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Everything posted by jade1955

  1. @gougetheeyes Many thanks. I just asked for a skull with a geometric design incorporated and left the rest to Daniel. Cosmic skull describes it perfectly.
  2. @Iwar Many thanks. Its on my abdomen just under the sternum area. Its about 6x4. I thought I would spare everyone pics pf my man boobs:) Im getting some more work on it next year.
  3. Just finished up about 30 minutes ago. Now enoying a nice cold pint of Perroni.
  4. @RoryQ Best steak restaurant in London. Great steaks and a really nice atmos.
  5. Drinking a glass of 56 year old Armagnac at the moment. Made the same year as me. I have one drink out of the bottle every year on, or around my birthday.
  6. And old enough to know better, 51 years old. Tattooing 9 year old children. Jesus wept.
  7. He posted a Bob Marley tattoo by Hayley Lakeman. Loads of comments including one from Hayley Lakeman What a douchebag.
  8. Reminds me of the chimp that attacked the owners friend and virtually ripped her face off. It wasn't the first time the chimp had lost the plot either.
  9. @Gregor Thanks for posting. Missed it yesterday. Listened to it on Radio 4 Iplayer.
  10. Many thanks Lochlan. On the train home from London after a great night out. Steak at Goodmans, Brooklyn lager, Woodford Bourbon and vodka shots. It dont get much better.

  11. No offence intended but be mindful this is a public forum. Its probobly not a good idea to advertise that there are likely to be people walking around tattoo conventions carrying large quantities of cash.
  12. Most shops I've been in, in the UK, are cash only. If you've got 4 or five artists working in a shop on a self employed basis I would imagine it could get very complicated taking card payments. It all adds to the business running costs, paying for a terminal and card processing fees. Cash is king no card fees and no card fraud to worry about.
  13. [MENTION=1669]sleepy mel[/MENTION] My wifes great at a lot of things including buying the best cup cakes. :D Courtesy of Waitrose supermarket.
  14. @Ursula I must admit I don't like the idea of wild animals being used for entertainment. If they are being filmed in their natural environment and its not intrusive thats ok in my book. For most of the time the bears owned by this guy seem to spend a lot of their time in solitude in a cage. No wonder they go postal. In stark contrast I watched a couple of episodes of the Dog Whisperer. That Cesar Millan guy is incredible. As usual its about training dumb peope not so called dumb animals. Weeks holiday from work this week.:D
  15. I'm watching a program on the National Geographic Wild Chanel Called Hollywoods Killer bear. They showed the incident where he killed the owners best friend. The grizzly was only in contact with the man he killed for 8 seconds. The speed and ferocity of the attack is incredible. The bear just pinned this guy down by the throat and shook him like a rag doll. There was a police investigation afterwards and it was deemed to be an accident rather than a mauling, so luckily the bear was not destroyed afterwards. The bear was born in captivity. The owner had raised the bear since it was a cub and the guy who was killed was the owners best friend. Of course its not the first time something like this has happened and no doubt it won't be the last. The attack footage is on YouTube. Search Bear kills man.
  16. [MENTION=283]AlannaCA[/MENTION] Hahaha yep that's me. My wife's leg features in the video as well. It's the lady head on her calf tattooed by Chad Koeplinger. She also supplied the cupcakes featured at the beginning. She's watched it three times already. Its a great video and many thanks to [MENTION=212]Stewart Robson[/MENTION] for putting this together.
  17. Bit more on my half sleeve. Japanese happy/sad mask, tattooed by @Stewart Robson , yesterday. Popeye arm today.
  18. Idea for a penis tattoo. You could get the letters LISTERMINT. During the winter months it would read LST.
  19. Hey I love Joy Division and I was around when they first hit the scene (that doesn't qualify for being a hipster but it probobly qualifies for a hip replacement in a few years).
  20. Here's mine tattooed by Xam at The Family Business, London. If the month starts with a Sunday there will always be a Friday the 13th in that month. Three Friday the 13ths in 2012. ;)
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