them "people who don't have tattoos".
  3. Even if you don't share the same passion, there should be some respect towards the other person's decisions about their body, since it's ultimately up to each person what they do or do not do w/their own body.
  4. hahahahaha I LOVE those terrible shark movies! My husband does this whole eye rolling "Oh gaaaaaaawd" thing but I can't help it. A couple weeks ago on SyFy was Supershark, Dino Shark, Swamp Shark, Sharktopus and Sharknado. They're so horrible but I can't help it. Sand Sharks is on Netflix, just as bad. (well see now, he was dragged out here and his head popped clean off-I ain't never seen a coyote do that" ....that's good dialogue right there yanno) Two Headed Shark attack, oh my..that was "good". Mega Shark V Giant Octopus--that one has Debbie Gibson in it and she says the F word.
  5. Glad you started this thread. It's something I've been pondering for a long time. I remembered the negative space thread but couldn't find it so had to message one of the mods, who found it right away for me. I have a circlet of flowers around my right upper arm, a frog behind my right shoulder. Until this winter that's all I had up top. (3 sides of ankles and both feet are done too) I got some cherry blossoms from the back of my neck, floating down the back of my left shoulder and onto my left upper arm. It looks sort of asymmetrical and is kinda neat..but I have been considering going from one upper arm, across the top of my back, down to the other upper arm with flowers and butterflies. Just not sure how it will mesh b/c of the frog. I'm sure whoever does it can figure out how to do it, it's just something I think about a lot.
  6. iowagirl

    Book thread

    I enjoyed Wind Through the Keyhole quite a bit. Of all the things he's written, the descriptions of the...what were they, swamp folk? w/the things on their faces etc..for whatever reason they freaked my shit out. I read an interview last night w/the King family and knew that Owen, Joe and Tabitha are authors but didn't realize Owen's wife is as well. In that interview, they decided that House of Leaves is the best example of the Horror genre. It's one I'd heard about before but haven't read. Just another one to add to my mile long list. So many I want to read and so many I want to read again..or for the 15th time as the case may be.
  7. iowagirl

    Book thread

    You must like the audio books then? I've never tried one..does it interfere w/what you're doing? I don't know that I could listen and drive at the same time. I'd get so focused on what I was seeing in my head that I'd run full bore into a tree or something. and oh oh oh there's a new one coming??? after wind in the keyhole or is that the one you meant, exume?
  8. iowagirl

    Book thread

    I've not watched the Dome tv show..I just can't bring myself to, even tho I enjoyed the book. I thought the ending was...I dunno, maybe need to read the book again to know if I was happy w/it or not. I don't generally like the film adaptations of his books. I've tried to watch The Stand a few times and just get ticked so I don't bother anymore. I was so angry after watching The Mist I called my mom in tears. Seriously if I'd had SK's number I'd've called him up and given him the what for. I do thoroughly enjoy the Gunslinger books tho. I dig all the stuff that threads back to his other works. The ending on that tho...mmm..dunno. I believe I muttered the phrase m'f'er when I got to the end. I like short story (is there one or two, I forget) in one of the compilation books, that is another side story of Roland. Cell I liked, and Full Dark No Stars and Just After Sunset. I just dig him mucho. I like sci fi/fantasy stuff a lot too.
  9. could post the link to my FB album of our yard if anyone is interesting. It's the awesome thing we've been doing recently.
  10. iowagirl

    Who are you?

    Oooo I dig serial killers too! Well..that sounds horrid, but you get it. My husband was upset when I was pg w/our first and I was up late every night (with every light in the house on) reading the Encyclopedia of Serial Killers that something would be wrong w/the baby.
  11. The sleevified thing...do sometimes maybe people say stuff to be funny, not being serious? Cuz really, it sounds like something my husband and I would say. I can picture us saying "I'ma get me some sleevage" or something equally ridiculous, but saying it b/c it sounds funny. It sounds like White Goodman from Globo Gym. "lemme hit you with some knowledge. I'm about to get sleeviifed". The text thing..I can see the point about huge blocks of words. Sometimes tho, maybe it's just me, it's hard to put what I want to say or how I feel into pictures, but words can get my imagination full speed ahead. Not all the time, just sometimes. Some of the things I like in text I think I will just have made into nice signs and hang them in the house, they don't all have to go on my body. Just the one is important to me, my way of trying to work on my body image and accept myself for who I am now, rather than agonizing that I don't look like I used to. And I've not quite figured out how to do it exactly b/c I don't want it flowing all over w/the flowers/butterflies. (and, it's a condensed version of a longer block of text from song lyrics, ha!)
  12. well, then please refrain from throat punching me when I get my shoulders/upper back done and somewhere in there it says "it's not perfect but it's mine" amongst the flowers and butterflies.
  13. Oh definitely, I would print them out for sure! I printed out the picture for my blossoms (and felt justified since I'd had it saved on my computer for about 5 years, so Pinterest wasn't involved haha) and brought my laptop along as well since I didn't realize my ink was low. (and didn't end up w/anything like my inspiration photo haha, but I still love them!)
  14. are people wanting the exact pictures they're bringing in, or using them as inspiration, making some tweaks? or are you guys talking about the feathers exploding into birds and infinity/word ones? I've got tons of stuff pinned, for placement or color ideas etc, lots of traditional flowers.
  15. Welcome, Ashleigh! Do you have any pictures of them? Would love to see!
  16. Seeing all the dogs (and ohhh those faces) made me start really missing ours again and looking them up on the internet, checking out rescues and such. That dog and I were at odds from day one and I still call her "that f-ing dog" but she was a good girl.
  17. Aw, I'm glad! We're huge pit fans here. Ours died in 2008. Eva is a pretty name. What color is she? I follow a lot of rescues on FB and there are always so many pit bulls, it just makes me so sad.
  18. Thanks for the reply. I didn't think it was smart, and told her not to do that w/any other tattoos she gets.
  19. Yay for adopting! What kind of dog? do you have a name picked out yet?
  20. Well...pissnshit I liked Dan and I liked hearing about his wife and dang dog. The other forum I belong too, the jewelry one, there's like...4 guys that post there on any sort of regular basis (as can be expected ha), and two of them are the most prolific posters, especially in the off-topic board. There is one thread that has about 400 pages (random thoughts), but mostly it's about as random as random can be. Pictures of the one guys little baby shrimps, then a thread of that guys dogs in costumes, then a thread asking if we women carry our purses all the time, then a thread of screen shots of the main off topic board for when the topic titles as you read down the screen are in a funny order...all from the same guy, and maybe in one day even. Now granted, there's a jillion people on that forum but still. I'm friends w/some of them off the board, and we have a G14 classified FB group, and I do consider some of them "real" friends--we even have another group just for our animals. I think Dan is kinda like me. I'm a sharer, once I'm comfortable w/a group. Sharing doesn't bother me, it encourages camaraderie and helps a person feel like they belong. I have a hard time remembering that the internet is made of people I don't know. And plus, I came back to the thread to specifically ask him about his dang dog dangit.
  21. I didn't want to make a separate thread on this, since it relates to the healing process. Getting my hair done Tuesday and while I was processing, she was working on another girl. A friend came in to wait for her and she was complaining about her new tattoo. (these are newly 18 year old girls that think they're the shit so I just kept reading my book) Stylist told her to ask me her questions. ("Oh yeah, I see you've got a tattoo on your foot too!" says she...cuz you know, that 10 minute cross compares to my four hour peony but yeah, we're both tatted up comrades.) She got it I think she said last week, and was told to keep it covered for 5 days (or maybe 7)..not to do a thing to it, keep it covered. It's a little tiny cross coming up the side of her foot. If it's 2 inches tall I'd eat my hat. Thin, done kind of like..a paintbrush effect, if that makes sense?? She said the guy told her it's a "wet tattoo" or "wet ink tattoo" or something? She said it was gross, ink was coming out all over in the wrapping the whole time. Well, now she says it hurts really bad. How smart is it to cover a tattoo for five entire days??? The longest I've ever covered was overnight, for three nights, and only so I didn't stick.
  22. Wow, that is amazing! What a good girl to do that! And smart too, holy Hannah. She is cuter than cute, I can't get over how dang cute she is. My daughter is loving the pictures right now. Is wifey ok?
  23. iowagirl

    Book thread

    I love him, can't wait to read it.
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