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Everything posted by PinkUnicorn

  1. To add to my small set of astronomy/space related tattoos, I'm thinking of getting one based on something from Picasso's constellation sketches. These are out of copyright in the US at least. But, I wonder if it would look too much like a bad stick and poke, rather than a sketch done by a great artist?! Here's one in particular I'm considering. What do people think?
  2. Nobody else will ever look at it that closely! (Not even a spouse/partner.)
  3. When I got a rocket tattooed on my calf, my tattoo artist strongly suggested the rocket should be pointed away from the center of my body, rather than looking like it was headed for my butt...
  4. Being tattooed with lego sounds rather painful...
  5. Much better I think - the first birdcage looked pretty bad to my inexpert eyes...
  6. The coverup was done by the same artist?!
  7. To my untrained eye, they already look close enough together to me, and it would seem to risk turning into a blur with the addition of more "stuff"...
  8. That's cool! (I am an astronomer which is why I asked...)
  9. From a quick google, it seems "AK" may fit into that category.
  10. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/10809250/Fashion-brands-logo-likened-to-Nazi-eagle-symbol.html
  11. If you do want to continue this theme, how about something that is similar, but doesn't attempt to be an exact duplicate?
  12. Antioxidants may well be bad for you - particularly if you're a smoker! https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/antioxidants-may-make-cancer-worse/
  13. The advantage is that, if you ever get fed up with "still I rise", you can just tell people it says something completely different, and they may well believe you! 😲
  14. I suppose if you don't know that the lines inside the locket are the paw print, then an initial reaction may be that they look shaky. But of course that's what you wanted. I don't know if there would be some way to emphasize that that is what those lines are...
  15. Well, even as a boy I'd never dream of changing from the woman who has been cutting my hair for the last ~20 years (wow!) in the same salon. Although she is about to fully retire, so I will have to find somebody else in a few months...
  16. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2019/02/ancient-tattoo-needle-southwest-archaeology/
  17. You have an animated eagle - that's cool!
  18. Well, FWIW, from googling... http://www.altitudemedicine.org/altitude-and-pre-existing-conditions/
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