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Posts posted by Dan

  1. Well, I finally quit my job of 9 1/2 years. Some may say that is stupid but the stress level was taking a toll on me. The last year was hell and not getting a raise in 4 years was eating away at me. Still living with my grandparents who have raised me, I have to take care of them. But when i'd get home, I wouldn't "de-stress" and would still be in a shitty mood, which isn't fair or nice to them.

    I made plans to quit and had tons of back-up plans set up. Two of my back up plans actually worked. I got a full scholarship to grad school which I applied for back in March. So Now I work on campus 18 hours a week and get a small hourly wage but my tuition is 100% paid.

    Also, my friend purchased a business and immediately had me work with her. We deliver drinks like soda or snapple in NYC twice a week. Starting out, I told her to pay me very very little just to get the ball moving in her court. After about 8 months, is when I'm going to start making some descent money.

    all in all, I am working less hours. Making more money (in 8 months). Tuition is getting paid. Thursdays and weekends off. Less level is at zero. Started going to the gym more. I am emotionally on cloud 9.

    good for you,I have a similar issue with myself and my job of 20 years,and this graphic a friend sent me makes sense right now for me.


  2. I did not know what my my side/rib/hip tattoo was going to be until I met with the artist at the show,a couple years ago,

    and I had a first session yesterday on my arm/shoulder,I told the artist that I liked water lilies and skulls and told her she could do whatever she wanted with those basic elements,she loved it,I consulted with her a week ago and when she showed me the drawing,I was blown away and told her I love it and to do it that way,and IMO this tattoo is going to be amazing !

  3. Yesterday i got tatooed in greece. I talked to the artist and he let me use the tegaderm. When we were done he wrapped my in sarin wrap. I walked home to my hotel room which is only 15 minutes but since it was 30 celsius the wrap had started to come loose. Time was around 20:00. My plan was to sleep with the wrap and put on the derm the next morning. I didnt have any sarin wrap myself which is really stupid of me.

    In the next 2 hours i got sick.. Shit. Here i was in some hotel room, puking my guts out with a loose wrap. I knew i had to get sleep because i was leaving with the plane the next day. And there was no way that wrap would stay on during the night. I decided to wash the tattoo and put on the derm. I guess my question is, how fucked am i?

    Ps, the needle hurts more than i thought. More, fuck me, more.

    Edit; i know im breaking the rule; thou shall not worry about fresh tattoos.

    I just like to hear your opinions

    since it was a couple hours,it should be fine IMO,if it starts to build up fluid under the tagaderm then just remove it and wash with anti-microbial soap and apply an new sheet as soon as you can when you land.

  4. Lately, Tegaderm has been leaving a weird border on the edge of the film. It's not a big deal, as the tattoo still heals fast as hell. But having a weird border mark on me is kinda weird.

    But it'll get covered in other tattoos eventually, I'm sure.

    do you mean like a red sore line ? because that will all go away in a few days.

    I get that too with the Saniderm and it's not an allergic reaction IMO,it's just what it does and like I said,it always goes away on me.

  5. so I will have to post some of my tattoos from the early 80's,back when tattoo shops were tattoo shops,

    no 2 or 4 year waiting list,(give me a break LOL)

    no "I only do full back pieces",

    no " I don't do color",

    no "I don't do cover-ups",

    no "my hourly rate is $250", today tattooes cost 2 or 5 or 8 thousand dollars !?!?!?!?? WOW !

    no "this or that",

    if you want to talk to a tattoo artist,YOU CAN'T ! you get their "assistant" ! LOL really ?!?!?! they're untouchable,people act like they are gods or the something,their shit stinks just like the rest of us.

    sailor Jerry would roll over in his grave if he knew what the tattoo world has evolved into.

    IMO the state of the tattoo world is a little over the top now,sorry,but that's how I feel.

    (let the flames come) LOL

  6. So, this should be restricted to a lady's subject?

    so being a guy here is my .02,I love showing all my tattoos and I love the attention and I enjoy talking to other tattooed people and plainskins as well about my tattoos,

    maybe I'm a little crazy,but I am a very outgoing person and I will go up and comment or start a conversation with other tattooed people anytime anywhere,

    if they are friendly great ! if not,I just walk away,

    I also enjoy comments or questions from plainskins,IMO that's good for us tattooed people so that maybe the plainskins won't think we are all ex felon axe murderers,

    I wear shorts sandals and t-shirts as often as I can,which is every day ! LOL I even wear shorts and short sleeve golf shirts for work,the weather here in nor cal is pretty mild.

  7. But the problem I have is with the non-tattooed skin reaction and how hard it's been to heal . If I had left it on after I saw all that rash/scabbing under it, I wonder if that would have gotten better or worse with time?

    I'm going to try your brand instead of what I bought from Walgreens, on my other thigh, see if I get any reaction from it. If I can use it safely I really want to!

    ya well,I wouldn't get it from walgreens, I get "PERSONAL SIZE 10.2 IN X 2 YD ROLL" from here https://saniderm.com/product/personal-size-10-2-in-x-2-yd-roll/

  8. Help me understand, did your virgin skin react badly the first time you used it, or did it look fine but leaked causing a need to remove it early?

    it leaked out resulting in the need to remove it early,(the first time I used it)I learned after that.

    none of my skin reacted badly,the tattoo did from being pinned under the film with the plasma.so the next 5 tattoos I had done and used the Saniderm I learned that the weeping of liquid before applying the film is extremely important,and from the moment of tattoing being finished that process takes abot 10 or 12 hours.

    IMO there is nothing in or about the film product that causes a bad reaction,it's the application procedure that is more relative.

  9. Yep I kept the Saran Wrap and Hustle Butter on for 1 hour (per his instructions) then cleaned, dried, gloved, and applied. The pieces had to overlap in order to cover the whole thing. The next morning my seams from overlapping were all peeled up, plasma/ink was everywhere. Took a shower, cleaned it all up, took off the derm very very carefully under water with soap, and there was my reaction. The tattoo itself was fine, but the virgin skin around it was f'ed up.

    I took this pic this morning (day 7) it's just starting to turn pink vs. angry red and the swelling has reduced about 80%. If it was just trauma it wouldn't have perfect square edges and scabs, right?

    For the record, I've never reacted to a bandage adhesive, latex, etc. I may get brave enough to try another brand, because I really WANT to love it!


    right,the plasma will bleed out for the first 10 or so hours,that's why I posted the detailed steps I use that work great,the first time I was introduced to this product I did the same thing you did and it turned out horrible !

    one hour is not long enough for the fluids to seep out before applying the film.

    but if you re-read my last post you would see that it's totally different from the method and instructions you did.

    I posted step by step time frames that are important to using this product,if you don't do that exactly then yes,you will get bad results.

    honestly I have used this product several times with success after the first time,and it really does work,IF you follow my method ! even though nobody likes me here, (I really do know what I am talking about)

    you HAVE to give the fluids time to seep out BEFORE applying the film.

    and BTW,I also posted that I prefer the Saniderm version.

  10. That doesn't sound good. As it's possible to have an allergic reaction to it, it's advisable to check this beforehand and put a piece on before actually using it to heal a tattoo.

    I did this a couple of days before my tattoo and left it on for about 24h, just to make sure.

    Also, from what I could gather it might be worth trying another brand of 'derm'. Even if you're not reacting well to one of them doesn't mean you'll have a problem with all. This might make sense for @Dan too, BTW. I believe it shouldn't hurt that much and I think I've read somewhere this might be due to a mild allergic reaction or so, too...?

    Did you take it off under the shower?

    no,I've never had any type of reaction,I apply it to clean dry skin and it sticks really well(which is what I want) and it seems to hurt more on the un-tattooed skin that the tattooed area,and the pain I am crying about is nothing more than like pulling off well stuck duct tape etc off of skin. LOL

    no I don't take it off in the shower,I just slowly pull it off,or if's in a weird spot my wife helps me.

    but again,after about for days of using the saniderm my tattoo is pretty much healed in an amazing way.I have only had great experiences at least in easy and good healing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I had a horrible reaction to Tegaderm, I used it the first night and woke up leaky, and inflamed, with scabs along the edges of the 'derm. I'm so pissed about this! Now I'm trying to embrace dry healing, when I had my whole mind set on 'derm.

    This is my process for healing.

    1) Leave on the initial Vaseline and saran wrap that the artist put on for about the first 4 hours

    2) Remove the saran wrap and wash scrubbing hard with the palm of your hand in warm water shower with a "anti-microbial" soap

    3) Apply maybe some cocoa butter lightly then wrap with saran wrap again tape it on and sleep that night.

    4) Doing this(saran wrap) for the first 10 or so hours will let all the excess ink and plasma (fluids) come out.

    5) Again in the morning remove the saran wrap and wash scrubbing hard with the palm of your hand in warm water shower with a "anti-microbial" soap

    6) With rubber surgical gloves and a clean dry cloth pat the area dry and apply the Saniderm or tagaderm etc to clean dry skin and leave it on for at least 4 days

    *I use the roll of Saniderm and cut it to leave at least a 2" outer overlap around the outside edge of the tattooed area*

    7) Remove and apply a light amount of unscented Lubriderm or whatever product you like.

  11. Hm, I don't recall it being painful tbh, maybe because I was a bit more of a chicken and didn't yank it off but slowly peeled it off bit by bit instead...?

    well cool for you ! the only way to remove it is to pull it off slowly, LOL there is no way to "yank" it off ! and so it still fucking hurts a lot for me !

  12. Howzit im hygrade from Hawaii 25 years old light skinned partial Hawaiian have Polynesian tribal knee to ankle and two sleves both from shoulder to elbow are decent..but from elbow to wrist I am not happy wit..wanna fix my ink need to learn..

    I go to an artist on Kauai,he does excellent Polynesian ,tahitian,marqueses,etc,etc

    I have 2 marqueses tattoos from him,

    what island are you on ? I go to Maui & Kauai both every year.

    Sam Shaw

    Kulture Tattoo Kollective. The island of Kaua'i, Hawai'i

    and what is it you want to learn ?

  13. Quick question, does the tegaderm speed the healing process? I have a wedding one week after getting tattooed but don't want to do anything that may slow down healing? Also how do you get the tegaderm off after 4 days? Thanks

    Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk

    it will speed up the healing process and to get off the film you simply pull it off,and it hurts like hell when you do ! LOL

    I still highly recommend using the product though.I have used a similar one (Saniderm) several times and love it and swear by it.

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