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Everything posted by Hospitelli

  1. I would love to see it @cltattooing! My name on insta is hospitelli. Also, I've always wondered if all artists tend to go a little bit easier on the clientele a day after they just been tattooed. I'd imagine it's kind of like "Oh crap, that's what that feels like in that spot, damn."
  2. I had visited family I had not seen in about 7 years or so and around that time I did not have any tattoos. It was a bit of a shock to say the least for them and to which my Uncle belted out this gem " You do know that you are not japanese, right?"
  3. Total bummer, I feel for you. Man.... some people just don't f*****g get it.
  4. In my experience I have found it best to completely neglect the number of hours I am into my back already. It isn't a race or a competition for me. Sooner or later the journey will be over and you will not be able to believe that it is finally done. I imagine when that day comes it will be a bittersweet one.
  5. I feel your pain @Isotope. I've been experiencing lower back pain over the course of two years but only just recently got it checked out when the pain became to much. Since then I found out just how screwed my back really is. Herniated disk between T12-L1 which luckily isn't pressing on any nerves. Old anterior wedge compression fractures for T7 T8 and T9 with degenerative disc disease and a slight S scoliosis. Lying down on a table to get tattooed for extended periods of time pretty much sucks. I almost couldn't get up off the table the last session I had. I've been going to physical therapy for about 2 months now and it has been helpful. I concur with @RoryQ sentiments on proper posture. I didn't know how bad my posture was until I went to therapy and learning a lot of issues I have may be caused from years of bad posture.
  6. Some awesome inner bi's here. I'm quite fond of skulls in this location. Brian Bruno Chris O'Donnell
  7. Those devils by Theo are outstanding!
  8. @BrianH Fantastic start man. Really love the look of this dragon, very powerful. It's going to be a fun one to watch progress and I look forward to reading about it as well.
  9. This kicks ass on so many levels! Congrat's on a great first tattoo.
  10. @bongsau Awesome session! There is nothing cooler then seeing a back peice come together; it's just poetry in motion. @Graeme I believe the next session I have on my back will be in that general region and call me crazy but I'm looking forward to it. <--- May regret saying that.
  11. Let's not stand on ceremony here @Graeme. I'm curious to know if this is in reference to the rose morph I got from Grez?
  12. @falco4758 check out Erin Chance. You may like her work and she is located in Richmond I believe. Erin Chance Tattoo | Tattoo
  13. When it comes to pain and tolerance I think it's important for you to find your sweet spot. The longest I've ever been tattooed was roughly 5.5 hours and I realized right afterwards that I never wanted to go through that again. It wasn't bad but unless your getting tattooed by an artist that isn't local or traveling great distances there is no need for it. For me I've learned that 3-4 hour sessions are the sweet spot depending on location of the piece. It isn't too short and it isn't too long.
  14. Working out! Prior to getting my half sleeves I had a complex about my arms being too skinny/flabby to get tattooed and that it just wouldn't look good. I was extremely motivated and started going to a gym 3-4 times a week trying to lose weight and add some muscle to my flimsy arms. I wound up getting started on them anyways because I finally realized that rationale of thinking was entirely stupid and in no way shape or form should have prevented me from getting what I wanted. Once I got into a routine though I managed to stick with it ever since and lost about 50lbs. I'm healthier then I've ever been and no longer have to worry about my blood pressure.
  15. I say screw all the noise and get what you want from who you want. Everyone has their reasons for getting tattooed, who are we to judge?
  16. Got started on the back again after taking a break for the summer. Finished the upper background and started on some color to my pleasant surprise!
  17. @CABS You will never know if you don't try. He does his own scheduling via e-mail so keep that in mind while waiting to hear back. If you have an idea of what you want and when you'll be in the city I'd email him because you just never know. Also, what @Graeme said is true. He is going to start working at Kings Ave more and wants to finish in progress clients and bang out some fun one session tattoos.
  18. Something that Morpheus said to Neo and can easily be applied here, "But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it."
  19. Fantastic @Graeme! All the progress on the backpieces in here have been making me extremely excited to get started again. Great stuff!
  20. Thanks for the encouragement! I'm past the peeling phase now and got some shiny new skin but with one particular scab remaining. I may have over reacted a tad because the line work is good but I'll reserve final judgement until it's settled into the skin. It just sucks that whenever I've had trouble healing a tattoo it's been with artists that are out of state making it difficult for touch ups.
  21. Having an absolute miserable time with the healing of a recent tattoo. Normally...... I'd be just starting to peel/flake after about 3 to 4 days but some spots scabbed over pretty good and discharged some ink while doing so. Now I'm worried about the potential for some lines to be blown and loss of ink in some spots. Beyond frustrated.
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