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Everything posted by PinkUnicorn

  1. Maybe just leave it to add more character??
  2. Maybe they need to be watered more often?
  3. Doesn't your artist have a drawing/sketch of the overall "finished" design?
  4. Thanks for the inspiring explanation! For knowing what it is... well I do happen to be an astronomer working at a large national space organization... (I have a far more modest Apollo 8 inspired tattoo.)
  5. Looks very nice! Does Voyager happen to have any special meaning for you?
  6. If you're unsure, I would say don't do it - it will be there for the rest of your (hopefully) long life! (p.s. your text would be a bit easier to read if you enable spell checking :))
  7. Just not eating meat certainly isn't unhealthy, unless you're being silly about it. (This is speaking from my point of view as a vegetarian for over 30 years now.)
  8. how about returning this thread to latest tattoos....?
  9. Regarding the tipping, that may well be country specific. You live in Scotland and have had replies from people who live in Canada and the US. Tipping for e.g. restaurants is generally lower in the UK than North America, but that may or may not apply to the Scottish/British "tattoo world"...
  10. It seems like this thread is now trying to drive away some of the modest number of people who still visit this forum.
  11. Ah, OK, thanks. Because the lines were indistinct I thought it might be "Pryce" (or Price). Personally, I'd suggest doing something graphic rather than text (even in katakana).
  12. Why in Japanese? BTW, presumably you realize you posted the photo with the characters upside down? My katakana reading is very rusty and I'm having trouble reading the first character of the name. [...Ah, I see it's a "pu"]
  13. This map attempts to estimate tattoo popularity in different countries. http://www.wellingtonstravel.com/tattoo-map.html It seems to exclude Britain which, from my last visit to the Manchester area there, seemed to be the most tattooed place I've come across. (Perhaps most popular in working class areas there...)
  14. Where are you located @an_inhaler? I'm a research scientist connected with a university near Washington D.C. I have the impression most of my colleagues are not concerned either way about tattoos. (Although my two modest ones are covered at work so I can't comment directly.) But if you're somewhere like Japan that could be different!
  15. For what it's worth, I read that "disco" type UV lights produce UV-A light (closer to optical spectrum) but dermatologists can use either UV-A or UV-B. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraviolet#Subtypes http://www.aocd.org/?page=PhototherapyUVB https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blacklight#Fluorescent
  16. Is it just me, or does the "Bound" look a bit "lonely" without any border around it?
  17. If it's "fire" wouldn't that be Tuesday? (My Japanese is a little rusty...)
  18. Well, a pawn can become a Queen, but it can't become a King...
  19. The piece seems rather superficial, but FYI... http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/25/fashion/tattoo-regret-a-painful-if-improved-reversal-awaits.html
  20. Am I being too pedantic to have doubts about the concept because the hydrogen in amino acids doesn't come from stars, but instead dates back to the big bang?
  21. For what it's worth, my dermatologist once advised me to avoid getting a tattoo over moles...
  22. Not sure that lots of perfume/cologne would be appreciated...
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